My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 957: Consultation fees (12)

  Chapter 957 Consultation fees (12)

"In the world of dreams, although we can't say that we can do whatever we want, we can almost do whatever we want." The strong man grinned and said a few words, then pointed his finger at the paper **** next to Ma Xiangu, paused, and said: "Master Zhao Dao's real face certainly doesn't look like this.

  I casually fabricated this appearance for him—as long as the Master Zhaodao in the dream can slightly affect the eyesight. "

   "You use Master Zhaodao and Fairy Ma that you fabricated in your dreams to restrain the eyes and hairs?" Su Wu asked.

   "I didn't invent Aunt Ma.

  I did collect her residual consciousness—if I could not collect her residual consciousness, I would not be able to use her to fabricate the "Master Zhaodao". "The strong man replied without comment, "After fabricating these two people, I indirectly controlled a part of Fagui, so that Fagui covered this dream world. Under the influence of Master Zhaodao in the dream, Make this heavy dream world free from the 'sight of the eye'.

  The influence of the two cunnings on the dream world has plummeted.

  I also used Fatui to continuously absorb the residual consciousness of those who were about to die under the law of killing with the eyes, Fatui, and Sanqingzhi, so that they could settle down in the dream world.

  These residual consciousnesses live in the ‘thousands of ravines’.

  The myriad ravines in the dream world all revolve around the 'Dragon Valley' on the bright side and the 'East Saint Winery Cellar' on the dark side.

  All the remnants of consciousness here go, stay, and turn around, all through the 'Longgou'.

  You have also taken the 'Longgou Elevator', you should know what it means, right? "

  The strong man looked at Su Wu.

  Su Wu nodded.

  'Longgou' is the main axis of the dream world here, and it connects thousands of ravines and ravines.

  People here have to go through Longgou to go to other valleys.

  If the dreamy 'dream world' is compared to a brain, the 'Longgou' is the 'corpus callosum' that separates the left and right hemispheres!

  The ‘Dongsheng Distillery Cellar Pool’ is also connected to Longgou.

   "In the dream world, the life and death of all residual consciousness is realized through the 'East Saint Winery Cellar'.

The ebb and flow of the river is connected to the 'Lingquan Valley', 'Wuzhou Valley' and other major river systems. These water systems all converge on the banks of the 'Dongsheng River'. The Dongsheng Winery draws water from this area and collects grain from all over the country for brewing. liquor.

   Those grains are also nourished and grown by the residual consciousness that has been dissolved.

  Everything is fermented and brewed in the cellar of Dongsheng Winery, and finally turned into alcoholic liquor, most of which is used to water the 'pressing cellar stone'. The brawny man patted the blue-black stone coffin with cracks all over it, exuding a strong aroma of wine. In the cracks of the coffin, the condensed aroma of wine slowly flowed.

  He continued: "The 'Wall Man' is actually a transitional state in which the remnants of the outside world become aware of the dream world and become the consciousness of the dream world.

  These people on the wall often have strong emotions that the "locals" in the dream world lack. They may have just experienced death or parted from their loved ones. Their emotions can best combine with wine and stimulate the aroma of wine.

  Every year, the Grand Master in charge of Dongsheng Distillery will be moved into this cellar pressing stone.

  The Taishang Lord of Dongsheng Winery has a special fate, and their emotions are the strongest among the many people on the wall.

Therefore, the food nourished and grown with the consciousness of the dream world merged and melted the liquid of countless dream world consciousnesses, and the liquor formed by the strong emotions of the people on the wall kept infiltrating the pit stones, making the overlord in the pit stones In the state of continuous 'drunkness', Grandpa constantly arouses emotions and consumes all his potential—

The aroma of the wine formed by the cellar stone soaked in the wine for thousands of years, blended with the fierce emotions of the Supreme Master, coupled with the traction of fate in the dark, will make the "three clean intestines" circle outside the dream, making " The law of death and calamity of "Three Cleansing Intestines" gradually became silent.

   Moreover, this 'pressing stone' is a thing between 'being and nothing'.

This thing has no cause and effect, no difference between life and death, but it still continues to 'grow'. In this way, every time the 'Cross Calamity' weakens a part of it, it will grow again soon after. part.

  I used this kind of cycle to delay the "Three Clear Intestines", "Eye Sly", "Fat Sly", and "Cross Calamity" for hundreds of years, and delayed them until now, so that they each manifested the law of death.

   But recently, this method has not worked. "

  The strong man looked at the slowly wriggling bright red intestine behind the cross-shaped crack.

  The blood-red streaks are long and full of abscesses.

   Scarlet eyes opened one after another in those sore holes, emitting crimson light, pouring into the dark world through the cross-shaped crack.

   "The intestines of the Sanqing and the eyes are gradually showing signs of fusion. The fusion of the two disrupted all my previous arrangements. An intestine with 'eyes' can no longer be drunk by the wine smell emitted by the pit stone.

  The residual consciousness of "Ma Xiangu" cannot remain in this dream world forever, and her consciousness will be completely dissolved. "The strong man's face became serious, and he turned to look at Su Wu, "Before that, although people in the dream world could not escape the law of life, old age, sickness and death, they would not encounter such things as fierce attacks .

