Lin Ming gave the elder and the elder three semi-finished elixirs, respectively. The first time after that, the vitality of their breath was restored, and the speed of recovery was also very fast. In just five or six seconds, fengjiangye, fengtianman, and longwuxiang all clearly felt the existence of vitality and breath in their bodies.

"Alive, really alive!"

Feng Jiangye and Feng Tianman were extremely shocked. They didn't care that they were seriously injured. They got up and wanted to rush forward to see the details of the elder and the three elders.

But the body seems to be suddenly imprisoned by an invisible force, so it can't move directly.

They naturally know that this is what Lin Ming did, but at this moment, they don't dare to say anything more, and they don't dare to show any dissatisfaction. On the contrary, they have a deep regret and remorse, which seems to come from the bottom of their hearts involuntarily.

"I'm really alive..." long wusumo went over to test the breath and pulse of the elder and the three elder. If they did, they both had breath, and their pulse began to beat.

Although the big elder and the three elder are still like two pieces of black charcoal, their eyes are still closed, and they haven't woken up yet, they have come to life. This is indeed an iron fact.

"About three minutes, two people will wake up..." at this time, Lin Ming began to say this, and then poured out a pill for the two elders to take. Before, the two elders were injured by Feng Jiang night, and they were dying, but compared with the big elder and the three elders, they were not serious.

After taking the elixir, the two elders directly woke up. There was a color of confusion in their eyes. When they saw that the Dragon had no appearance, they exclaimed:

"Patriarch, are we dead?"

Long Wuxiang shook his head and said, "we're not dead. It's Lin Ming who saved us."

Lin Ming's two words seem to stimulate the nerve of the two elders immediately. He looks at Lin Ming with a brush of his eyes and stares at the past. For the first time, he shows extremely strong hostility, "are you Lin Ming?"

"What are you going to do, elder two?" Seeing that the two elders were going to fight against Lin Ming immediately, long Wuxiang's face sank. He gave a cold drink and said coldly:

"Elder two, no matter what Lin Ming has done, Lin Ming is a disciple of our dragon clan. Because of Lin Ming, the three supreme elders have trained the dragon's ascent to the highest level of dragon transformation. Lin Ming still has the dragon soul..."

What long Wuxiang said shocked the two elders more and more. They couldn't believe it. They couldn't help staring at Lin Ming

"Did you help the three elders to cultivate the Dragon ascending to the highest level? Do you have a dragon soul

"There's a fake." Long Wuxiang snorted.

Two elder no longer speak, see to the dragon have no appearance but go, hard to hide the two eyes in the middle of the instant reveal of a touch of excitement and ecstasy.

"Give each injured disciple of the Shenlong clan a pill." At this time, Lin Ming took out two porcelain vases. There were more than 30 healing pills in them, all of which had 90% quality. It was no problem that all the seriously injured disciples of the Shenlong clan were cured in an instant.

Two elder hands tremble slightly, took these two porcelain bottles, unscrewed the bottle cap, immediately smelled a refreshing fragrance of medicine, two elder couldn't help exclaiming:

"Ninety percent of the healing pills."

The second elder clearly knew that even in the aspect of alchemy, the dragon clan had a unique talent, and the alchemists in the clan could only produce 80% quality pills at most.

There are many disciples of the Shenlong clan who can produce 90% quality pills, but it has been thousands of years. The remaining 90% quality pills in the clan have long been hidden as treasures, and there are few disciples who know their existence in the clan.

At present, Lin Ming suddenly took out two porcelain vases of pills, both of which are 90% in quality. How could the elder not be extremely shocked? He even showed a little hesitation. Such precious pills of 90% in quality should not be consumed all at once.

Lin Ming seemed to see the second elder's mind and said, "I still have a lot of these pills. If you want, I can give you a bottle for free. Now, hurry to let all the injured Shenlong disciples take the healing pills. At present, the Feng disciples, the law enforcement hall disciples and even the dark creatures have invaded the Dragon City..."

With that, Lin Ming really took out a white jade vase again and simply threw it to the second elder. The elder's hands trembled and almost didn't hold it.

After he unscrewed the bottle cap, he smelled the same refreshing fragrance for the first time.

