Lin Ming couldn't help clapping in his heart.

It's true that at this moment, Lin Ming feels that his whole life is out of control.

Indeed, just like Yan Tianqi, Lin Ming found that his whole body was pulled to the huge whirlpool in the distance by the black air.

He also wants to be like Yan Tianqi, sucked into the huge vortex by suction, swallowed by the huge vortex.

The soul of a chain and a broken knife appeared at this critical moment. In an instant, both of them had strong breath and momentum. However, it was just a little way to resist such a powerful pulling force.

"Devil, you want to die."

Nine days Xuan girl is also angry, she wants to go out of life, seems to be and devil emperor desperately, together.

"Nine days Xuannv, you have lived long enough. Now accept your final destiny. Don't fight in vain..."

Not only is nine days Xuan Nu, for Lin Ming, the devil emperor also seems to feel clear.

Both internal and external breath momentum loss serious, as much as 90%, and he seems to be reserved.

"It's a pity that you are a boy..." the devil emperor said to Lin Ming: "with your unique talent, talent, and the existence of dragon soul, which is rare in ten thousand years

It won't take a thousand years for you to become the overlord of the universe

But at the moment, no one expected that there would be such a terrible existence in this magic meteorite sea. It's not only the nine heaven Xuan girl, but you can only sacrifice... "

"Sacrifice me? To keep you alive? " Lin Ming suddenly sneered.

The devil emperor sneered, "why, do you think you can escape from the palm of my hand? Even if you can escape from the palm of my hand, you still can't escape from such a terrible suction. You'd better help me... "

Before the voice fell, the black air that enveloped Lin Ming suddenly burst out with more powerful pulling force. Naturally, Lin Ming was closer to the hole in the distance.

It seems that the next moment, Lin Ming will be sucked away by the suction coming from the pit.

"Devil, you remind me."

At this time, Lin Ming suddenly said something, which made the devil feel very confused.

"What did I remind you?" he asked subconsciously

"You'll know soon."

All of a sudden, Lin Ming disappeared, which naturally made the evil emperor's big black Qi shocked.

The demon emperor felt puzzled. For a moment, he felt that something terrible would happen.

However, he couldn't help laughing at himself and said in secret: "not only this boy, but also the nine day Xuan girl is at the end of the storm. I still have something to keep. It's easy for me to control these two people

I still have dangerous intuition. It's ridiculous

No matter what the boy wants to do, he can't get out of my control... "

All of a sudden, the black air that enveloped Lin Ming's whole body expanded rapidly, and instantly there was a range of several hundred meters.

In the eyes of the devil emperor, the black air expanded like this. It was no surprise that Lin Ming was once again enveloped in it.

But at this moment, the devil seemed to be in a daze.

There is no breath of Lin Ming. There is no breath of Lin Ming within a few hundred meters covered by black air.

In his opinion, this is absolutely impossible.

He didn't believe in this evil. Suddenly, he released his powerful soul power, which was not only within the range of several hundred meters, but also close to the scope of the pit, but he still couldn't feel the slightest breath of Lin Ming.


At this moment, the magic emperor could not help but feel incredible.

Lin Ming lost 90% of his own strength. Even if the strong suction from the pit has fixed his whole body, only that black air can completely control Lin Ming.

But now the scene is so that he can't help being confused.

Lin Ming actually disappeared in such an extremely dangerous situation. In the eyes of the devil emperor, even if Lin Ming really had such a powerful power as xianjunjing, he could not do it.

"The boy must have used some strange secret to hide." The devil guessed in his heart, and he was also very sure:

"First of all, the boy can never get rid of the suction. The boy is still in the black atmosphere, but I can't feel it..."

The power of the soul sent out by the demon emperor is stronger. We should feel the existence of Lin Ming.

"Well?" At the same time, Jiutian Xuannv couldn't help but wonder: "what's the matter? Why did Lin Ming suddenly disappear? Did he directly cross the space and leave the magic meteorite sea..."

"No way." Jiutian Xuannv immediately denied: "it's impossible, even the Immortal King doesn't have such powerful ability, and the Immortal Emperor can barely do it..."

All of a sudden, Jiutian Xuannv couldn't help thinking of something. She was very happy: "Lin Ming probably used some secret method to hide it, hid it nearby, and then took the opportunity to attack the demon Emperor..."

At this time, he still could not feel the slightest breath of Lin Ming. A sinister voice full of murderous air came out from a large mass of black air

"Lin Ming, I know that you are still shrouded in blackness, just hiding your body shape. However, I tell you that it has no effect. Even if you don't die in the hands of the emperor, you will be sucked away sooner or later..."

"It doesn't have to be..."

Lin Ming's voice suddenly rang out.

But the five simple words made the devil's heart cold. The voice was so close that it seemed that Lin Ming was beside him.

"No..." the next moment, the devil suddenly came to something. He almost didn't shout out.

Indeed, he suddenly realized that Lin Ming was still in the shadow of blackness, but he was in the shadow of his own blackness.

That is to say, when Lin Minggang just disappeared, he took the initiative to attack him and entered the range of his black Qi.

For a moment, how could the devil not feel shocked.

"You boy can enter the scope of my dark Qi quietly. How did you do it..."

The voice of the devil emperor seemed to shake involuntarily.

It's like when someone goes into his stomach, it's not easy to take his life.

Lin Ming did not speak.


The next moment, a scream, which seemed to ring through the sky, came out from the dark air of the big group of devil emperor.


Jiutian Xuannv, who was not involved in the incident, could see clearly at this moment. Then she could see that Lin Ming, who was in the dark, was emitting bursts of chaotic light.

In the light of this wisp of chaotic light, a sound of hiss.

Then he saw that the black gas seemed to have been corroded and was melting.

As for the words of the devil himself, he felt as if concentrated sulfuric acid had been poured on his soul, and his soul was rapidly eroding away.

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