My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 906: Celestial cycle (12)

  Chapter 906 Tianli Cycle (12)

Su Wu didn't make any further moves to **** the benevolent and happy master who was dragged under the lotus platform of the wrathful Guru Rinpoche. He pinched the seal with his hand, and at the other end of the river of blood winding forward, the crimson figure suppressed by the great rhyme of compassion instantly merged into his body. In the shadow of the river of blood—

  In the blood river, the gourd vine was submerged by Jiying.

  Rolling blood river Jieying churned back, entwined around Su Wu's body!

  Su Wu transformed himself into the canopy true monarch with erect eyes and bronze teeth!

  Four arms sprouted from behind his shoulders, and he was wearing a blood-red armor. In the most original pair of hands, the left hand held a **** golden ruler, and the other held the imperial bell!

  The second pair of arms behind the back, each holding the 'Fang Tian Painting Halberd' and the golden seal formed by the force and killing method.

  The third pair of arms is holding the 'gun' and 'iron chain'.

  Tenpeng Zhenjun appeared in an instant, and the emperor bell in his hand suddenly shook!

when! when! when!

The bell rang, and the time that had been stagnant due to the appearance of the "Great White Umbrella Buddha Mother" resumed its circulation in the sound of the emperor's bell—Tianpeng Zhenjun's figure instantly approached the "Wrathful Guru Rinpoche", holding Fang Tian's painting halberd swept past!

   Behind the wrathful Guru Rinpoche, the Tathagata, covered in red gold, pushed forward with both hands!

  The faces of many formless Buddhas have been transformed into secret treasury Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, principal deities, and protectors of gods and demons, and together with the red-gold Tathagata, push out a palm to Su Wu!

  The big wheel of various colors, enveloping all worlds engulfs the figures of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, bursting out with a ferocious rhyme of compassion, rolling towards Tianpeng Zhenjun like a mountain!


   There was no expression on the bronze face of 'Tianpeng Zhenjun'!

   Fang Tian’s painted halberd in his hand didn’t stop—sweeping it down in an instant!

  All kinds of instruments of torture appear on the figures of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the colorful wheel!

   Guillotine cut down!

  The hammer fell!

  The giant ax fell!

   Click! Click! Click!

  All the phantoms of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas disappeared like smoke!

   The colorful wheel disintegrated into nothingness with the sound of shattering ice!

Behind the wrathful Guru Rinpoche, a hole the size of a house was opened in the center of the chest of the great Sun Tathagata made of pure gold. At this moment, the iron chain in the hands of Tianpeng Zhenjun suddenly twisted away, entangled under the lotus platform. Happy Master's upper body, drag it into the air!

  Tenpeng Zhenjun dragged the half body of Master Renai Huanxi directly through the hole in the center of the chest of the Great Sun Tathagata.

He galloped out of the hole, his body was raised hundreds of feet in an instant, all the magical weapons held by his six arms disappeared, and all three hands grasped the fierce and murderous soldier, the golden mother's heart jingle—Fang Tianhua The halberd fell towards the 'lion-headed Buddha mother Bodhisattva' behind the great day Tathagata!

   Open up the world!

   Landslides and ground cracks!

  The body of the Lion-headed Buddha Mother Bodhisattva is divided into two halves under the painted halberd!

The left half of its body was entangled by an iron chain, and it was dragged into the shadow of the blood river. The right half of its body was wrapped by a big white canopy covered with jet-black iron wires. The white canopy slowly turned and drifted away from the canopy. Zhenjun's farther position—Su Wu suddenly turned his head to look at the big white canopy that covered half of the body of the Lion-headed Buddha Mother Bodhisattva, and two heads grew out on his left and right shoulders.

  The three heads shouted coldly: "Do you dare to reach out?!

  The time of death is approaching! "

   It's a word!

  The 'big white umbrella' covering half of the body of the lion-headed Buddha mother Bodhisattva, heard Su Wu's words, the umbrella cover trembled a few times, and slowly let go of the lion-headed Buddha mother Bodhisattva under the umbrella—

   "What are you afraid of him?!"

