My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 968: Wooden Sword Fairy Clothes (22)

  The 'gray mouse' hiding in the corner calmed down, looked at the handsome young man, who directly pushed back the pill that was handed over by the young man like a calf, his eyes suddenly became surprised.

  He has kept that golden elixir the longest, and he knows the magical effect of that golden elixir best.

  The handsome young man's strength and means are unpredictable, and he has already explained the efficacy of the Golden Elixir in one word before—under such circumstances, the other party is still willing to pass it on to his companions?

   Could this be the blessing that the person who is destined to receive in the dark?

  Su Wu didn't pay attention to what the gray figure was thinking, even if he knew what the other person was thinking, he wouldn't take it to heart.

  He never believed in the so-called destiny.

  If you believe in the destiny, when the destiny leads people to a dead end, shouldn't you be caught with nothing and sit and wait for death?

   "Then I ate it?" Li Heihu looked at the golden pill in the wooden box, and after a while, he raised his eyes to Su Wu, and asked Su Wu cautiously.

  Su Wu smiled: "Eat it."

  Li Heihu nodded, and immediately twisted the red-gold pill, and put it into his mouth—

  The 'gray mouse' standing by the side of the altar stared at Li Heihu with wide eyes, for fear of missing the slightest change in the young man after swallowing the golden pill!

  Even Su Wu's expression became serious, and he looked at Li Heihu in a blink of an eye.

  Once there is any unexpected change in Li Heihu, he will help him.

  Under the gaze of the two, Li Heihu swallowed his saliva, and said to Su Wu: "It doesn't taste like it, it melts as soon as you eat it... It feels like swallowing saliva, nothing special..."

   As he was talking, he suddenly saw Su Wu's eyes turn and looked at his feet.

  Heihu hurriedly followed and lowered his head to look at his feet—his shadow was divided into four, four into eight, and eight into sixteen at this moment—sixteen figures surrounded Heihu in the middle, like stacked lotus petals!

  Looking at the sixteen shadows under his feet, Li Heihu was dumbfounded, and stammered: "This, what's going on?"

   Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Su Wu's feet, and suddenly found that there was no shadow under Su Wu's feet!

  Li Heihu raised his head and looked at Su Wu in horror: "Pig!

  You, why don't you have a shadow?

  You are not a ghost, are you? ! "

Su Wu looked at the sixteen lotus-like figures at Li Heihu's feet, spread out like a silent figure, smiled and said: "I told you earlier, I have Su Hui's shadow, and my shadow, originally ordinary people are Can see.

  However, you have swallowed the golden elixir today, and you have surpassed the boundaries of "ordinary people", but your level is still low.

  So if you look at my feet, you can't see my shadow. "

Ever since Su Wu became a God of Man and practiced Jieying, he has reached the level of "without shadow on the ground". Now he walks around as an ordinary person. If someone finds that he has no shadow, it will be a bit troublesome, so he So he used Jieying to simulate a figure of himself—but now that Li Heihu swallowed the golden elixir, his Jie power soared, so he could see through Su Wu's forged figure with Jieying.

  However, even with the help of the golden elixir, Heihu's level cannot be improved too much for a while, and he can only see through the nothingness under Su Wu's feet, but he can't see the boiling blood river winding around Su Wu at that moment!

Li Heihu couldn't understand Su Wu's words, and still subconsciously believed what Su Wu said. He no longer paid attention to the problem of Su Wu's lack of shadows, but looked at the sixteen shadows under his feet, and asked in doubt: "Then why is my shadow?" What's going on?

  How did it become so many? "

   "The golden elixir you have swallowed has increased your tribulation power tremendously.

  This tribulation force reacted to your shadow, causing your shadow to grow to sixteen.

  In time, as you do more good deeds, help others more, and others are willing to follow you and believe more than you, your shadow will continue to change, from a human figure to a "robbing shadow", which can deter Li Gui. "Su Wu explained to Li Heihu, "After the matter here is over, I will pass on a method to you.

  If you practice this method, you can gain the trust of others faster and gather incense.

  It will be faster to refine your own figure into Jieying. "


   Zhuzi, you know a lot, You Suhui is amazing! " Li Heihu praised a few more times, he walked around a few steps, stopped again, looked at the sixteen shadows like lotus flowers surrounding his feet with some distress, and continued, "I walked back with so many shadows, maybe my father would I have to ask the Taoist priest to get me.

   Is there a way to remove these shadows first and restore them to their original state? "

  As soon as he said this, the sixteen shadows under his feet slowly merged into one.

   "So that's all right?" Li Heihu exclaimed, and immediately realized that these shadows could increase or decrease as he wished.

  So he stood on the spot, manipulating the shadows into four, turning four into sixteen, and combining the sixteen shadows into four. He played like this for a long time, never tired of it.

   "Zizi, can my shadow only change like this?

   No other effect? Li Heihu looked up and asked Su Wu as if he had remembered something.

  Su Wu shook his head: "It will make it easier for you to bump into the evil spirit."

   "Huh?" Li Heihu's eyes widened.

   "When a person dies, his power will increase, and if his power increases, his luck will increase.

  Everyone's life is going through many calamities.

  Passed through a catastrophe, and saw the wider world after the catastrophe. "Su Wu said, "You have acquired such a large calamity power for no reason, plus your daily accumulation - your first death calamity should not be far away.

