My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 936: Taboo (22)

  Chapter 936 Taboo (22)

   Inoko's biological father left in a hurry with his new wife.

  The people in the room also fell silent.

Among the several old men surrounded by Su Wu's bed, the taller one looked at the signed document on the table. The tall old man showed satisfaction, and he took out a bunch of copper coins from his sleeve. Distributed to those few monks and Taoist priests, said in the mouth: "It's a little thing, I hope you don't think too little.

   In the future, when I ask you eminent monks and masters, please don't refuse. "

   "Li benefactor is benevolent, we Guanyinyan will never refuse any request!"

   "The same goes for our White Dragon Temple!"

  After the copper coins were distributed, someone sent a group of monks and Taoist priests away.

  The room was originally crowded with people, but as the monks and Taoist priests left, the people who watched the excitement dispersed, and the main room was suddenly mostly empty. The tall old man who gave money to the monks and Taoist priests before, looked at the old woman who was holding the palm of her grandson and wiping her tears, his voice softened a little, and he said in a low voice: "Jin Cai, don't be sad...

  Our old Li's family has always been underpopulated.

  In my generation, there are finally five brothers, but among the five of us, only the third child has an only son, and the grandson 'Hei Hu' comes after him. Apart from that, there is no second offspring.

  It is a good thing that Zhuzi is adoptive to our Li family.

Now there is a famine, and people are starving to death everywhere—our five families have saved up a little bit of wealth, and this bit of wealth will be black tigers and pigs in the future, and they will not be hungry. In times of famine, we can have enough food. How lucky is this?

   What's more, it's not a bad thing for his father to break up with him.

  We all know that you feel sorry for this baby at a young age, his mother died early, and his father doesn't pay much attention to him, but now there are still a few of our brothers, and you?

  His father broke up with him. He became the son of our Li family. His father will definitely not be able to ask him to come here in the future. Just his father may cause some trouble in the future. "

  The tall old man talked for a while, and the rest of the old people also followed suit.

Seeing that the old woman's emotions gradually calmed down, the tall old man looked at Su Wu who was on the bed, with a smile on his face: "Boy, it's easy, just go to the back street 'Li's House' and look for me. I will give you my name." Record the family tree!"

   "Yes! After you're done, I'll teach you boxing!"

   "Our old Li family's family's 'Ban Er Ba Zi Fist' is very powerful. When someone sneaks up, a slap can knock out half of his teeth!"

   Several old men spoke out one after another.

  Su Wu looked at the figures of several old people, and already found that these people were much taller and stronger than other Qing people in the middle and young age.

  Under the earnest eyes of several old men, he nodded in agreement.

   "Hey..." The tall old man grinned, took out another piece of silver, and handed it to the black-robed foreign priest who had been silent all the time, "Foreign Taoist, this is your share.

  Thank you very much, if you didn’t chant scriptures for our pig, we don’t know when he would wake up. "

  The foreign Taoist priest with reddish-brown hair, darker complexion, and brown eyes took the silver handed over by the old man, with a wider smile on his face, and he stuttered and said: "My, it's easy.

  I saved it, the kid.

   Do you consider joining our Great Qin Sect? "

  The expressions of the people in the room changed upon hearing this.

  The tall old man who gave the money shook his head repeatedly: "I'll give you the money too, let's settle the dispute, let's forget about the Great Qin Sect.

  Foreign Taoist priests, it’s almost time for lunch, you should go back to your temple to eat fast, go back quickly! "

   As he spoke, he separated the foreign Taoist with his arms and pushed him outside the room.

The smile on the foreign Taoist priest’s face remained unchanged, his eyes fell on Su Wu’s face, holding the scriptures in his hands, while retreating outside the house, he said with a half-smile: “The matter is not... over, your family will still, please. to mine.

   Let’s think about it, think about it…

   After thinking it over carefully, come to Daqin Temple to find me.

  —The evil here has not been dispelled! "

  His speech was broken.

  The face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling suddenly became clear in the alternation of light and dark, and then suddenly became blurred.

  The old woman sitting by the bed, and the old men who pushed the foreign Taoist outside, seemed not to have heard the foreign Taoist, only Su Wu who was on the bed heard his every word.

  Su Wu looked at the foreign Taoist who was about to be pushed out the door, his mental energy was gurgling, his lips did not move, but there were Sanskrit sounds everywhere in the void: "Om!"

   A series of illusory roulette wheels were spinning around Su Wu's body!

  He did not enter this simulation with his real body, so he lost all means.

   Even the 'Eight Consciousness Heart King' has been greatly restricted.

However, even this greatly restricted 'Eight Consciousness Heart King' is enough for Su Wu to use to get a glimpse of the reality of that foreign Taoist priest—the Chongchong light wheel instantly contained the house, and included the foreign Taoist priest. In the light wheel.