   Master Jinglian Huasheng shouted loudly!

The image of the Great Sun Tathagata with a big hole in his chest turned abruptly, facing the canopy true king, the "Wrathful Guru Rinpoche" who gathered the essence of the lotus, sat cross-legged in the hole in the Great Sun Tathagata's chest, clasped his hands together, and opened his mouth. Lei Yin: "Om Ah Hum, Ban Za Gulu Pa Ma Siddhi Hum!"

  With a sound of thunder, solemn Buddha singing will be played in all directions!




The wild and compassionate rhyme is surrounded by the green eyes of the mother of Lu. Behind the big white umbrella covering the mother of the Buddha, a majestic face of the Buddha of compassion suddenly condenses. The Buddha's face opens its eyes, and in the dark eye sockets, there are countless green eyes. Each green eye turned to a different direction, illuminating everything—an invisible arm stretched out from the void, and grabbed the clothes and arms of Tianpeng Zhenjun, making Tianpeng Zhenjun's body freeze for a moment!

  The Great White Umbrella Covered the Buddha Mother again contained half of the body of the Lion-Headed Buddha Mother Bodhisattva, and then the Compassionate Buddha opened his mouth to swallow the two completely—


  The bronze-like head on Zhenjun Tianpeng's left shoulder changed suddenly, and his indistinct facial features changed into the appearance of Su Wu. His lips moved, and he uttered a syllable!

   Silent white light spread out in an instant!

  Countless figures of 'Tianpeng Zhenjun' appeared in every moment of the past, future, and present, and every figure of Tianpeng Zhenjun raised six arms high and held a **** banner flying spear!

  The six-armed spear was raised, and the spear was thrown out suddenly!

  Among the white light, time was pierced at this moment!

The spear entwined with the cold and silent Dahua Origin, dragging the smear of dead red, pierced through the void in an instant, passed through the stagnant time, and directly pierced the big white canopy covered with pitch-black iron wires, pierced the big white umbrella Half of the body of the lion-headed Buddha Mother Bodhisattva covered by the cover!


  Rolling in the origin of Dahua, it seems that arms are stretched out, grabbing the pierced big white canopy Buddha mother, lion head Buddha mother Bodhisattva, and dragging them to the origin of Dahua!

The face of the compassionate Buddha saw that the big white umbrella covering the Buddha mother and the lion head Buddha mother Bodhisattva were snatched away from his mouth. His face was cold, and pale arms grew out of its eye sockets, ears, nostrils, and mouth. Instead of catching the Great White Umbrella Buddha Mother and the Lion Head Buddha Mother Bodhisattva who were dragged by the source of Dahua, they kept drawing on the 'tongue' protruding from the compassionate Buddha's face!

   That tongue, this one is not a tongue, but a book cut out of pale leather!

  Those arms, each arm has a light or thick strand of dharma nature, and each strand of dharma nature is inextricably linked to Jinglian's "Wrath Guru Rinpoche"!

Jinglian has lived in Daxueshan Temple for thousands of years, and every time she turns to practice, she can more or less come into contact with the "dharma nature", and even many monks in the "Guru Rinpoche Division" who regard "Wrathful Guru Rinpoche" as their deity Here, there are very few people who have come into contact with the dharma nature, and this individual is also a large number!

Now, he collected the strands of dharma, which may be shallow or rich, and used the dharma as the "pen and ink", and wrote the prophecy in "Da Ji Zang": "September 22, 2030 in the solar calendar day.

  The person that everyone in the secret possession region hates, fought against the mother's most beloved son, Jinglian!

He cut off the three manifestations of Jinglian, took away half of Jinglian's first retribution body "Lion Head Buddha Mother Bodhisattva", and penetrated Jinglian's second retribution body "Great White Umbrella Buddha Mother" with the source of great transformation And the other half of the first sambhogakaya Lion-headed Bodhisattva—

  But the Dahua origin of his orders can only take away Li Guihua's two great sacrificial bodies, the Jinglian!

