"Nine days Xuannv!"

For the first time, the three elders of the God punishment hall, who was called Yan Tianqi, looked at the nine heaven Xuannv's eyes, and seemed to show a trace of fear involuntarily.

It's true that he has seen the strength of Jiutian Xuannv. In those years, he once fought with Jiutian Xuannv in the immortal gate. He was defeated by Jiutian Xuannv.

At that time, his strength was four levels of Xianjun realm, while Jiutian Xuannv's strength was only one level of Xianjun realm.

After that, in a short period of less than 100 years, Jiutian Xuannv's strength soared to the eighth floor of Xianjun realm at the speed of a rocket, while he stagnated.

Jiutian Xuannv has become a myth and a common existence in legends. Today, his strength is still on the fourth floor of Xianjun realm.

At this time, Yan Tianqi's heart is also not from some doubt, he for nine days Xuannv's situation, also a little understanding.

Nine days Xuannv don't know what to do, was sent to exile, accept the punishment of life after life.

Then, according to nature, nine days Xuannv should be in the secular world at this time. How can she appear in the outside world of this domain.

For a time, Yan Tian couldn't help thinking about it.

It seems that I can see Yan Tianqi's mind at this time. Jiutian Xuannv says, "I want to return to the immortal gate, and I will succeed soon. I wonder if you can help me..."

This words say to seem to have to discuss of meaning, but Yan day strange pour also not difficult from nine days Xuan Nu say of tone medium hear, afraid, no matter nine days Xuan Nu need him how to help a hand, he all have to promise.

He also simply said: "nine days Xuannv something I need to help, is my honor, I will not refuse..."

"Well..." nine days Xuannv can't help but show satisfied color, slightly nodded, and then she said directly: "kill this God punishment hall disciple, Fu Tianmei!"

She looked at the dog days charm and go, the eye light is also undisguised, there is a trace of murderous flash out.

"What," Yan Tianqi can't help but be surprised. He doesn't know why. He looks at the evil spirit of the dog days. For the first time in his heart, he feels that the evil spirit of the dog days is not so bold as to offend the nine day Xuannv.

At this moment, she was extremely nervous. Her heart was pounding wildly. She almost didn't jump out of her throat directly.

When Jiutian Xuannv suddenly appeared out of thin air, she realized that it was not good. She never thought that Jiutian Xuannv suddenly appeared.

She can't help but feel that she is too unlucky. If it wasn't for Yan Tianqi's sudden appearance, she and Lin Ming would have been far away from the magic meteorite sea to find the star meteorite.

At the moment, nine days Xuannu suddenly such opening, naturally also let her heart is not from a tight, she knows, I'm afraid this she a little careless, must die in Yan Tianqi palm.

It's true that even if we don't know whether Jiutian Xuannv will fight, Yan Tianqi is just a matter under her eyes because of her terrible strength.

Lin Ming can't help her. He can't help her.

In the eyes of the dog days charm, at this moment, Lin Ming himself has been unable to protect himself.

The evil spirit of the dog days turned her mind, and then she quickly said, "nine days Xuannu, I don't know what I've done wrong. You have to let the three elders take my life

As the three elders of the divine punishment hall, how can you easily take the life of a disciple of the divine punishment Hall... "

Jiutian Xuannu's tone was light. She said: "before, what happened? Don't think I don't know. The Fu Tian Xi and Fu Tian were both killed by Lin Ming, but you lied to the three elders of the God punishment Hall

When you betrayed the punishment hall, you stood by Lin Ming. You said, "should you die..."

Although Jiutian Xuannv's tone was light, her eyes were cold and indifferent, which made her feel that she would die this time.

"Oh? Is this boy the one who killed the dog seat and the dog seat? " Yan Tianqi's eyes seem to be at this time, and then he really looks at Lin Ming, but his eyes are obviously suspicious.

He won't pay attention to a disciple of the Shenshi family with such strength. Although he has such strength in the soul realm, he is already the top one in the Shenshi family.

Naturally, he never paid attention to the whole Shenshi family and the whole small world, let alone a disciple of Shenshi family.