"This, this..." his voice trembled so much that he couldn't believe what was happening at the moment. He couldn't say anything.

Long Wuxiang said in a deep voice: "elder two, what do you want to say? I'll talk about it later. Now the most important thing is to let all the seriously injured disciples of the Shenlong clan take pills to treat their injuries."

"Yes As soon as the second elder's face was frozen, he answered. After his body flashed by, he gave each seriously injured disciple of the Shenlong clan a pill of 90% quality.

In just two or three seconds, all the serious internal and external injuries of the Shenlong clan were healed, and the breath and momentum of many of them were improved. Obviously, the strength of these disciples was improved.

The second elder said in a loud voice: "the Feng clan disciples, the law enforcement hall disciples and the dark creatures have all stormed into the dragon city. Everyone will follow me..."

The second elder simply disappeared.

All the disciples of the Shenlong clan were still confused, but naturally they heard the words of the second elder clearly. In a daze, all of them were murderous and followed the second elder.


Silly eyes, Feng Jiangye and Feng Tianman show a completely silly look, until the two elders and all the disciples of the Shenlong clan completely disappear in the hall. They are still staring at the entrance and exit of the hall in a daze, and feel all this, as if they are dreaming.

"Fengjiang night, fengtianman, are you ok?"

At this time, a familiar sound came into the ears of Feng Jiang ye and Feng Tianman. It seemed that it pulled them out of their dreamlike state.

Then, they saw a familiar figure flash out, at the same time, whew, there are two other figures flash out.

"Phoenix in the sun!"

At this moment, their eyes only seemed to notice the familiar figure, and their faces showed the color of ecstasy and exclaimed.

"Phoenix in the sun?" Long Wuxiang also knew this man. It seemed subconsciously that he could not help frowning, and his face showed a trace of dignity.

"Who is Feng Zhongyang? Is it the head of the Feng clan? " Lin Ming sends a message to long Wuxiang, and his eyes are on him.

It's true that when the other side flashed out, Lin Ming felt a sense of unfathomability. With his current strong strength, the other side gave him such a feeling that he couldn't see through. It can be imagined that the real strength of the other side is also very important.

In addition, Lin Ming also felt that there was a faint sense of inexplicability from the other person.

And this breath is similar to the breath of the soul of the chain and the soul of the broken knife.

Naturally, Lin Ming was on the alert.

Long Wuxiang also told Lin Ming, "Feng Zhongyang is one of the top ten masters of the Feng clan. However, he is very different from his masters. It can be said that Feng Zhongyang is the only disciple of the Feng clan who has ever dealt with the head of the Feng clan. It is said that his strength is equal to that of the head of the Feng clan

Fengzhongyang's talent and talent are rare among the Fengs. It is said that he has been practicing in seclusion all the time, and his practice is also unusual. It is said that he is practicing Fengling's real body

The Phoenix spirit is the same as the dragon body... "

"Brother Zhongyang, you've come just in time. Take this boy quickly..." Feng Tianman suddenly opened his mouth, and his eyes showed crazy and ecstatic color. "This boy has a dragon soul, and there are a lot of 90% quality pills in his hand, which can instantly heal serious injuries, and even bring the dead back to life..."

It seems that Feng Zhongyang, who says that Lin Ming has a dragon soul, has already realized it. It's not surprising. However, Feng Tianman's words of 90% quality pills make his eyes light up.

"Seriously?" It seems that Feng Zhongyang still can't believe it.

He knew that among the Fengs, only 80% of the pills were of the highest quality, and a limited number of 90% of the pills were hidden.

"It's absolutely true..." Feng Jiang ye also says something. Although he thinks Feng Tianman says something like this and pulls Lin Ming to their enemy again, Lin Ming doesn't seem to want to let them go. Besides, Feng Zhongyang, who has the same strength as Feng clan leader, is not impossible to win Lin Ming.

The other two men on the side of Feng Zhongyang's body, their eyes are also bright, and their eyes are staring at Lin Ming. The chubby man on the left first opens his mouth

"Boy, hand over all the pills in your hand and the dragon soul. By the way, hand over the broken knife and chain behind you. Maybe we will consider sparing the Shenlong clan this time

As for you, follow us to the law enforcement hall and accept the sentencing of the law enforcement Hall... "

"Ha ha," Lin Ming just sneered, "I have a big appetite. If you take all my things away, are you not afraid of breaking your stomach?"

