My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 984: cure (12)

  Chapter 984 Treatment of illnesses (12)

  Afterwards, Su Wu took out a bowl of soul harvesting rice, and taught Li Heihu how to give Gui an order on the spot.

Order him to calculate the fate for the 'Red Nun', and use the soul-receiving rice to temporarily accommodate this cunning—Li Heihu's robbery can't suppress the red nun for too long now, and after the soul-receiving rice suppresses the red nun, he will relax Many people looked around at the Wang family courtyard that was eroded by the law of the red nun's death and turned into a piece of white ground, and then asked Su Wu: "Where are my father and Uncle Xiongzhen?

   And Wang Huan's family, where are they? "

  Su Wu heard the words, and turned to look at Taishang Baiju behind him.

  Bai Ju bowed his head and nodded, a green mist diffused from his body, and on the ground where the mist drifted, several living people who were still sleeping appeared.

   Li Xiongbiao, Li Xiongxuan, Wang Huan and their families, and even the bundle of linen rolls that 'Crow' Ligui used to wrap Wang Huan's strings were all placed under the steps of the main room.

  Now, the situation of Brother Xiongbiao and Wang Huan is not optimistic.

  The crow’s plague and treachery have penetrated deep into their viscera. There are many skin ulcers on their bodies, black spots all over their bodies, and they look terminally ill.

Seeing his father and uncle's current situation, Hei Hu was suddenly worried. He didn't try to wake up Li Xiongbiao and Li Xiongxuan, but looked at Su Wu and said, "They are stained with that crow's cunning blood." Sick!

  I got married with that crow Ligui, can I invite that crow Ligui to come over and get rid of the sickness on my father and Uncle Xiongzhen? "

  In fact, Wang Huan's illness was more serious than that of Li Xiongbiao and his brother, but Li Heihu subconsciously ignored the existence of this person.

Su Wu didn't pay attention to Wang Huan's condition either. He walked up to Li Xiongbiao and his brothers. King Bazhixin reflected the internal organs of the two, and said to Li Heihu at the same time: "This kind of epidemic air is so strange. In fact, it didn't come from the crow Li Gui who was married to you, but from a higher level Li Gui.

  —Much higher level than the 'Red Nun'.

   That crow is just one of the many ghosts spreading such epidemic charms.

So, if you invite that crow to come over, it can't remove the strange rhyme in the bodies of Xiong Biao and Uncle Xiong Biao, and it's not difficult to remove the strange rhyme of the epidemic. The most difficult thing is to repair and make up for the strange rhyme The damage caused to the viscera of the two of them.

  Their current illnesses, in the eyes of ordinary doctors and doctors, I am afraid that they will be diseases that have penetrated into the bone marrow and have no cure. "

   "Then, isn't that hopeless?!" Li Heihu didn't expect such a result at all, but it was hard to accept it for a while.

   "I haven't finished my sentence, so don't worry." Su Wu shook his head and continued, "The methods of human pharmacists and doctors naturally cannot cure this kind of disease that is rooted in the strange law of death.

  But I can use inhuman means to heal the diseases of the two uncles.

  However, this must obtain the consent of the family members and the patient himself. "

   Li Heihu's eyes burst into light when he heard the words, and he nodded quickly: "I agree, I agree!

   Zhuzi, you just need to cure them!

  As long as it can cure the disease, any method will do! "

  Su Wu looked at Li Heihu, and said with a faint smile: "You agreed quickly, so are you sure that your father and your uncle agree with my method?"

  "They are all passed out, what else can they agree or disagree with?

   Everything must be based on the opinions of my family members! " Li Heihu said decisively.

   While he was speaking, a green mist overflowed from the two brothers Li Xiongbiao on the ground, and two blurred figures stood still in the mist from far to near.

  The shape and shadow of the two became clear.

  It is the appearance of Li Xiongbiao and Li Xiongxuan.

Li Heihu looked at his father and uncle who were lying on the ground, sick to the bone marrow, looking like they were dying, and then at the healthy-looking father and uncle standing in front of them, he was momentarily at a loss: "How did my father become a Two?"

"Hmph!" Li Xiongbiao, who was standing in front of his head, immediately turned dark when he heard Li Heihu's words, "You stupid boy! You don't want to go to the town to study for a few days, and you just run around like crazy all day long. Play, now you can't even speak, embarrass me!

  Your father has become two?

  You are my father! "

  Li Xiongbiao reprimanded him a few times, so frightened that Li Heihu immediately shrank his neck, and kept silent, like a quail in winter.

  Su Wu saluted Li Xiongbiao and his brothers with a smile, and then explained to Li Heihu: "The bodies lying on the ground are the bodies of the two uncles, and the souls of the two uncles are standing in front of the bodies and heads.

  —You can just understand it this way.

  Since I want to treat two uncles, I naturally have to ask them about their wishes.

   Explain to them how I will help them heal their bodies. "

   "Hey!" Li Xiongbiao looked at Su Wu who was talking, and then at his son Li Heihu, sighed heavily, with a depressed expression, "You two children, you can really hide things.

  You and I, Uncle Wei, didn't even realize that the two of you have reached the point where you can be your own.

