My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 941: Prescription (12)

  Chapter 941 Prescription (12)

  In front of the dark and dark alleyway, there is a row of trash cans.

   All kinds of kitchen waste piled up in the trash can have been rotted into ashes, and only a lot of plastic bags are left flying all over the ground.

  Su Wu ignited crimson flames all over his body, and walked into the alley with the emergency cans in his arms.

  There is sewage flowing out from the bottom of the wall, passing through the alley wantonly, and the foul smell emanating from the sewer, lingering in the entire alley along with the flow of sewage.

   On the telegraph pole at the end of the alleyway, various wires are intertwined on it, and those wires going back and forth divide the dark sky into pieces.

  A street lamp hung on the pole at the end of the alleyway, stubbornly emitting a pale light.

Passing through that alleyway, a large road with half of the cement road and half of the masonry paved road lies across Su Wu's field of vision. The half of the road adjacent to the alley is a cement road. pressure marks.

  The masonry paved road on the opposite side has sunk a lot due to the years of rolling by vehicles.

  Mud and dust cover the broken and collapsed bricks and stones, and many cracks interweave and spread on the paved road, and they will stop abruptly when they approach the other half of the cement road, as if they are "well water does not interfere with river water" with that half of the cement road.

   Near the masonry paved road, there are rows of brick, wood and stone structures.

  It is in stark contrast to the concrete building on the side where Su Wu is located.

  In front of the houses supported by wooden pillars, there are even door panels like ancient shops. The door panels are stacked one after another, blocking the front doors of the shops.

Many houses are squeezed and stacked in a small space. Painted signboards and cloth flags are unevenly decorated on the faces of shops. The painted signboards and the front of the door also shook and creaked.

  'Sanwu Furniture City'.

  'Dongsheng Daqu Liquor-Mingzhou time-honored brand, Dongsheng Liquor for a century'.

  'Lao Lang Pharmacy'.

  'Zhang Wu repairs shoes and mends shoes'.

  Su Wu glanced over the signboards in the form of wooden plaques, banners, or aluminum-plastic sticky lettering, his eyes were a little dignified.

  Shops of different periods and styles are gathered in a small area across the road.

  Is there really such a place in Mingzhou? Su Wu couldn't be sure.

But the current area is the final destination where Jiang Yingying's family came together, and it was also the area that Su Wu was unable to observe through the "Cause and Fruit Magic" at that time, and it was a dark area in his mind. .

He opened his eyebrows and ghost eyes for six days, and he could see many buildings on the opposite side of the road "floating and erratic", like shadows in the water, like houses made of paper, blown by the wind - the shadows swayed and twisted, becoming more and more illusory , The paper-tied house is erratic with the wind.

  He observed the building across the road with the "Eight Consciousness Heart King", but he still could only "see" darkness.

  In this 'darkness', there seemed to be shadows in a trance, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

  Yingying's thread of karma parades here and disappears without a trace.

  Su Wu looked back at the emergency canned food in his arms, but the big rooster showed no sign.

   "I went inside." Su Wu said.

  Emergency cans shake the bright red cockscomb, neither negating nor affirming.

No longer trying to find any clues from the emergency can, Su Wu hugged it and stepped onto the big road made of cement road and brick paved road. The moment he stepped on this road, many voices Intensively ringing in his ears—

Jingle Bell!

  It seemed that a bicycle passed by Su Wu lightly.


  The loud whistle of an old-fashioned car passed by Su Wu's ears, and the sound of the whistle seemed to carry the meaning of warning from the owner of the car.


  The bleating of the cow was deep and unhurried, and sounded beside Su Wu.


  All these sounds made Su Wu feel like he was on a busy road.

   But he looked around, where could he see a figure?

  The road was empty, and the voice in Su Wu's ear suddenly disappeared, only the dark wind was crying like complaining.

  He looked down at the emergency can in his arms, and the emergency can also raised his head, turning his head quickly, looking around, it observed the surrounding for a while, and then fell silent again.

  The street lights on the telephone pole behind him suddenly went out.

   In the blocks outside the alleyway, there are no more neon lights.

   All light sources are dimmed.

One after another red lanterns rose at the right time, spreading the crimson light across the gloomy world—the blood-red light rolled through the deep alleyway and spread behind Su Wu. Su Wu was burning with crimson flames. After hesitating again, he stepped across the road and came to the area where many wooden, stone and brick buildings were stacked together, turned around and looked back——

  Red light flowed on the concrete road near the roadway, but it didn't cover the masonry paved road at all.

  ——The law of death and calamity with treacherous eyes cannot cover the area Su Wu is currently in!

  But the treacherous hair is still winding around, shuttling among the dilapidated old shops and houses, without any restrictions.


  Su Wu tried to call the simulator in his heart.

  The strange fluctuation gradually rippled in his heart again, ready to come out—

  Suddenly, the jet-black hair that shuttled between the front halls and back halls of the shops, the corners of the alleys and alleys of the houses suddenly turned back and coiled around Su Wu's body!

   appeared in Su Wu's heart, and the wave that was about to come out suddenly fell silent!