"These two are..." long Wuxiang doesn't know them.

Both of them looked at the dragon and went away. For the first time, they showed a look of disdain. The other strong man opened his mouth and said:

"It's not surprising that you are just the head of the Shenlong clan and don't know us. You are the two of us, and the whole Shenlong clan can't stand up and need to look up to us

Bai junhuai, the white tiger people. "

"Xuanwu people, xuanzhi Yao." The stout man continued.

"What, white tiger, Xuanwu." Long Wuxiang let out a low exclamation and then sent a message to Lin Ming:

"Lin Ming, be careful, these two races are mysterious beyond the Phoenix clan. If the small world knows that Phoenix clan is in the middle of Wutong Mountain, then the two families are not understanding.

Even many strong people have doubted whether these two transcendental beings really exist... "

Lin Ming nodded slightly, but with a look of interest on his face, he said to them:

"White tiger, Xuanwu, very good. You have aroused my interest. If you want something, I can't give it. It depends on whether you have the strength..."

"Oh? So you dare to challenge us? " The chubby Xuan Zhiyao sneers and looks at Lin Ming with disdain

"Do you know my status among the white tigers? You deserve me? Of course, if your dragon soul is not trapped, I can teach you a lesson, but now, ha ha... "

Xuanzhiyao sneered and looked at Lin Ming with more scorn.

He said to the strong man next to him: "Lao Huai, I'll give this boy to you. Give him some color to see. Let him hand over all his things obediently, and then go to the law enforcement hall with us..."

"Xuanzhiyao, what do you mean?" This strong man Bai junhuai looks angry, "this boy is not worthy of your hand, is it worthy of my hand? Are you turning the corner to say that I am inferior to you in status? Not as strong as you? "

"I don't mean that..." the fat on Xuan Zhiyao's face trembled, looking like a pair of skin smile meat don't smile.

Lin Ming interrupted and said, "you two, there's too much nonsense. Let's go together..."

"You..." Bai junhuai and Xuan Zhiyao were stunned at the same time.

Lin Ming shrugged, "since you don't go up, I'll do it..."

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Ming disappeared in the same place.

"Hum!" Two people at the same time cold hum, still a pair of pressure don't put Lin Ming in the eye of appearance.

"Why? What is this

But the next moment, the two seemed to be involuntarily surprised at the same time.

Lin Ming appeared in front of them. His palms flashed a strange layer of chaotic light. With a whistling sound, he hit them respectively.

"Xianmen's skill, chaos God's palm!"

Feng Zhongyang seemed to recognize it for the first time. He exclaimed, and his face was full of interest.

"How can you master the Xianmen skill of chaos God palm? Who are you?"

Xuanzhiyao couldn't help asking.

At the same time, he hit back at Lin Ming with one palm. A dazzling blue light flashed from his palm, which gave people a strange feeling. The blue light seemed to be the strongest and softest. Compared with Lin Ming's chaotic magic palm, it was not weak at all.

"Hum, even if you can master chaos palm, you can't exert one thousandth power of chaos palm..."

Bai junhuai even more simply hit back at Lin Ming. There was a white light on it, which was like a living creature. In the flight, there was a tiger howling, which shook his heart and soul. The momentum revealed was no less than Lin Ming's move.

"It seems that these two people really have some strength!"

Lin Ming's sense of vigilance can not be more than one point.

Boom! At this moment, Lin Ming's hands and his opponent's fists bombarded each other, and two earth shaking explosions broke out.


In a flash, also broke out like a tornado general airflow, whistling, raging, swept to all directions.

It seems that this extremely rapid air flow finally shook the hall. The whole hall shook for three times, but it finally stabilized. There was no collapse. The cracks and damages on the ground, the walls around, and the top of the hall naturally became more serious.

Bai junhuai and Xuan Zhiyao both stopped. It seemed that they were trying to fight back.

"It's true that they are the members of the Shenlong clan who have a dragon soul. As expected, they have some strength. No wonder they dare to speak up and challenge us both..."

Xuanzhiyao opened his mouth, and the cold light in his eyes flashed, revealing a trace of killing intention.

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