  He cannot take away the dharmata hidden in the sambhogakaya!

  That Dharma Nature will eventually be used by Jinglian!

  That Dharma Nature will eventually be used by Jinglian! "

This prophecy, written with strands of dharma as pen and ink, was fixed after it was written in that pale book, and "Da Ji Zang" did not make any revisions to it-this prophecy only made the current reality biased. Shifting one point, just shifting this point, "Da Ji Zang" can still do it-even if it has lost the most weird "third page"-that contains a ray of "not on this shore, not on the other shore, not in the air" The third page of The Power!

  Dahua Yuanyuan dragged away the other half of the Lion Head Buddha Mother Bodhisattva and the Great White Canopy Buddha Mother—

  On the two fine lotus retribution bodies, there is a strong charm!

  The pale arms growing out of the face, eyes, ears, mouth and nose of the Compassionate Buddha have all been absorbed by the "Da Ji Zang" to remove their dharmata, and they have disappeared without a trace.

  The Compassionate Buddha opened his mouth, and suddenly two rows of sharp teeth appeared in his mouth, and the sharp teeth knocked up and down!

In front of the Buddha's face, there emerged two female figures, their facial features were blurred, their figures were slim and graceful, wisps of dharma nature entwined on the souls of both of them, pulling them into the compassionate Buddha uncontrollably In the articulateness of the noodles, it was instantly chopped, chewed, and swallowed!

   A layer of rainbow light is endlessly growing behind the head of the compassionate Buddha face!

  In the eyes of the Buddha's face, the image of "Wrathful Guru Rinpoche" emerged!

  The main body of Dainichi Tathagata facing Su Wu instantly dissolves and disappears here!

  The wrathful Guru Rinpoche in the eyes of the Buddha's face stared at the Canopy Supreme Lord on the other side, with a cold smile on his face: "Yuan Kong, you can never imagine now, I have already realized emptiness!

  Even though my body has gone through numerous kalpas and my dharma is polluted, I still cultivate my dharma to such a state of rainbow transformation!

  How can you beat me? ! "

Multiple rainbow lights swirl like a vortex, enveloping the compassionate Buddha's face in it, and the wrathful Guru Rinpoche in the eyes of the Buddha's face, soaked by this rainbow light, suddenly turns into a blurred form, surrounded by various colors of rainbow light. Formed silhouettes!

   This human figure does not exist in the observation of the human eye, nor in the induction of the mind, but only exists under the observation of the dharma!

   It leaps away for a moment—

   Break away from the present moment, and go back to a certain moment in the past!

As it looks back to a certain moment in the past—the appearances of Guru Rinpoche cut off by Su Wu, and the two great bodies that were dragged into the origin of Dahua, they all fell off from Su Wu’s suppression and returned to that way. Jinglianhong incarnation!

   "I will look back to the past and freeze the moment when I was the strongest!

  I will always exist in that moment!

  Yuan Kong, how do you beat me? !

  How can you kill me? !

Ha ha ha ha-"

   Guru Rinpoche gathered around Tianpeng Zhenjun in an instant, each transformation burst into wild laughter!


  After Jinglian's "Dharma Nature Rainbow Transformation", she has the terrifying ability to go back to the past, freeze a certain self in the past, and complete the overlap with the real self!

  Tianpeng Zhenjun listened to Jinglian's roar.

  The three heads looked quiet.

  The six arms pinched the Dharma Seal, and True Monarch Tianpeng instantly returned to Su Wu's original body.

Su Wu sat cross-legged in the center of all transformations, and sighed lowly: "Jinglian, your strongest moment exists in the 'Kunlun Haiyuan'—how, you are going to return to that self and meet the Queen Mother of the West ?

  And, do you think that Yuankong is not this Yuankong, that Yuankong’s method, you can practice it with confidence?

  You stole my disciple's 'Buddha Mahamudra Dharma', and practiced the rainbow transformation of this dharma nature.

   Do you think you can beat me? "

  (end of this chapter)

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