The snow-white butterfly, struggling between the two fingers of Lin Ming, suddenly flapped its wings, and then sent out a strong momentum to attack Lin Ming. However, even so, it was like a breeze, which had no influence on Lin Ming.

"Let go of me!" Then, the voice roared, full of the killing intention: "if you dare to kill me, I swear, I will come out of the punishment hall and chase you to the end of the world. I will kill you all. It's too late for you to stop now..."

"Lin Ming, don't give up your hands," the elder of the Shenlong clan also had an idea and said, "maybe we can control the outer incarnation of the strong man in the divine punishment hall."

All the others nodded their heads and agreed that it was a good way to get the best of both worlds.

Naturally, in everyone's opinion, Lin Ming would agree.

But at the next moment, everyone was speechless, and Lin Ming's face was calm. As for the butterfly's words, Lin Ming didn't want to think about it at all. He said to the butterfly directly:

"I'm going to kill your avatar now. As for you chasing me, ha ha..."

As he said this, Lin Ming sneered: "I'll just wait. I don't know who killed who."

With these words, a little cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes. His two fingers made a little effort, and then there was a sound of bubbling. The snow-white butterfly was crushed directly by Lin Ming, turned into a little white light, and disappeared in an instant.

"Boy In an instant, there was also a voice full of hatred, which seemed to ring from the distant sky: "you destroy my incarnation, and your hatred and I will die together!"

Lin Ming just shrugged his shoulders and didn't care.

It was not until then that xuankongwu, xuanzhiyao, Bai junhuai, long Wuxiang and others felt that the body, which had been incarcerated inexplicably, had regained its freedom.

At the moment, however, everyone was still looking at Lin Ming, especially Xuan Zhiyao and Bai junhuai.

Their eyes flashed. They were obviously thinking quickly. They seemed to be measuring something. At the same time, it was not difficult to see that their eyes looking at Lin Ming were full of shock and incredible color.

At the same time, they also set off a storm in their hearts.

"This boy's strength has reached such an adverse situation. In just a few hours, he has trained his soul..."

"The kid is so bold that he doesn't even pay attention to the strong one in the hall of divine punishment. If he says kill, he will kill an incarnation of the hall of divine punishment..."

"This kind of existence, but also will each big God family, each big detached powerful force, put in the eye?"

"At this time, the boy will attack us? And killed us directly? "

Xuanzhiyao and Bai junhuai also thought of this last point under a storm in their hearts. They were nervous and uneasy for some reason. Looking at Lin Ming's eyes, it seemed that they could not help revealing a touch of panic.

"Lin Ming, you have trained human spirits. What about the two spirits of heaven and earth?"

Long Wuxiang didn't react until then. He looked forward to Lin Ming.

"After refining the three spirits of the blood emperor, it's just enough for me to refine the human soul." As for the next step, if we want to train the two spirits of heaven and earth, I'm afraid we still need several three spirits

"What, after refining the three spirits of the blood emperor, is it just refining one's soul?"

Everyone was shocked, including xuankongwu, xuanzhiyao and Bai junhuai.

Dragon Wuxiang can't help but blurt out: "the breath contained in the three spirits is so huge and terrible. Even if the three spirits can't be refined, it should be more than enough to produce two of them..."

But on second thought, he seems to understand the key, that is, Lin Ming's talent is unprecedented, I'm afraid there will be no talent like Lin Ming's in the future.

Lin Ming as like as two peas in the butterfly, and the same breath that the butterfly gives out is the power of heaven and earth.

Dragon Wuxiang is clear that only after refining the three spirits and successfully breaking through the soul transforming realm, can a strong soul transforming realm possess the power of heaven and earth.

Lin Ming can exert the power of heaven and earth just by refining one of the souls. It can be imagined that even if Lin Ming doesn't refine all the three souls, only refining one of them should have the strength equivalent to transforming the soul.

