My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 884: The end of the day (12)

  Chapter 884 The end of the sky (12)

  Jinglian and Su Wu looked at each other and asked him, "What are you looking at?"


  Su Wu shook his head.

   "But what do I need to do?" Jing Lian took two steps forward and stood side by side with Su Wu, with his palms folded in front of his chest, without any relaxation.

  Su Wu did not respond to Jinglian's question.

With a slight movement of his thoughts, the ghost craftsman's sutures that were woven into knots around his wrists came off one after another, and the dzi bead that was bound by the ghost craftsman's sutures was suspended in the air for an instant—Zihong Jieying At this moment, he overlapped with Su Wu's figure, and Su Wu suddenly turned into a tower with hundreds of arms, and stretched out his hand to point at the dzi bead!

  The dzi bead held by Su Wu disintegrated instantly!

  Green ghost eyes spread out in mid-air!

  The ray of Dharma nature polluted by the breath of 'Rinchen Tsampa Corpse' infiltrates the green ghost eyes around it, and floats towards the mountain wall ahead.

  From the cracks winding down from the top of the mountain wall, a purple-red light flows out.

  The crack began to enlarge in the eyes of Su Wu and Jing Lian—both of them had no time to care about each other at this moment, Su Wu first followed the tainted ray of dharma, and stepped into the crack!

   The moment you step into the crack, the world changes!

  Countless blood and corpse water wrapped in huge corpses, gathered in the sky.

  Under the purple sky,

  The two mountains and cliffs are parallel to the end of the sky!

  On the cliff, a pair of wooden rafts are nailed to the mountain wall. On each pair of wooden rafts, there are black cloth pockets that are either rotten or just old!

  Wrapped in black cloth pockets are female corpses similar in appearance to the "Rinchen Tsampa Girl Corpse"!

  At this time, all the female corpses opened their miserable green eyes, and turned their gazes to Su Wu who had stepped into the "world of a line of sky" one step at a time!

  The breath of 'Rinchen Zambaru' is filling this world of the sky!

   The icy biting chill burst out in an instant!

   Click! Click! Click!

The eyes of the female corpses on the wooden raft blinked, their clothes were torn, and the dehydrated and air-dried corpses were filled with the breath of 'Rinchen Tsambaru', and became full and full again—one by one carrying On the skin of Rinchen Tsangbaru's breath corpse, there are green ghost eyes all over the place!

  In the world of a line of sky, except for the purple-red corpse water flowing violently on the zenith, everything below it has turned into a world of green ghost eyes!

   Click! Click! Click!

  The green ghost's eyes blinked crazily, and Su Wu's figure was reflected in each eye!

  In the blinking of these ghost eyes, the mountain walls on both sides seemed to be eaten away by 'nothingness', constantly missing!

  'Nothingness' spread rapidly towards Su Wu, the void around him, and the 'road' under his feet, which consisted of scorched corpses, were all eaten by this 'Nothingness', and quickly disappeared!

  The ray of dharmata polluted by the breath of 'Rinchen Zambaru' took the opportunity to float forward!


The boiling purple-red robbery around Su Wu superimposed on himself in an instant, and he turned into a towering tower, stretched out hundreds of arms, and while moving forward at high speed, opened his arms to grab the tainted strand of dharma. sex-

   "Om ah hum!

  Ban Za Gulu Pa Ma Siddhi Hum! "

  At this moment, the 'Wrathful Guru Rinpoche Mantra' resounded.

  The scarlet flame stream spreads successively on the long road of scorched corpses that are constantly being eaten away, clusters of lotus buds grow out of the flame stream, and the lotus buds are continuously lifted upwards, forming a 'ladder' that reaches the end of a line of sky!

  Jinglian in a bright yellow monk robe stepped on the blossoming red lotus and climbed up the stairs!

  His figure passed by Su Wu's side—

With a smile on Jing Lian's face, she turned around and looked at Su Wu who was grabbing at the tainted ray of dharma, and said, "My disciple Yuan Kong, you have already entered the 'door', and you still need this What are tickets for?

  Let the teacher keep this ticket on your behalf! "

   As soon as the voice fell!

  The fine lotus pinches the 'Great Light Seal', and behind him a branch of red lotus is propped open, setting off the wrathful Guru Rinpoche who is peaceful and angry!

  The Guru Rinpoche stepped on the eighteen wild boars of the evil way, stood upright in the void, and there was an immortal dharma running through it!

  A big crimson palm print instantly rose up, and in the center of the palm print, a wisp of Guru Rinpoche's dharma-nature circled endlessly—the palm print instantly swept across the void, grabbing at the dharma-nature polluted by Rinchen Tsangpalu's breath!

   Click click click click click!

  The surrounding void was quickly eroded!

  Glowing green eyes grew out on the edge of nothingness, surrounding and covering the big red palm print!

The crimson flame stream from the other end to this end is gathered behind Jinglian in the "Wrathful Guru Rinpoche's Silence and Wrath", and he closes his own Dharma Realm, and the Dharma seal in his hand becomes the "Inner Lion Seal"—the breath of Lu Mu in that way The surrounding area of ​​the big scarlet palm print twitched, wisps of strange rhymes emanating from it!

   Another glowing green eyes appeared around the big red palm print.

  The moment the many "Auras of Lu" turned into fierce and treacherous ones appeared, the many green eyes transformed by Rinchen Zambaru's aura stopped blinking, and froze in the void for an instant!