  At present, as the cross-shaped crack tears open the dream world, the strange rhyme fused and emanating from the intestines of the three cleanses and the tricks of the eyes, along with the cellar, continues to flow into the thousands of ravines.

  Thousands of valleys and thousands of ravines gradually began to become cunning!

  Menggui sensed Guiyun, and dreamed of Ligui in a dream, so Ligui was born!

  These born Li Gui are all real Li Gui!

  All cannot be killed!

Therefore, I exerted an influence on the dream world, making it "think" that its dream world is sick, and someone needs to heal the dream world. This person who heals the dream world is the "ghost doctor" '.

   And the person it selected as the 'ghost doctor' is you.

——In order to lure you here, I spent a lot of effort, and even before the law of death and calamity of the "Three Cleansing Intestines" affected the "Jiang's Daughter" who has causally involved with you, I used my tricks and dragged her into the prison. In this dream world!

You may not know that even if a living person covered by the law of death calamity of the "intestines of the three cleanses" escapes from the place affected by the law of death calamity of the intestines of the three cleanses, he will eventually die under the law of the death calamity of the intestines of the three cleanses .

   There is no escape!

  The 'Jiang's daughter' Jiang Yingying and her grandfather are the ones who have been 'recorded' by Sanqingzhichang.

   I rescued the two of them, and the pressure I faced naturally surged. "

   "Where are Jiang Yingying and her grandfather now?" Su Wu asked the strong man.

The strong man patted the cellar stone that was full of cracks and exuded a solid aroma of wine, and said, "She was locked in by me—now the Cross Tribulation has torn apart the dream world, and she was captured by the intestines of the Three Purities." The living person recorded in the book, even in the dream world, is not safe, once she escapes from the stone coffin, she will definitely die."

   "In this stone coffin..." Su Wu frowned slightly, staring at the blue and black stone coffin, and asked again, "Isn't this coffin the place where the Supreme Master lives?

   Without Taishangye blending wine, how do you maintain the situation? "

   "The current situation can't be maintained at all.

   It all depends on your doctor to treat people! "The strong man spread his hands and said.

The brawny man noticed Su Wu's eyes looking at the coffin, and said: "Jiang's daughter has been soaked in wine in this sarcophagus for a long time, and her own fate is also quite special. After soaking in her wine, she will also emit strange aroma.

  If you don’t believe what I said—she was placed in this sarcophagus by me, you can smell the wine from the sarcophagus and you will know whether what I said is true or not. "


  Su Wu nodded.

  He approached the sarcophagus.

  The condensed aroma of wine accumulated in the cracks on the surface of the sarcophagus. Because of the special material of the sarcophagus, the rich aroma of wine did not escape at all, but stuck firmly to the cracks.

  Su Wu stretched out his hand to smell the scent of wine in the cracks, and brought his fingers entwined with colorful breath close to his nose, and gently sniffed—

  The indescribable fragrance rippling in his mind instantly.

  Many bizarre scenes appeared in his mind. Among the many bizarre scenes, human figures were continuously superimposed and pieced together, and finally formed the woman lying on her back in the sarcophagus.

  —Jiang Yingying lay in a blue-black sarcophagus, surrounded by dark red wine.

  She folded her hands on her abdomen, dressed in white, and even her complexion became extremely fair, so white that it was almost transparent.

  The dark red wine was rippling around her, and the fragrance of the wine mixed with it made her even more beautiful.

   "Yingying." Su Wu tried to call out in the undercurrent of consciousness—

  The call fell.

  Jiang Yingying with her eyes closed was full of joy.

  The aroma lingering in Su Wu's mind changed accordingly, becoming brisk and lively, with an endless aftertaste!

  Su Wu regained his mind.

  He has already confirmed that Jiang Yingying is indeed inside the sarcophagus.

   "Jiang's daughter's grandfather is not as lucky as her.

  It seems to have experienced a death calamity before, and he was short-lived, and his lifespan plummeted.

  Afterwards, he was contaminated with the law of death and robbery of the intestines of the three cleans—

  I can only save his consciousness, but I can't save the death of his flesh shell. "The strong man explained a few more words to Su Wu.

Su Wu nodded, and said to the strong man: "I'm here to treat the 'Dream World'—but I don't have enough inspiration right now, so I need to keep Dongsheng wine privately to wake up my 'inspiration', and then try to prescribe the medicine. "

   "I don't know how many people on the wall have received your favor, you need to keep Dongsheng wine privately, just ask them for it—

  The privately stored Dongsheng wine is exclusively for your ghost doctor, not for me, Lord Tianzhu. I would like to give you a few jars of privately stored Dongsheng wine, but I really can't. " said the strong man.

   "I see." Su Wu nodded.

  He faintly felt that the strong man seemed a little displeased with his existence.

   He can guess exactly what the other party is upset about—because he, an 'uninvited guest', came to the Dream World and took away nearly one-third of the dominance of the 'Dream' world.

  He is equivalent to taking 30% of the shares in the "Dream World" before doing anything.

   Meng Gui paid him the consultation fee in advance!

  (end of this chapter)

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