My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 919: Hurricane (22)

  Chapter 919 Hurricane (22)

  In the cockpit of an aircraft.

  Su Wu sat on the front seat, and Lunzhu sat beside him, opening the cabin curtains from time to time, looking curiously at the long clouds outside the window.

  After Su Wu, Dan Jia sat in the same row as Yun Nishang.

  Chen Xu, Ji Hong, Fang Yuan and others sat in the back rows.

   "Do you want to eat it?" Lunzhu picked up the croissant on the dining table in front of him and handed it to Su Wu next to him, "This is very sweet and delicious."

  Su Wu shook his head: "I won't eat it. You can eat more if you like it."


  Auntie nodded, and gulped down the croissant into her stomach, then picked up a glass of orange juice on the table, and drank it into her stomach tons and tons.

  As Su Wu's first robbery, she was born on the basis of luck, and no longer needed any food to maintain her own life, but she still retained her 'desire for appetite'.

  —Lunzhu likes all sweet food.

  Yesterday, she had already eaten three creamy chocolate cakes and drank several cups of milk tea by herself. If she hadn't known that Sister A is already inhuman, Su Wu would really be worried that Sister would damage her body and suffer from diseases if she overeats like this.

   Sitting behind Su Wu, Dan Jia and Yun Nishang quietly pricked up their ears, listening to the conversation between Su Wu and Lunzhu.

  Yun Nishang hesitated, and was about to ask Lun Zhu if he needed to order some more food, but Lun Zhu turned to Su Wu beside him and said, "How long do we have to sit?

  I don't want to sit anymore.

  Let's go down for a walk. "

   "..." Yun Nishang did not speak.

  Su Wu patiently explained to Lunzhu: "It will take about half an hour to get there.

   We can go down and walk—what about the people behind us? How do they go down? "

  The people who followed Su Wu to the station of the Mingzhou Weird Countermeasures Department this time, besides Dan Jia and Zhuoma Zunsheng, there were five people including Yun Nishang and Fang Yuan who had previously accommodated the incomplete Huang level Li Gui.

  With the help of Lunzhu's robbery, they can fully display the strength of the five great wilderness-level fierce transformations, and they don't need Su Wu to dispatch them in the middle, and they don't need extra distraction.

Because Ruan Shaoqiang is the only terminally ill member of the Conspiracy Bureau on the list, he got this opportunity to accommodate the incomplete and barren-level Li Gui. After the accommodation was completed, Su Wu did not ask him to also participate in handling the 'Mingzhou Incident', but he He insisted on following, but Su Wu did not stop him.

  Lunzhu thought for a while, and said to Su Wu: "I can take them down for a walk."

  She looked at Su Wu, and said again: "But if you don't want to do this, then you won't leave.

   Wait another half an hour, that's fine. "

  Su Wu smiled.

  He closed his eyes and calmed down.

  My sister helped him put on the blindfold, and then opened the curtains, looking at the thick clouds outside the window, and the densely packed urban buildings under the clouds, she was in a daze for a while.

  The atmosphere in the cockpit became quiet.

  Yun Nishang carefully looked at Dan Jia beside her who also closed her beautiful eyes, and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say it.

   More than half an hour later, the plane landed at the dedicated airport.

  Several cars were already waiting at the airport, picked up Su Wu and his party, and drove away to the station.

  In the dark MPV car.

   "Since the end of the call yesterday, has there been any new changes in the Mingzhou-Longshanji area?" Su Wu sat in the co-pilot seat and asked the driver beside him.

  Behind him, Lunzhu, Danga and others sat in the second and third rows of seats.

  The driver looked nervous, and immediately replied after hearing the sound: "There is still a new situation.

  Bureau Su, the road from the airport to our station is not very flat, and my hair will occasionally spread out to this area. If something happens later, my drive may be bumpy—"

   Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Wu shaking his head: "It doesn't matter, the most important thing is to avoid danger. But the speed of the car is a bit slow now."

   "Now the surrounding area is no man's land, not to mention other cars and pedestrians, even a dog can't be seen, I have no problem driving so fast... Ah, do you think the speed of the car is a bit slow?

It's already 140 yards—" Seeing that the handsome man beside him didn't seem to be as terrifying as his colleagues had rumored, he relaxed a little and opened his mouth to say a few words, only to realize that he was going to be wrong about Su Wu in the middle of the sentence Meaning, he looked a little embarrassed and laughed a few times.

   "Sister, ask Fang Yuan to drive, follow me, and don't leave the team." Su Wu turned her head and said to Lun Zhu who was sitting behind her.

  Lunzhu looked blank: "Who is Fang Yuan?"

   "King Kong in the sea."

   "Oh." Lunzhu stretched out his hand, and a circle of snow-white and transparent hair automatically wrapped around his index finger.

  The wispy hair pierced into the darkness and disappeared instantly.

   In the off-road vehicle that followed Su Wu's vehicle, Fang Yuan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, smiled and said to the driver: "Friend, let me drive the car instead."