   Much better than the Li family of our generation! "

  Hearing what his father said, Li Heihu, who was like a quail, couldn't help raising his head again, with a proud expression.

  Li Xiongbiao turned around and gave him a hard look, and he grinned again and lowered his head.

  Xiong Wei followed up and said: "As elders, we are not as capable as your juniors. We will listen to what you say, and we will not be old and stubborn.

  Zizi, tell me, how will your Uncle Biao and I be cured?

  Is it expensive?

  It’s a time of famine right now, if it costs a lot…”

"It doesn't need any expense." Su Wu replied with a smile and shook his head, reassuring the two of Li Xiongbiao, and he continued, "The strange charm of the epidemic stays in the bodies of the two uncles. The damage was caused, but the plague gas also made the bodies of the two uncles start to operate on their own to resist the infection of the plague gas.

  At this time, I blocked the circulation of the epidemic qi and the strange rhyme, which also caused the epidemic qi and the strange rhyme to form a stalemate with the self-help power bursting out of the bodies of the two uncles.

If we rashly pull out that kind of epidemic aura, the self-generated strength of the two uncles' bodies will suddenly decline without a target to fight against. This way, the two uncles' already extremely weak bodies will completely enter into a state of invincibility. At the point of recovery, at that time, even if I have the intention to save the two of you, there is nothing I can do. "

  He made a lot of sense, and Li Xiongbiao nodded repeatedly.

  Li Xiongzhen praised him even more: "Where did Zhuzi learn medical skills? It sounds very good. If he becomes a doctor or doctor in the future, it will be very good, very good!"

  Hei Nuo and Bai Ju stood behind Su Wu, both thoughtful.

  Su Wu is a "ghost doctor" in the world of ghost dreams. The reason why he can become a ghost doctor is not only because ghost dream chose him, but also because he has the potential of "ghost doctor".

Now that the two heard Su Wu's explanation, and then thought of the "prescription" that Su Wu had prescribed for Li Heihu to accommodate the cunning, both of them also had a feeling that their master would gradually develop their own "ghost doctor system" a feeling of.

   "The method I came up with is 'fighting poison with poison'." Su Wu said.

   "Fight poison with poison?" Li Xiongbiao and Li Xiongzhen said in unison.

Su Wu nodded: "That's right. In fact, it is not accurate to say that the method of 'fighting poison with poison' is more accurate. It is to use other powerful powers to wear away the epidemic aura remaining in the two bodies, and to induce When the fierceness comes to wear away the epidemic energy in the body, use yourself to control this fierceness, so that it can be used for yourself."

  The method he said is similar to the principle that a master of ghosts can achieve a stalemate in the body by controlling different ghosts.

   But the details are different.

   "The two uncles are now weak and weak, so they rashly attracted other villains, in fact, they are seeking skins from tigers.

  My so-called method of attracting other strange powers is actually to ask the two uncles to invite those "Nuo Gods" who communicated with people early and have been driven by people for hundreds of thousands of years, and use the power of Nuo God to eliminate their own illnesses.

  Finally merged himself with Nuo God! "Su Wu finally said.

After hearing what he said, not to mention the reaction of Li Xiongbiao and the two of them, Yang Daquan's eyelids twitched first - he had the most contact with the Nuo God, and he knew the strangeness of the Nuo God the most. When he heard what Su Wu said, his first reaction was That's the way to do it!

  But after thinking about it, he hesitated again.

  He has not been able to figure out Su Wu's roots, so how can he know the depth of the opponent's methods?

  Yang Daquan did not make a statement in the end.

  Hei Nuo, who knows the God of Nuo better than Yang Daquan, is also silent.

  As for the three brothers Li Xiongbiao and Li Heihu, they didn't even know how difficult it is to drive the Nuo God. Su Wu said what he said, and they believed what Su Wu said.

  Li Xiongbiao nodded and said, "Okay!

  Then go to the doctor according to the method Inoko said! "

  Xiong Wei also nodded in agreement.

Su Wu looked at Li Heihu, and said: "Before that, I have to ask the two uncles to find a way to explain clearly to grandma and the others about what happened tonight. If they don't explain clearly and they don't want to cooperate, I will cure the two uncles." It's troublesome when you're sick."

  Brother Li Xiongbiao, who are so straightforward and decisive, hesitated when they heard Su Wu asked them to explain things clearly to their elders.

   Li Xiongbiao smiled and said nothing.

  Xiong Wei hesitated and said: "It's useless for us to speak in front of the elders...

  Your grandma and the others love you two children the most, you speak better than us..."

   "Father, Uncle, you two are sick to the bone marrow.

  As long as they can save you, grandparents will believe what you say..." Li Heihu reminded in a low voice.

  Li Xiongbiao glared at his son, scratched his head and thought for a while, before saying to Su Wu: "All right!

   It is better for me, my father, and your grandma to discuss this matter clearly.

  We can't ask you two juniors to stand up for us! "

   "Yes." Su Wu smiled, "Please also ask the two uncles to give us two good words in front of grandma and the others, and try to cover up for us so that they don't worry about us."

   "..." Li Xiongbiao looked up and glared at Su Wu with a sad face, but he didn't agree on the spot.

  (end of this chapter)

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