  Nowadays, death calamity is often brought about by all kinds of evil spirits, so I say that you are very likely to encounter evil spirits recently. "

  Based on Su Wu's speculation, Li Heihu's experience of death this time is very likely to encounter a barren level of treachery when he comes up.

   "Hiss—" Li Heihu was startled and frightened, and couldn't help gasping.

   "Recently, you can stay at my house." Su Wu said to him.

  He nodded quickly: "Okay!"

Su Wu immediately looked at the thoughtful 'gray mouse' on the side of the altar, but said to Li Heihu: "You are regarded by the unknown as a person who is 'destined', and he must not want you to swallow gold." After Dan, he died directly under the sudden death calamity.

  This person mentioned earlier that the "immortal Zhang Wulang" left behind the "immortal clothes with wooden sword" and "sacred bow method" to the "people whose destiny belongs to".

   These four treasures should be on the altar? "

   Su Wu asked the gray figure the last sentence.

   "That's right, that's right!" The gray figure hurriedly replied, "If you hold the divine bow on the altar, you will get the magic door taught by the immortal;

  While holding a wooden knife, you will get fairy clothes! "

  Su Wu nodded, and led Li Heihu to the altar.

  The bows, arrows and wooden knives placed on the altar have been covered with a thick layer of dust.

   "Wooden knife fairy clothes, divine bow method, will the immortal give all of them to those whose destiny belongs to them?" Looking at the bow and knife on the table, Su Wu asked the gray figure beside him.

The gray figure was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Su Wu asked. He hesitated and said, "The immortal doesn't seem to have told me about this, and I don't know if the immortal will give all the four treasures to the person whose destiny belongs to him." .”

"You have to choose carefully." Su Wu heard what the gray figure said, looked at Li Heihu, and said, "If the immortal is unwilling to give you all the four treasures, he will probably make you choose the wooden knife again after you choose the wooden knife." You can't pick up the magic bow, and if you choose the magic bow, you may not get the wooden knife again.

  Shen Bow corresponds to Immortal Method;

  Wooden knife corresponds to 'Xianyi'. "

When we were in the Secret Tibetan Region, Zhou Bo and his owner met an immortal in the deep forest. The immortal gave Zhou Bo the method of carrying ghosts, a wooden sword with medicinal energy, and his owner a golden elixir of robbery. The divine bow and the trace of the immortal.

   I don't know if Zhou Bo and his boss are the people who belonged to the destiny?

Also, Zhou Bo donated the medicinal gas wooden knife to Su Wu, but Su Wu found a 'fabricated karma' on the wooden knife through the simulator, and he could enter that fabricated karma through the wooden knife. In the midst—now through the jade pendant to enter the cause and effect attached to the jade pendant, is it just an 'introduction' that Zhou Bo and his proprietor met an immortal in the deep forest at that time?

  Is this introduction intended to lead out the person to whom the real destiny belongs?

  If I enter into that period of fabricated karma, will I become the so-called person who belongs to the destiny?

  Su Wu's mind was spinning.

  Li Heihu's eyes moved between the wooden knife and the bow and arrow, he didn't think about it for too long, and said to Su Wu: "Piggy, you must have cultivated a lot of methods with Su Hui at your side.

  I can follow you to practice the method of your previous life in the future!

  I will not choose the bow and arrow - I will choose the wooden knife! "

   Li Heihu looked at the ghost-head sword shaped like iron on the altar, his eyes sparkled. After all, he is a young man at heart, when he sees things like swords and sticks, he likes them at first sight.

  He prepared a short bow himself, and he thought he was tired of playing with bows and arrows.

  Su Wu heard what Li Heihu said, and wanted to persuade him a few words—the method connected with the divine bow might be the most suitable for him who has now swallowed the golden elixir.

  But Su Wu changed his mind again, and felt that the opportunity should be fulfilled, and perhaps it should be more smoothly.

So I stopped persuading, and just stated the pros and cons to Li Heihu: "You have to think about it, the method connected with the divine bow is most likely carefully selected by the immortals, and it is specially suitable for those who have swallowed the calamity golden elixir today. The 'Immortal Clothes' attached to the wooden knife may be more able to resist the law of death, how to choose is entirely up to you."

   "The more I look at this knife, the more I like it!

   Zhuzi, I’ll just choose this one, okay? " Li Heihu laughed foolishly.

   "Choose." Su Wu stopped persuading.

  Maybe the four treasures, the 'immortal' will be completely left to the people whose destiny belongs to them, so it doesn't make much sense to entangle them now.

With Su Wu's approval, Li Heihu grabbed the wooden knife that had been covered with dust for a long time on the altar, and he held the handle of the wooden knife with his palm. Peel off the shell!

  Golden and red lines interweave on the wooden knife, and those lines are reflected on Li Heihu's body, immediately attracting all his tribulation power, and a series of Duan Gong spells around the altar instantly soared—

   Talismans burn silently!

  Ghost claws, eagle wings, peacock feathers, fish scales, bone spurs, fangs and other ghost materializations are intertwined on Li Heihu's body into a coir raincoat as black as iron!

  Under the coir raincoat, the face of a ghost with fangs is looming.

  The coir raincoat shook, and the iron feathers suddenly swelled!

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