At this time, Yan Tianqi looks at Jiutian Xuannv and asks: "Jiutian Xuannv, is there any misunderstanding? This boy is just for the sake of transforming the soul. How can he kill the two people

In the divine punishment hall, Fu Tianwei is the genius among the geniuses. He has the best chance to break through to the immortal Kingdom... "

"Yan Tianqi, it seems that Fu Tianmei really conceals a lot from you," Jiutian Xuannv said, "or Fu Tianmei didn't tell you anything at all..."

With that, Jiutian Xuannv's eyes fell on Lin Ming, and her eyes seemed to be a little surprised.

It's true that when the atmosphere of the dog days suddenly disappeared, the five ten hall Yama kings were so shocked that they didn't care about the nine heaven Xuannu's practice, and immediately let the nine heaven Xuannu come out of the cultivation state.

Then naturally, Jiutian Xuannv couldn't feel the slightest breath of the dog days for the first time. Although she didn't think it would be Lin Ming, she had to come to check.

Of course, when she and the five ten palace king of hell appeared, she was surprised to see Yan Tianqi.

Of course, at the same time, she also saw Lin Ming.

Naturally, she never thought that all her previous guesses were wrong. Lin Ming actually had such strength as huahunjing, and really broke through to huahunjing in less than 20 days.

In this way, and Jiutian Xuannv's understanding of Lin Ming is unfathomable all the time, no matter how hard it is to believe it, the two people in the dog seat and the dog seat must be killed by Lin Ming.

Of course, at this time, not to mention that suddenly there is a strong Immortal King, that is, Yan Tianqi. In Jiutian Xuannu's opinion, even with her own strength, she will kill Lin Ming easily.

His eyes fell on Lin Ming. Jiutian Xuannv said slowly: "Yan Tianqi, let me tell you everything I know. This boy is not a simple disciple of the Shenlong clan. He has a dragon soul. His dragon soul has been sealed by Zhenmo bottle town..."

"What, dragon soul? Does he have a dragon soul? "

Although nine days Xuannv absolutely don't need to lie to cheat him, but at the moment, suddenly hear the word dragon soul, Yan Tianqi body under a shock, still can't help but feel extremely incredible.

At this moment, he could not help but have a trace of the power of heaven and earth, which enveloped Lin Ming.

But the next moment, with the same power of heaven and earth emanating from Lin Ming, his little power of heaven and earth did not affect Lin Ming at all.

Seeing this, Lin Ming's face was even more dignified.

Indeed, he could see that the other party was not attacking him at this moment, but had the intention of testing him.

Sure enough, the other side said: "sure enough, it's a member of the Shenlong clan who owns the soul of the dragon. Although the realm of cultivation is only one level of the soul transforming realm, the power of heaven and earth exerted is no less powerful than seven or eight levels of the soul transforming realm

It's also a pity that your dragon spirit has been sealed by the magic bottle. Otherwise, the power of heaven and earth you exert is absolutely above the immortal Kingdom

Ha ha... "

Speaking of this, Yan Tianqi seems to suddenly think of something. He laughs and says with great joy:

"More than 10000 years ago, some of the strong people in the God punishment hall got a part of the dragon soul. In just over 100 years, their strength soared continuously. They directly broke through the Xianjun realm, not to mention, they also soared to seven or eight levels in the Xianjun realm. Then they returned to the immortal gate smoothly and became a generation of strong people with supreme status

My strength has been unable to break through for a long time, so I was sent to guard the small world and become the elder of the divine punishment Hall

I didn't expect that there was a dragon soul here. Ha ha... "

Yan Tianqi can't help laughing again.

It seems that he has already got the dragon soul and his strength has soared.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv's eyes flashed a trace of inexplicable color and said: "Yan Tianqi, the dragon soul belongs to Jiutian Xuannv, and no one is qualified to have it..."

Yan Tianqi seemed to take it for granted. He nodded and said, "it's natural. I didn't expect to get the whole dragon soul. As long as I get a small part, it's enough

Boy, I think you'd better hand over the Dragon Spirit yourself... "

Looking at Lin Ming, a cold light flashed in Yan Tianqi's eyes: "if I do it myself, you will be miserable. The dog days charm is an example..."

"Ah..." also didn't see Yan Tianqi how to make a move, he just suddenly looked at the next day's Fu Tian Mei, all of a sudden with a scream from the Fu Tian Mei mouth, Fu Tian Mei seven orifices, quickly out of the blood.

At this moment, Lin Ming did feel clearly that the breath inside and outside the body of the evil spirit of the dog days was rapidly passing away.