At this time, Lin Ming's eyes slowly swept over all the people. All the Shenlong people were afraid to look at Lin Ming. They seemed afraid, frightened, and guilty. They did not dare to touch Lin Ming's eyes and bowed their heads slightly.

As for the words of xuanzhiyao and Bai junhuai, when Lin Ming came, he could not help shivering and retreating.

Of course, Lin Ming's eyes just glanced at him, and then he seemed not to put them in his eyes at all. It seemed that he didn't want to move.

Lin Ming's eyes fell on Xuankong Wu and frowned slightly. Then a glass bottle appeared in his hand.

Lin Ming was just about to open his mouth. The moment Xuankong Wu's eyes touched the bottle, he exclaimed out:

"Magic bottle!"

Seeing this, Lin Ming was very happy. He suddenly took out the magic bottle because he wanted to ask Xuankong if there was any way to open it.

After all, no matter how to say it, Xuan Kongwu is also one of the strong men who have trained three souls. His name is recorded in jishidian. He has entered the outside world and killed countless dark creatures. He has also successfully come out.

"Do you know this bottle?" Lin Ming can't wait to ask.

Xuankongwu nodded and said, "I've seen it in some of the oldest books of the Xuanwu clan. It's an ancient artifact. Of course, the magic bottle is a replica now, but even the replica has reached the level of an immortal artifact with different powers

It's no problem to completely seal the dragon soul

This kind of magic bottle was originally used to seal the sacred beast family... "

"The sacred beasts?" Lin Ming can't help but look thoughtful.

Xuankong Wu nodded and said, "there are very few records of the sacred beasts in the ancient books of Xuanwu. It is only said that the sacred beasts appeared at the beginning of the birth of the universe, and they are the overlord of the universe

Now in the small world, Xuanwu, Baihu, Feng, and Shenlong are all said to be descendants of the sacred beast

Later, in order to deal with the overlord of the universe, another overlord in the universe, the holy family, specially refined a kind of artifact. It was this magic bottle that was used to subdue the holy beast family

Slowly domesticate the sacred beasts and become their own mounts

In addition, I have learned a little bit that the ancient immortal gate has been hunting the sacred beasts all the time... "

After a pause in the dark sky, a trace of helpless hatred flashed in my eyes and said again: "in fact, the small world we are living in now is exactly the enclosure of the sacred beast clan in the ancient immortal gate

However, with the passage of time and the scarcity of the sacred beasts, the small world has gradually become a deserted place and a prison for the ancient immortal sect to hold and punish the disciples of the sect. "

Lin Ming nodded slightly. He didn't expect that there was a history in it. Of course, although Xuankong's words were only a few paragraphs, it's not hard to imagine that there were all kinds of wars between the sacred beasts, the holy people and the ancient immortal gate.

"Is there a way to open this magic bottle?"

Despite what seems to be 10 billion years ago, Lin Ming looks forward and asks.

"Yes." Xuankong I nodded.

Lin Ming looks happy, but also a little impatient: "what way?"

Xuankong I swept around.

Then, Lin Ming looked at xuanzhiyao and Bai junhuai. They were shocked. Then, without saying a word, they disappeared as if they were running for their lives.

At this time, long Wuxiang glanced at many of the disciples of the Shenlong clan and said in a loud voice: "one of the incarnations of the strong one in Shenfu hall has been destroyed by Lin Ming. Of course, for the Shenlong clan, everything is just the beginning

Next, the whole Shenlong clan will face more calamities, especially from the divine punishment Hall

I don't force you to stay. If you want to stay, please pay attention. If you don't want to stay, you can leave

Of course, by the way, with Lin Ming, I believe that in time, the whole Shenlong clan will become the largest force in the small world

Of course, after listening to some secret information from my predecessor Xuankong, I also believe that the vast and boundless universe and starry sky is the place where we will finally go, not the place where the ancient immortals were kept or abandoned... "


All the disciples of the Shenlong clan looked at long Wuxiang and Lin Ming, and their faces were full of struggle. Just ten seconds later, as the first disciple of the Shenlong clan left, many of them disappeared.

