Indeed, at the moment when the dark angel wanted to grasp the Kunlun mirror in Lin Ming's hand, the dark angel felt a sharp pain in his abdomen, and the whole person couldn't move. Naturally, he looked down.

At this moment, he saw a chain like thing, and it was rusty.

But it was such a broken thing that it really easily pierced his extremely hard body.

"This strange chain..."

All of a sudden, the dark angel seemed to have noticed something. He suddenly raised his head and stared at Lin Ming. It seemed that he could not help flashing a look of panic

"It's you..."

For a moment, the dark angel just had time to say two words. This time, the whole person did not explode. Instead, he was directly absorbed by this chain together with a drop of Satan's real blood in his body.

"Well, it's very good. It's really powerful..."

Seeing this, Lin Ming naturally knows that the power of this chain has been greatly enhanced. As long as he pierces the body of the dark angel, he will directly absorb the whole body of the dark angel instead of letting it explode.

"Well, what's the matter?"

In the square, of course, almost everyone is clearly watching this scene.

When the seven level dark angel came, the disciples of the six sects did not dare to come near. For a moment, other dark creatures and dark angels did not mean to come.

Naturally, with the strength of these seven dark angels, even if you encounter any more trouble, you can directly solve it.

But at this moment, all the eyes looked puzzled. They didn't know what had happened. How could a powerful seven level dark angel suddenly disappear.


With a cold hum, the remaining 13 dark angels naturally flashed over and brushed their eyes on the leader of Kunlun sect for the first time.

"Kunlun sect leader, what's the matter? What have you done? Why is a seventh level dark angel missing?"

It's also a seven level dark angel who opens his mouth. It looks like he's going to shoot directly in the next moment.

Feeling the murderous spirit, the leader of Kunlun sect felt a chill in an instant.

At this time, Lin Ming was the first to say, "it's very simple. I killed him..."

The words from Lin Ming's mouth, no doubt is a bolt from the blue general, brush, 13 dark angel's eyes fell on Lin Ming, the first time, a burst of laughter burst out of his mouth.

"Are you kidding me? You're just an ordinary person, and you can kill a seventh level dark angel?"

Indeed, as like as two peas, Lin Ming is not aware of the slightest breath of air.

"Kunlun sect leader, do you think we are fools?" At that moment, several dark angels suddenly realized something, and their murderous spirit became stronger. They spoke coldly one by one

"You attack a seventh order dark angel, and then let an ordinary person carry the pot?"

"Kunlun sect leader, it seems that you really don't want to live. You want Kunlun sect to destroy the sect directly..."

One by one, he said, seeing that his body was also full of dark air, so he had to work directly towards the Kunlun sect.

At this time, Lin Ming gave a disdainful smile, and then said, "you are just 13 dark angels, not enough for me to plug my teeth

I have precious time. I don't have time to talk to you. Let me die... "

"What? We've had 13 dark angels who don't dare you? Ha ha... "

First of all, a burst of laughter broke out.

"It's so funny..."

"It's true that an ordinary person's arrogance is out of his mind..."

"Our thirteen dark angels, the lowest strength is level 6, and the highest strength is level 8. When this boy says this, he's not out of his mind. What is it..."


Not too closely follow, but see these 30 dark angel voice suddenly stop, each body is also frozen, eyes suddenly stare big.

Indeed, all of a sudden, they felt a sharp pain in their abdomen. Then they subconsciously looked down and found that their abdomen was pierced by a chain, which looked rusty.

This time, this chain is a direct string of the thirteen dark angels.


"How could this happen..."


This time, many of the six sects and dark creatures in the distance saw this scene very clearly.

They all saw that the thirteen dark angels seemed to be about to fight against the Kunlun sect leader, but suddenly a chain flew out of Lin Ming's hand and pierced the bodies of the thirteen dark angels.

For the first time, the thirteen dark angels could not move.

Not to mention the thirteen dark angels, even one or two are enough to destroy the Kunlun sect.

But now is how to return a responsibility, unexpectedly in a flash by Lin Ming in the hand of a chain pierced the body.



The next moment, everyone can't help but take a breath.

Indeed, after disappearing, we can see that these thirteen dark angels, just like the dark angel just now, disappear out of thin air, as if they had never appeared.

"It's him, it's the boy!"

At this time, among the many dark creatures, it seems that some of them finally thought of something. They screamed and looked at Lin Ming with a look of panic.

"That's right. It's the boy who has a strange chain in his hand. He can absorb the dark creatures directly..."

More dark creatures immediately thought of something.

"It's him, Lin Ming!"

At this time, the disciples of the six sects seemed to see Lin Ming clearly, and each of them also exclaimed.

As for the existence of Lin Ming, in fact, all the disciples of the six major sects had already seen Lin Ming's means and power when they first entered Kunlun mountain. Among the six major sects, Lin Ming's reputation has long been strong.

But now when Lin Ming suddenly appears, he seems to be an ordinary person. For a moment, everyone will not believe that this is Lin Ming, who has a good reputation.

However, at this moment, with the disappearance of these 14 dark angels, they could not react. Even if it seemed that Lin Ming was ordinary, he was the one who made all the disciples of the six major sects scared, scared, angry and hated.

"Run away!"

At present, I don't know which Dark Creature uttered a scream, whew, whew. In a moment, with bursts of air breaking sound, thousands of dark creatures almost disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, there were only six disciples left, looking at each other.

"Lead the way to the library..."

Naturally, Lin Ming did not delay any more time. He said a word to the leader of Kunlun sect.

"I didn't expect that in less than half a day, your strength has improved so much..."

But just then, a voice sounded like thunder.

For the first time, Lin Ming could hear that the sound was familiar. It was the sound coming from a black hole with a pair of huge claws in Shaolin.

There is no doubt that this is Satan.

Whew, sure enough, the next moment, a figure flashed out of the huge square.

"The separation of Satan!"

Seeing the flash of this figure, the pupils of Kunlun sect's palm sect seemed to shrink slightly, and a subconscious exclamation occurred in their mouth.

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