"This," Lin Ming said in his heart, "is the strength of the strong man in Xianjun realm so terrible. With one look in his eyes, the strong man with seven levels of strength in soul realm almost died in an instant..."

"Lin, Lin Ming, help me, help me, I don't want to, I don't want to die..."

Fu Tianmei subconsciously asks Lin Ming for help.

Of course, she knew clearly in her heart how Lin Ming could save her at this moment.

It's true that Lin Ming feels that he is already in danger.

The strength of the strong in Xianjun realm is too terrible.

Not to mention there is a nine days Xuannv in the side covetous.

Yan Tianqi said: "boy, I only give you five seconds to consider..."

A trace of the power of heaven and earth then released from him and enveloped Lin Ming.

"Not good..." for a moment, Lin Ming did feel that he couldn't move.

This time, Lin Ming could not help feeling the unprecedented crisis.

Lin Ming's mind turned, "there's no way. It seems that he can only explode three souls. Only then can he have a chance to escape from a strong man in the immortal Kingdom and from the Xuannv of Jiutian!"

"This boy, the dragon soul in his hand belongs to the emperor. No one can take it away..."

But at this time, a voice seemed to ring out in the distant sky. The next moment, a figure appeared out of thin air.

It looks like a middle-aged man, dressed in black all over, with a black cape behind him. He is hunting without wind.

A sense of hegemony, wildness and violence spread and spread, which seemed to solidify the surrounding space in an instant.

Compared with Yan Tianqi's no mountain and no dew, the man who suddenly appears out of thin air seems to be incomparably direct and seems to release his greatest strength in an instant.

"Who is this..." Lin Ming was surprised.

The breath on the other side is really terrible. The extremely strong dark air is something that Lin Ming has never seen before. Even if all the demons before were added together, it was less than one in ten thousand. Even if it was the Devil boy who was in the devil's palace before, it was nothing like that.

"Isn't it..." Lin Ming's mind flashed, but he thought of something, but he couldn't help but clapping.

He thought of what the demon boy had said before. The demon emperor was sleeping on the top floor of the demon emperor's hall and might wake up at any time.

"The devil Sure enough at this time, feel the man's body burst out of the breath, Yan Tianqi mouth like involuntarily exclaimed.

The middle-aged man in black snorted coldly and said, "since I recognize the emperor, I still don't want to go away..."

Nine days Xuan female pour is suddenly open mouth, say: "evil emperor? I once fought with the devil emperor. Compared with the devil emperor, your breath is too weak. In my opinion, you are just a ghost of the devil emperor at most

Trying to scare us away? Hum... "

With a cold hum, Jiutian Xuannv directly slapped the middle-aged man in black, and there was a layer of colorful light in the palm of her hand.

"It's just a weak woman in xianjunjing who dares to fight against the emperor. She's looking for death..."

Then he saw that the middle-aged man in black's figure was also a flash immediately, so he fought back.

This time, the two sides were fighting in the high altitude.

The appearance of the middle-aged man in black was undoubtedly extremely unexpected. Lin Ming was very happy. At this time, he didn't seize the opportunity, and he didn't wait for time.

Seeing that Yan Tianqi's attention seems to be focused on Jiutian Xuannv and the middle-aged man in black, Lin Ming suddenly burst out a burst of chaotic light, and his strong soul power also released.

Whew, Lin Ming's body turns into a line of chaotic light and shoots to the sky.

"Want to escape?" Yan Tianqi responds immediately.

"This boy's dragon soul belongs to me..."

All of a sudden, a black light shot at Yan Tianqi. That is to say, Lin Ming's chaotic light disappeared in the sky.

"It's dangerous..." when he drove away, Lin Ming no longer felt the breath of Jiutian Xuannv, yantianqi and the middle-aged man in black. Then he felt a sigh of relief

"Fortunately, the middle-aged man in black appeared in time, otherwise, now, I have become a corpse, dragon soul, and everything on my body has been taken away

"Star meteorite..."

Lin Ming looked to the direction of the magic meteorite sea in the distance: "we must find the star meteorite as soon as possible, and only when the dragon spirit gets out of the trap, can I have a little bit of self-protection..."

He is clear, he this leaves, that black dress middle-aged man and nine days Xuan female, Yan day strange both sides will certainly catch up at any time.

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