  The big scarlet palm print suddenly grasped the polluted dharma—


  Su Wu opened his mouth and burst into thunder!

A layer of golden lacquer covered his back, and in an instant it grew into the "front of the Golden Buddha" - the tower suddenly turned around, and the front of the Golden Buddha held up a sword formed by overlapping talisman and cloud splendens characters, and the sword shone on Jinglian's body. The big scarlet palm print slashed over!

   "I will be a solemn Buddha land!"

   There are Sanskrit sounds singing at the same time!

  The big crimson palm print froze in the void for an instant, and layers of golden paint covered the palm print, making it the most 'serious' embellishment—

   "Om! Wah! What! Ba! Mi! Hum!"

  Jinglian's face was gloomy, and her gestures changed again!

   Behind him, the "Wrathful Guru Rinpoche's image of tranquility and wrath" turns into the face of a compassionate Buddha in one breath!

  Majestic Buddha light shines everywhere!

  The big scarlet palm print, which had been frozen for a moment, suddenly mentioned the tainted dharma, and used that dharma to meet the true martial arts rhyme that was slashing towards the front of the Golden Buddha!

  A vertical mark suddenly appeared!

  In the vertical marks, countless cloud splendens and talismans passed by, actually tangential to the polluted dharma!

  Jinglian's face was shocked: "This thing is not easy to come by - how can you simply cut it off?"

   Capture the big crimson palm print that has been polluted by dharma, and it dissipates in an instant!

  'Facing the Golden Buddha' shook his sword. Abruptly withdrawing the sword—the vertical marks disappeared without a trace, a Jieying arm stretched out instantly, once again fixed the tainted aura, fixed it as a sky bead, and held it in the palm—Su Wu then turned around, behind his back The 'Skin of Zunjia Youneng' turned into light spots and dissipated away.

  His figure is chasing after the red lotus that is stretching to the end of the sky!

  —Rinchen Zambaru’s aura resumed circulation, and countless green eyes blinked, eating away at the two mountain walls and devouring the long road of scorched corpses under Su Wu’s feet!

  Jing Lian looked at the figure of Yuan Kong who was running wildly and seemed to be in a panic, but his face was gloomy, and there was no joy.

  He took a look at Su Wu, stopped staying, and ran towards the end of the sky!

   Click click click click click!

  There is nothingness behind Su Wu!

   On the edge of the 'nothingness', there are countless glowing green eyes blinking wildly, making the nothingness spread wildly like a desert, submerging the 'oasis' where he can stay!

  He ran wildly, and the shadows had no effect here!

   When he finally broke away from the edge of 'nothingness', he stretched out his left arm, reached into the turbulent sea of ​​hidden sources here, and pushed open the door!

  A scarlet figure with naked eyes walked out of the door!

  The door to the source is closed!

  That figure standing behind Su Wu—on the edge of nothingness—turned into a monument of flesh and blood!

  The countless glowing green eyes on the edge of nothingness suddenly froze in place!

  Su Wu increased his speed, getting farther and farther away from the 'Edge of Nothingness', and getting closer to a certain lotus holding the lotus!

His Jieying fell off from his body and connected to the monument of flesh and blood on the other side—the monument of flesh and blood turned into a red figure again, rushing into Jieying, and Jieying gathered back in an instant. With a lift of Su Wu's figure, he completely caught up with Jinglian's figure!

   In front of the two of them, the 'One Line of Sky and the End of the World' has appeared!

  In the purple-red sky, countless corpses are churning in the **** corpse water!

  The sky extends downwards, encompassing the whole world.

In this world, there are no high mountains, and there is no long road leading to the end of the sky. Master Nohon has constructed a long road leading to the end of the sky in this world in a treacherous way—and the road that always obscures According to everyone's perception, the mountain walls standing on both sides of the long road are actually two huge, condensed blood clots!

   Now, Su Wu has come to the end of the sky, only to see the true appearance of this "one-line sky world"!

——A pale head stands under the purple-red sky, it is 'embedded' in the purple-red sky, it is not covered by the **** corpse water, it is not clustered together like other objects, forming a huge 'pregnant woman corpse' ', but independent of many corpses, embedded in the blood sea corpse water, forming a 'crack' in this world!

  The blood sea corpse water seems to contain the pale head, but in fact they are blocked behind the crack by the pale head.

  What Su Wu, Jing Lian and the others saw was nothing but the manifestation of the pale head's 'thoughts'.

   Only by 'moving' this huge head, can you enter the crack and enter the real world where corpses gather together!

  The world where the square corpses gather together may be the 'Kunlun Haiyuan'!

  —Su Wu sensed 'emptiness' at the end of the sky.

  'Air' contains Kunlun Haiyuan.

  However, it is impossible for Su Wu today to move this huge head! Even if he and Jinglian can work together, it's impossible to do it!

  Rinchen Zambaru’s aura flowed out from the celestial cover with a hole in the huge head—that kind of aura, there is a different evolution here.

  The breath that makes everything return to nothingness and makes everything 'disappear' without a sound fills the end of the sky.

Standing here, Su Wu's Jie Ying only slightly touched that kind of breath, and the part that touched that kind of breath disappeared in an instant—even the immortal and immortal Dharma Nature of Guru Rinpoche was also touched by Rinchen Tsan After Baloo's breath, completely disappeared!

Fortunately, that kind of aura just flowed randomly, without any tendency to actively attack people. Su Wu and Jinglian could still carefully avoid that kind of aura. What a dangerous situation!

  (end of this chapter)

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