  The foreign Taoist priest in a black robe, gradually discolored and dissipated all the pretense in the roulette of various colors of light. Among Su Wu’s Eight Consciousness Heart Kings, this foreign Taoist priest directly returned to nothingness and vanished!

  Su Wu's pupil jumped suddenly!

   At the moment when the foreign Taoist priest disappeared in the Heart King of Eight Consciousnesses, a criss-crossing cross-shaped crack suddenly appeared in his Heart King of Eight Consciousnesses, and the cross-shaped crack suddenly expanded——

   Tore apart the world of light wheels of various colors evolved by Su Wu!

  In the cracks of the cross, there are countless gullies, and the great horror is buried in the gullies, and it is difficult to see its true face—only the strong charm suddenly unfolds at this moment!


  A cross-shaped crack accompanied by a strong and strange rhyme was reflected on Su Wu's body.

  The crack expanded in all directions—tearing his whole body apart suddenly!


"you are dead."

   "This simulation is over."

   "Rating: None.


  Darkness covered the surroundings, and Su Wu was in the darkness. Seeing the huge dial turning slowly and floating in the air, his eyes danced for a while, and finally calmed down gradually.

   "It's not normal..." Su Wu whispered to himself.

That foreign Taoist looked at him abnormally, with some kind of unspeakable meaning, as if he had known Su Wu from the very beginning—but this was the first time Su Wu had entered the "past life of the jade pendant's designated causal master". How could the foreign Taoist know him? !

And, when Su Wu was using the 'Eight Consciousness Heart King' to try to get a glimpse of the truth, the foreign Taoist priest directly turned into nothingness in his Eight Consciousness Heart King, as if this 'foreign Taoist priest' did not exist from the very beginning. People, non-existent things, there is no cause and effect in the world at all—if only this is the case, then after the disappearance of the foreign Taoist priest, a cross-shaped crack appeared...

  The cross-shaped crack tore apart Su Wu's consciousness in the simulated time and space.

  The level of terror it displayed was definitely not something that foreign Taoist could bear or accommodate.

  It seemed to be stuck at that time node, just waiting for this opportunity to tear Su Wu's consciousness in the simulated time and space, forcing him to exit the simulated time and space!

  However, even if one's own consciousness is torn apart, what if one exits the simulated time and space?

  I can also enter the simulation with consciousness again—the cross crack stays in that 'opportunity', waiting for myself, what is the meaning of giving myself 'come here'?

  That crack, could it be to force myself to quit the simulation?

   After exiting this simulation, can I no longer enter this simulation time and space, or even use the simulator?

  Su Wu thought about this, and when he was about to enter the simulated time and space again, the dense darkness around him rippled like water, and a female voice came into the darkness: "Su Wu, Su Wu..."

  The female voice was full of anxiety: "Something happened outside!"

   "Mingzhou Ligui is suspected of being seriously spilled, and it has fully recovered!"

  —This is the voice of Yun Nishang!

  Yun Nishang called out to Su Wu in reality!

  Su Wu's mind was shocked, and he quit the simulation in an instant!

in reality.

  The crimson light outside the window reflected large chaotic red spots on the curtains, like red ink smudged on a painted painting, and a little red light leaked into the dark room through the gap between the curtains and the window.

  A shadow arm grew out from Su Wu's body, grabbed the opposite portal of hell, and dragged it into the shadow world!

   At the same time, Su Wu had already appeared outside the living room!

  The beautiful red light flooded the originally dark blue sky.

  In the crimson, the stars are gone.

The red light covered Yun Nishang's body, and immeasurable white light rose behind her, and the evil guru of the "Master of Light" opened the big sun wheel behind her for a moment—the big sun wheel was also dimmed for a moment, and the red light drowned 'Guru Bright'.

   "Su Wu..."

  Embroidery threads intertwined and broke at Yun Nishang's neck.

  She was pale.

  Su Wu embraced her in his arms, and his figure instantly melted into the messy shadows all over the ground.

  But in the shadow world, there are also red lanterns hanging high everywhere.

  The entire shadow world is black and red.

The red color block gradually expanded, submerging the black, Su Wu ran wildly in the black shadow gradually submerged by the red light, his skin gradually turned pale, and human faces grew out from all parts of his skin. The red light completely flooded the shadow world, and when it covered Su Wu's body, the faces of those Yuan emperors opened their mouths one after another, screaming silently—


  The red lanterns spinning around in the sky were suddenly pulled by a terrifying suction force, and instantly attached to Su Wu's body!

  Su Wu's whole body was full of faces of Emperor Yuan, and he opened his mouth, swallowing those red lanterns!

   They closed their eyes and mouths tightly, and fell into silence!

  The world full of crimson has returned to normal during this period of time!

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Su Wu walked through the shadows and left the courtyard!

  On the village road outside the courtyard, Lunzhu was carrying a monument of flesh and blood on her back, and the river of blood continued to expand under her feet. The raging force of the catastrophe was about to exceed the limit she could bear!

   That kind of robbery power is still soaring!

  (end of this chapter)

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