Outside, it was almost a ruin. There were all kinds of breath in the air, such as aura of heaven, the original dark breath, and all kinds of strange breath. Now these were mixed together, which made Lin Ming feel like he was in hell.

"It seems that there are also some disciples of the underworld mixed in..." Lin Ming sneered in his heart. In fact, when he first heard that the defense array of the dragon city was broken, Lin Ming suspected that he was going to the underworld. In fact, to be exact, he suspected that she was the Xuannv of the Ninth Heaven.

Dragon city's defense array will be broken suddenly and inexplicably. It must have something to do with the nine days Xuannv.

Now, as soon as Lin Ming came outside, with the strength of his soul, he did feel the existence of Jiutian Xuannv. However, it seemed that Jiutian Xuannv was extremely hidden, so he didn't feel the exact location of Jiutian Xuannv.

"Nine days Xuannv, if all this happens, if it's your secret trick, I'll let you never come back, hum."

The cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed strongly.

If it wasn't for Jiutian Xuannv, his dragon soul would not be trapped.

And at present, I'm afraid that the only way to get rid of his predicament is to subdue the nine day Xuannv.

"What, nine days Xuannv?" Hearing Lin Ming's words, which seem to be talking to himself, long Wuxiang seems to be startled.

As for the existence of Jiutian Xuannv, long Wuxiang, as the head of a family, naturally heard of it. He was once a disciple of the immortal sect, but later he was demoted and punished for his crime. Even so, Jiutian Xuannv was once a disciple of the immortal sect, and her strength and means were extraordinary.

As long Wuxiang knows, the ancient immortal disciples are all close to the existence of immortals. That is to say, to be an ancient immortal disciple is almost equal to being an immortal.

"At least hundreds of thousands of dark creatures broke into the Dragon City..."

At this time, with the strength of Lin Ming's soul, a little bit of soul power was released, and the situation of Longcheng at this time was immediately understood.

In addition, there are tens of thousands of shens' disciples and nearly 100000 Shenlong's people. At this time, there is a big scuffle in the whole dragon city.

At the same time, Lin Ming sensed the existence of the three supreme elders, the big elder, the second elder and the third elder, and was fighting against the powerful dark creatures.

"What, hundreds of thousands of dark creatures!"

Hearing this, long Wuxiang's face turned white. At the same time, his lips trembled a little

"Before, Feng Zhongyang and others said that the head of Feng clan had gone to kill the dark creatures coming out of the domain. How could there be such a large number of dark creatures in Longcheng all of a sudden

So many dark creatures have directly intruded into Longcheng. Isn't the situation in the whole small world even worse... "

Lin Ming shook his head slightly. For a moment, he didn't know much about the specific situation.

"Here comes the dark creature." At this moment, Lin Ming moved in his heart and looked to the right.

"This breath can be compared with the strong one in the Ninth level of spirit gathering." For the first time, the Dragon Wu Xiang also felt it, and his eyes flashed a color of uncertainty

"And there are many, at least hundreds of them..."

All of a sudden, long Wuxiang also exclaimed in his mouth: "besides, the thunder god family, the wind god family and other disciples of the God family are also coming here..."

Lin Ming nodded. "It's true that the dark creatures are coming from the right, and the disciples of the Shen family are coming from the left. It seems that they are coming for me... Hum..."

Lin Ming's murderous spirit also rose.

At this time, just two or three seconds later, countless figures with murderous spirit and momentum have first appeared in Lin Ming's sight.

"Damn dark creatures, let all dark creatures have no return today..."

The sound of crackling electric current and flashing came out on the Dragon Wuxiang, and the sound of breaking the air rang out. The electric current also attacked the dark creature not far away.

"I found the boy. The boy is here..."

"Kill this boy and take revenge for Lord Satan. This boy still says that he wants to kill the dark emperor. We don't know what it means. We'll take this boy's head back and give it to the dark Emperor..."

"Kill this kid..."

There was a loud cry full of murderous spirit. Then, there were bursts of extremely strong dark air and the original dark air, all of which rushed towards Lin Ming and long Wuxiang.

"What, that's it." Long Wuxiang's face could not help but change first. His momentum was so strong that he defeated his attack in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he attacked him and Lin Ming.

"Hum." For a moment, Lin Ming just gave a cold hum and stood still. Then something like black lightning shot out of his back.

That's the chain, of course.

In fact, it's very simple for Lin Ming to kill the dark creatures. As long as he uses the chain, it's enough. I don't know how many dark creatures he has killed.

"What's this..."

"Ah ah..."

All the rushing dark creatures just saw a black lightning like thing appear, and the next moment there was a scream.

The sound of Bang Bang is also followed by the sound. Then every dark creature explodes directly, and turns into a dark air. It also wants to escape. But with a suction coming from this chain, it absorbs all the dark air.

It's just less than ten seconds. All the dark creatures that rushed over were completely destroyed. There was no one left.

"Here it is." Long Wuxiang can't help but take a breath. He has seen the strength of a chain in Lin Ming's hand, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"Well, what's the matter?"

As for the many disciples of the Shenshi family who rushed over, one by one, they couldn't help but look silly and confused.

At the moment, everyone's steps stopped. Looking at Lin Ming with a look of uncertainty, a voice of discussion rang out.

"Doesn't it mean that the boy has colluded with the dark creature and is already a traitor in the small world?"

"Indeed, according to the investigation of the law enforcement hall, this boy has already become an accomplice of the dark creature and a traitor of the small world..."

"But what's the matter now? Why did he kill the dark creatures? He should join the dark creatures and attack us..."

"I've seen this kid's tricks. He's insidious and cunning. Who knows what's in his heart? He's a traitor in the small world. There's no doubt about that..."

"Everyone rush up. Whoever catches this boy and gives it to the law enforcement hall will get a heavy reward..."

The last sentence seemed to move all the disciples of the Shen family. Their murderous spirit rose again. They were about to come and fight with Lin Ming.

"Stop, if you want to die, just come here." Long Wuxiang opened his mouth and looked at him like electricity

"You have seen the strength of Lin Ming. If you don't have dozens of people, even tens of thousands of people, it's not enough for Lin Ming to fill his teeth. I advise you to leave Longcheng as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will end up like these dark creatures..."

"Well, what a big tone." An inexplicable voice suddenly rang out, "because of this boy's crime, because of your dragon Wuxiang's collusion with this boy, today, the whole Shenlong clan must be exterminated..."

"This..." long Wuxiang's face could not help changing. At this moment, he felt a very powerful breath, which was no less than that of Feng Zhongyang, Xuan Zhiyao, Bai junhuai and others.

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