   "This area is already a creepy spillover area.

  Our drones have detected weird activities here several times. You don’t know that walking around in this area may cause problems. "The driver sent by the Weird Countermeasures Department hesitated.

   "There will be no problem. I will go with Bureau Su." Fang Yuan said with a smile, and black water flowed out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, covering the carriage in an instant.

  Before the driver knew it, he had already sat in the driver's seat and switched places with the driver.

  He looked forward. At the moment when he switched places with the driver, the car in front was already lifted by red arms, flew up, and quickly disappeared from the scene!

  Fang Yuan could no longer see the tail lights of the car in front.

   But he could see that snow-white and transparent hair, winding in a certain direction.

  Holding the steering wheel with both hands—a burst of coldness and treachery lingered in the car, everything in the car turned gray and white, and the scenery outside the car window turned into black and white interlaced light strips!

  Su Wu was still leaning on the co-pilot seat and didn't move.

The driver looked at the blood shadows intertwined outside the window, and then turned back, watching the pointer of the speedometer on the instrument panel wipe from '120' to the right, pointing to the maximum speed of 260 in an instant, while the speedometer on the left , the pointer directly crossed the last red area, and there was a feeling of rushing out of the watch frame!

   "Project the images of the nearby areas detected by the drone onto the screen of the car." Su Wu spoke.

"Okay!" The driver responded quickly, frantically operating the car-machine system. However, he had just pressed his finger on the screen, and before he could make any operations - the screen had automatically displayed pieces that looked like surveillance images. Area, in each divided area, there are images detected by drones from time to time and sent back in real time.

  The driver retracted his fingers and scratched his head.

Su Wu squinted at the real-time images on the screen of the car. After a minute of silence, the real-time monitoring suddenly started from the middle area, and turned red one by one, and the faint red flooded towards the monitoring area in the corner. —Su Wu's car is in this monitoring area!

  At the same time when the picture turned red, clumps of black hair appeared in the sky reflected in the picture.

  The black hair quickly covered the entire area in pitch black, rushing towards the monitoring area in the corner like a black tide!

  When the driver saw the change in the monitoring screen, his hair stood on end in horror, "The hair is overflowing, the hair is approaching, the hair is approaching!"

  He frantically swung the steering wheel!

  Su Wu sat upright, staring at the black that covered the surveillance screen—

  Lunzhu, Danjia, and Zhuoma Zunsheng behind them suddenly became serious and sat upright.

   "The power of robbery is very strong.

   If we don't avoid it, we won't die.

   But the one who opened the iron box couldn't bear it. " Lunzhu said out loud.

   "Then avoid it first." Su Wu glanced at the driver beside him, two blood-red shadow arms grew out of the void behind the driver, held the steering wheel, and turned suddenly—

A large area of ​​mixed red and black monitoring area is far away from the car screen, and new monitoring images are continuously arranged on the screen. The red and black that occupies more than half of the car screen suddenly shrinks to the top corner, and from the bottom The upper corner is completely gone.

  The driver was covered in sweat before he realized that he had already walked through the gate of hell!

   "I, my colleague..." He said with a trembling voice, his lips slightly white.

   "It's right behind, look in the rearview mirror." Su Wu replied.

  The driver raised his eyes to look in the rearview mirror, and sure enough, he saw another off-road vehicle appearing in mid-air at the rear in an instant. The black and white on the off-road vehicle, like an old photo, gradually receded, and the black and shiny body was restored.

   "Is the station ahead?" Su Wu asked the driver.

  The driver came back to his senses and raised his eyes to look forward.

   Watching the car slowly 'falling' and landing on a road.

  At the end of the road, the village area formed by rows of one-story houses and small second-story buildings came into view.

   "Yes, yes, yes!" The driver replied with a sigh of relief, "This is the station—I didn't realize it, and I arrived there in a blink of an eye. Have you ever been here, Bureau Su?"

  Su Wu shook his head.

  ‘How do you know this is the resident if you haven’t been here before? '

  The driver held back the question that almost blurted out, grinned, and slowly released the pedal, the speed of the car also gradually decreased, and gradually dropped back to about 50.

  Su Wu looked at the driver beside him, but did not speak.

  —Actually, he saw all the paths from the airport to the station in the driver's thoughts.

  Two cars slowly drove into the station.

Minister Ren with high cheekbones, sunken cheeks and a tired face, Fang Gan with much grayer hair, and Zhang You, who has lost his big belly, led a group of members of the strange countermeasures department. Standing at the entrance of the village, they saw two cars driving slowly. Entering, while a little surprised, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

   "I know that Lao Li and Lao Chen are very good at driving, but I didn't expect them to be so good.

   Director Su, whom we have been longing for and looking forward to, has been sent here so soon! "Minister Ren watched the doors of the second row open slowly. He greeted him with a smile on his face and spoke, but he saw that the seats in the second row and the third row behind him were not the Su that he had been looking forward to. In the afternoon, but a few beautiful women.

  Minister Ren had a question mark in his head.

  (end of this chapter)

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