   Clumps of black hair intertwined densely in a shop called "Lao Lang Medicine Shop". In that dim shop, a rattan reclining chair was placed on one side of the high counter.

  On the rattan chair, lay an old man with long braids in a black robe and a melon cap.

  The old man caressed a black cat lying on his stomach.

  The recliner swayed slightly.

  The long braid swayed behind the head of the old man lying on the chair.

  'He' has a white face, thick black eyebrows, and extremely long eyelashes. The dense eyelashes are arranged under the eyelids, like two black eyeliners.

  'He' has vermilion lips, a straight nose, and two smears of purple blush on each cheek.

  The palm protruding from the sleeve of 'him' is also snow white, each finger is in the shape of a square column, and there are clear creases on each finger—exactly the same as every crease on his clothes.

  'He' is a paper man!

The thick, dark long hair was twisted around the black cat lying on the belly of the 'paper man', and the palm of the paper man kept stroking the back of the black cat, straightening out the messy and scattered black hair on its back— All the jet-black long hair flocking towards Su Wu turned around and swam elsewhere, no longer entangled Su Wu!

  Su Wu dragged out the 'Black Dizang' from the darkness with one hand, stared at the paper figurine and black cat on the reclining chair, and walked over.

   Right under his gaze, the paper man on the recliner suddenly disappeared.

Only the black cat suddenly raised its face at this moment—a pale, wrinkled old woman's face looked at Su Wu with a smile, and when it opened its mouth, it showed its wobbly yellow teeth: "You are so brave." It's huge—"


  The black cat's low growl suddenly sounded like a demonstration!

  Su Wu chased into the 'Lao Lang Pharmacy', the black cat on the reclining chair had jumped out, flashed into an alley connected to the drugstore, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye!

  The deck chair wobbled, proving that what Su Wu saw was not a hallucination.

   Now that Su Wu has cultivated into the "Eight Consciousness Heart King", most of Li Gui can no longer create any illusions in his mind. If he cooperates with the "Six Heavens Ghost Eye", even the disaster-level Li Gui will never let him have illusions in his mind.

  But this area is very strange right now, it is an area that cannot be seen by the eyes of 'sly eyes'.

   According to Su Wu's speculation, "Fat Sly" is much weaker than "Eye Sly", but its law of death and calamity can walk through this area unscrupulously. It can be seen that Eye Sly and Fat Sly can no longer be used as the basis for judging the degree of danger here.

  Su Wu's simulator was still unable to successfully summon it here, which further shows that the horror hidden here is not weaker than the 'outside world'. He also needs to be careful here, step by step.

  The recliner gradually stopped shaking.

  A black cloth blanket was spread on the recliner, and the fine rattan became smooth and oily due to long-term contact with human skin. Su Wu picked up the black blanket on the recliner, but didn't notice anything amiss.

  He put down the blanket and went to look at the display on the counter.

  There is a row of large jars on the counter, two medicine mortars and pestles are placed near the middle, and the abacus, weighing pan, pen, ink and paper are placed in the middle of the counter by category.

Su Wu opened several large porcelain jars, and the various medicinal materials stored in them were quickly carbonized and blackened as soon as they came into contact with the air, and turned into ashes. Only the thick medicinal gas overflowed from the jars and deposited on the mold Inside the pharmacy with a strong damp smell.

  Going around behind the counter, Su Wu searched everywhere, but didn't find many valuable clues.

  There is only one 'prescription' on the counter, which is Su Wu's only harvest in the pharmacy.

  Many papers and scrolls piled up on the counter were quickly carbonized and turned into ashes. Only the prescription spread in the center of the counter and pressed by a paperweight was slightly yellow, and did not turn into ashes.

  Su Wu carefully picked up the paperweight, held the prescription in his hand and checked:

'Patient: ..., age..., since Chen Chang was half asleep and half awake, he saw a woman in red hanging from the neck above the beam above his bed and hanged herself. He thought this scene was just a nightmare until midnight one day At that time, he was awakened by the sound of **** crowing, and saw the woman in red with a pale face, her face was close to his, and she was looking at him.

  He was terrified, turned over and got out of bed, and ran away in a hurry.

  Going home after dawn, I went to the pharmacy and asked for help.

  The prescription is as follows:

   Take a bowl of blood from the neck of a hen that crows in the middle of the night at home, and soak it into the underwear.

  After drying the underwear, hang the **** clothes on the beams, and stick the horoscope of his birth date on the back of the clothes. Every day at noon, he stands on the bed, beats the **** clothes with willow branches, and sternly reprimands him to leave.

   Then put a bowl of raw rice on the bedside.

   Repeat this for three days, and the disease will disappear on its own. '

   Recommend a book: "The Diary of the Author of Strange Talk"

   You can go and have a look



  (end of this chapter)

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