When a minute passed, long Wuxiang's eyes swept across the huge square, showing a trace of satisfaction. Only a small part of the Shenlong people left, and the rest still accounted for the majority.

Next, long Wuxiang ordered to arrange the remaining disciples of the Shenlong clan to repair the whole dragon city.

In a secret room.

The three supreme elders and the long dragon of the Shenlong clan are all here. The other two are naturally Lin Ming and Xuankong Wu.

At this time, Xuankong Wu said, "it's said that the magic bottle is made of meteorite from the deep space of the universe. Although this magic bottle is an imitation, it should be made of the same material

To open the magic bottle, it is necessary to use the star meteorite. "

"Oh? Where are the stars Lin Ming asked.

"It's the sealed place outside the small world, that is, the outside world..." Xuankong Wu said: "when I entered the outside world, I found that there were meteorites in the sky

In fact, it's not surprising that there are meteorites in the sky

It is said that the outside world of this region is a small fragment of the demon kingdom where the demons lived, and the demon kingdom is deep in the universe... "

Lin Ming nodded slightly, and then said, "now that we know the way to open the magic bottle, it's not too late. Let's go to the outside world right away..."

"It's too dangerous outside the domain. Let's go with you..."

"The clan heads of Feng clan, the clan heads of the major gods, and the clan heads of many transcendent forces must kill the dark creatures at the edge of the outside world, and let them find you. At that time, there must be some trouble..."

"Indeed, if we go together, we can make a contribution..."

"After all, the three of us have already practiced the highest level of the dragon's ascent into the Dragon realm, and our strength is not inferior to that of some super strong people such as the head of the Phoenix clan..."

The three supreme elders said one after another.

Lin Ming shook his head directly: "no, you can't go with me. At present, in the Dragon City, countless disciples of the Shen family have been killed and injured. It's hard to guarantee that the Shen family won't attack the dragon city again with the underworld."

With that, Lin Ming's face looked dignified, "especially the ten halls of hell, the king of hell, especially the nine heaven Xuannv

As a former disciple of the ancient immortal sect, Jiutian Xuannu still has a lot of powerful means she hasn't used. This time, the defense array of the dragon city will be broken, which must be what she did

Even if I have trained one of the three spirits, I have to be alert when I face her. "


What else do the three elders need to say? Lin Ming interrupted and said: "besides, the outside world is the territory of dark creatures. There are many powerful demons. Although your strength is not low, it's inevitable that you can't retreat completely in the territory of dark creatures. At that time, I have to take care of you, so you can't follow me..."


The words came out of Lin Ming's mouth, and the three elders were dumb. They didn't know what to say.

At this time, Lin Ming said: "of course, before I go to the outside world, I will repair the defensive array of Longcheng and upgrade it. I will stay firm until I leave."

For Lin Ming's words, the current three supreme elders and the dragon have no doubt about each other.

Lin Ming even defeated the blood emperor. Even Xuankong accepted it. In their opinion, there should be nothing that Lin Ming can't do.

Of course, only Lin Ming knows that the reason why he has this confidence and assurance is that the two jade tubes in his hand have recorded a lot of array skills.

Some of them are powerful and have both attack and defense. They are very suitable to protect the whole dragon city.

At the moment, Lin Ming released a trace of soul power and entered the jade tube. Lin Ming quickly understood these powerful arrays.

As soon as he could, Lin Ming didn't delay at all. He immediately arranged the array outside the whole dragon city.

After the array layout, Lin Ming also let xuankongwu attack Longcheng with all his strength.

What surprised the three supreme elders and long Wuxiang was that this array not only firmly protected the Dragon City, but also launched a powerful attack on Xuankong Wu, which almost made Xuankong Wu unable to resist.

In this way, the three supreme elders and long Wuxiang are not excited and ecstatic. They are also ten thousand people who are not worried that the dragon city will be broken again.

Then, Lin Ming and xuankongwu naturally left Longcheng and headed for the outside world.

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