At this time, after Satan saw the Dragon Spirit who had completed the first stage of evolution, he was stunned with surprise and amazement. Feng Feifei could not help saying a good chance in her heart.

Teng's for a while, then see the purple flame on her body now, the color is deeper.

All of a sudden, this deep purple flame instantly defeated that pair of incomparably huge claws, and the deep purple flame did not stop at all, sweeping to Satan.


It seems that subconsciously, a scream came out from the mouth of Satan's body. Bang, at this time, the whole body of Satan's body exploded directly and turned into black air. It was obvious that he wanted to break through the deep purple flame, but it seemed that he couldn't do it for a while.

"Good chance..."

Seeing this, Lin Ming's heart moved, and the Dragon Spirit dived directly toward the black air, opened the dragon's mouth, and swallowed all the black air with the deep purple flame, and there was nothing left.

For a moment, you can see the Dragon spirits everywhere in the sky, also like smacking their mouths. It looks like they are still in the air.

"What, this..."


Silly eyes, many of the six sects who clearly witnessed all this, all of them could not help being silly eyes, and everyone couldn't believe what happened in front of them.

The leader of the dark forces in the western world, a part of Satan, was killed by Lin Ming in this way?

Not to mention all the disciples of the six sects, the leader of Kunlun sect, the elder Ling Yizi and others all feel like they are dreaming.

"Sure enough, it's the dragon soul who has finished the first stage. If you don't say that you swallow Satan's body, you will directly swallow my Phoenix spirit fire..."

Although Feng Feifei can understand the strength of the dragon spirit, it's a bit unexpected for her.

For a time, the eyes can't help flashing a touch of surprise, looking at the dragon soul in the sky.

When whew, the dragon soul has been directly taken back by Lin Ming, and Feng Feifei's eyes naturally fall on Lin Ming.

For a time, in the eyes of Feng Feifei, there seems to be a trace of inexplicable feelings flashed by.

For a moment, Lin Ming didn't seem to notice anything, and then he said to the leader of Kunlun sect:

"In charge of teaching, time is pressing. Lead the way to the library."

"Ah? Oh... "

Then he saw that the leader of Kunlun sect was still a little stunned. Later, he seemed to know what was the most important thing at the moment. He answered quickly, then wheezed and went away.

As for the elder Ling Yizi and others, they didn't follow. Since a Satan was destroyed by Lin Ming, the next step is to destroy other dark creatures.

And hell princess, wind Yi dream and others also stay to help.

As for Lin Ming and Feng Feifei, they naturally went through the void.

At this time.


Somewhere in the Kunlun sect, a figure who was looking for something suddenly froze. In an instant, there was a look of disbelief in his eyes, and he murmured:

"One of them was killed by that boy

Unexpectedly, this boy's dragon soul has completed the first stage of evolution

No, I'm afraid this boy will take away the map of heaven and earth... "

Whew, a break empty sound rings out, then see this figure also directly disappear in situ.

At the same time, in the library.

A figure sat cross legged, his body has a strong to the limit of the dark gas, out, rushing to the suspended in the middle of a volume of landscape painting in general things.

This is a part of Satan. In a small corner of the library, I found this scroll of landscape painting, which is the picture of heaven and earth.

At this time, we can see that the dark air is attacking the heaven and earth map and infiltrating into it.

On the surface of the map of heaven and earth, there are many electric currents flashing, and there are various colors, such as purple, green and blue, which obviously counterbalance the powerful dark air.

"Well? A separate body is directly destroyed? " At this moment, a startling sound came out of the figure, and there was a strong cold light in his eyes

"I didn't expect that one of them was killed by that boy

It seems that after completing the first stage of evolution, this boy's dragon soul is really qualified to be my opponent... "

He said that the black light in the figure's eyes suddenly flashed, and then the dark air, which was more than 100 times stronger, came out of his body and surged to the heaven and earth map, wrapping the heaven and earth map in an instant.

Immediately, a crackle of sound, you can see, heaven and earth on the surface of the map of lightning in an instant was defeated more than half.

"Very good," he said. His eyes were full of joy. "As long as I have another half minute, I can break all the arrays that protect heaven and earth. By that time, even if the boy's dragon soul has completed the first stage of evolution, it can't be my opponent..."

"Well? Here we are? "

At this moment, the figure suddenly moved, and glanced slightly to the right. Sure enough, a figure appeared the next moment.

"You came at the right time..."

For a moment, the happy look on the figure's face became more intense, and he said, "let's do our best together. In a few seconds, we can break all the protective arrays on the heaven and earth map..."

Indeed, this sudden appearance is another part of Satan.

"Naturally," he nodded. "After we get the map of heaven and earth and kill the boy and Feng Feifei, we also get the Kunlun mirror. At that time, we will have two ancient spirit tools, and it will be much easier to find a ruler..."

When he opened his mouth, the Satan's body had already made a move. He really tried his best to come out, and the powerful dark air gushed directly from his body, enveloping the heaven and earth.

Crackle, a more intense sound of a few minutes of the explosion sounded.

The explosion lasted less than ten seconds and then disappeared.

Seeing this, a look of ecstasy appeared on the two Satans' faces at the same time, "very good, all the protective arrays on the heaven and earth map have been broken..."

With that, one of the Satans stretched out his hand and was about to take the picture of heaven and earth into his hand.


However, at this time, with the sound of three empty voices suddenly sounded, three figures flashed out. They were Lin Minghe, Feng Feifei, and the leader of Kunlun sect.

The first time Feng Feifei saw the map of heaven and earth, she exclaimed: "the protection array on the map of heaven and earth has been broken. Lin Ming, go get the map of heaven and earth

These two Satans are separated, and I will deal with them... "

Feng Feifei is also a direct hand, two deep purple flames from her body, but also directly toward the two Satans swept away.

"Hum, just one Feng disciple wants to deal with the separation of two Satans, which is beyond his ability..."

A cold hum also came from one of Satan's separate mouths, and then the strong dark air came out and attacked Feng Feifei.

"The map of heaven and earth is mine. No one can take it away..."

As for the other Satan, he has already put out his hand, and his palm is like lightning. He has already grasped the heaven and earth chart suspended in the middle of the sky.


But at this time, the face of Satan changed suddenly. Indeed, Lin Ming's speed was not slow. At the same time, he also grasped the map of heaven and earth, which was the other side of the map of heaven and earth.

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