Soon, with the rise of such existence, Lin Ming and Jiutian Xuannv knew that this kind of existence was not a mountain.

It turned out to be a huge head like a mountain.

Seeing this, Jiutian Xuannu seemed to recognize this kind of existence. Her body trembled and her voice trembled: "this... This... Is... Is..."

But she didn't seem to be able to say it.

"This is..." at the same time, Lin Ming could not help looking at such a mountain like head.

In the heart suddenly at the same time, also more puzzled.

This mountain rising from under the magic meteorite sea is actually a head. However, what kind of head could it be? It is so huge, with a diameter of at least several thousand meters. When it rises from under the magic meteorite sea, it is startling and shocking.

"This is..." at this time, Lin Ming's heart was beating wildly.

Then he saw a pair of huge eyes, like the eyes of heaven, standing high, overlooking everything, scorning everything. In this kind of eyes, Lin Ming felt that he had been seen inside and outside.

All his secrets seemed to have been seen through by such eyes.

Lin Ming's breath and momentum, with irresistible pressure, made his legs soften. It seemed that he would kneel down the next moment.

At this time, Jiutian Xuannv seems to be in complete despair at last. There is a dead color in her eyes. She seems to have died. Only her lips seem to move slightly out of subconsciousness

"How can it be? How can it be? This is Taotie, this is Taotie... The fierce beast in ancient times

This fierce beast, which feeds on stars, cores, and the world, is actually in this magic meteorite sea, in this little fragment of the world, outside the world

Even if the Immortal Emperor shows up, he can't resist

I'm dead... "

Nine days Xuannv the whole person seems to have been completely desperate, there is no expression in her eyes, she gave up resistance.

"What, ancient beast? "Gluttonous

Although he had never heard of such existence before, Lin Ming was really a little scared at the moment.

Before, no matter facing anyone or anything, he had never been afraid at all. But now when he heard the intermittent words of Jiutian Xuannv, Lin Ming really felt a little hairy and creepy.

It seemed beyond his imagination.

Fierce beasts in ancient times?

A beast that feeds on stars, cores, and worlds?

What is this existence?

After taking a deep breath, Lin Ming finally managed to calm himself down. At this moment, his mind seemed to be clear all at once.

Lin Ming doesn't doubt that Jiutian Xuannv is just like a fairy tale. After all, Jiutian Xuannv used to be one of the strongest in the immortal sect.

Of course, Lin Ming doesn't think that this is really the fierce beast Taotie in ancient times, nor does he think that this is really the huge head of Taotie.

Otherwise, if we don't talk about the fragments of the demon world, I'm afraid the whole small world, even the solar system and the Milky way, will no longer exist.

"Nine days Xuannv," at this time, Lin Ming opened his mouth, he said one word at a time, very clearly introduced into the ears of nine days Xuannv: "this is not really the fierce beast Taotie in ancient times, nor is it really the head of Taotie, I'm afraid it's just a wisp of extremely incomplete soul, don't be scared..."

Of course, what Lin Ming said also had the power of the soul. After it was introduced into the ears of the nine heaven Xuannu, it seemed that it had come all the way to the soul of the nine heaven Xuannu.

In this way, all of a sudden, let nine days Xuannv seem to have a kind of feeling.

Her body can't help shaking, and then brush, in her eyes, then it seems to recover a little look.

Her eyes were staring at the huge head in the distance, and there was a flash of thinking in it. She also looked like a sudden, and then said:

"That's right. As a fierce beast in ancient times, how could it appear here? Even in the immortal gate, it is said that the owners of all generations have never seen the existence of Taotie with their own eyes

This fierce beast in ancient times has been recorded in ancient books all the time.... "

Jiutian Xuannu's face was light, and then she looked at Lin Ming. She said gratefully:

"Lin Ming, as like as two peas, you have reminded me. Otherwise, I have not been swallowed up by the suction, and I am scared to death by the reverse. It is such a huge head, just like what I recorded in it.

Now it seems that Taotie can't be here, but it can be just a wisp of ghost

But... "

Jiutian Xuannu's face became solemn: "but even if it's a ghost of Taotie, I'm afraid we're dead now..."

Lin Ming suddenly said, "as the head rises up, the suction decreases. It's interesting..."

"Why?" It seems that Jiutian Xuannv found this at this time: "the suction has really weakened..." she couldn't help looking puzzled

"Is this head going to let us go?"

Lin Ming gazed at the huge skull in the distance and said, "just now, nearly 20000 meters away, the suction suddenly increased. I'm afraid it's the limit of this skull

This head will not let us go, otherwise, it will not suddenly appear

Otherwise, we may have left the magic meteorite sea... "

At this point, Lin Ming suddenly saw something: "the suction suddenly weakened, I'm afraid it's still distracted to digest the breath of Yan Tianqi and devil emperor. After all, both of them have the strength of immortal Kingdom..."

"Why? You are very strange... "Suddenly, a voice came from the head in the distance, with a trace of astonishment:

"I clearly feel that you are scared. You can calm down quickly, and you can see that I am digesting my breath. Even if Xiandi sees my appearance, he is scared away. You are not so simple..."

At the moment when the voice came out, Lin Ming and Jiutian Xuannv seemed to be surprised. It sounded like the tender voice of a seven or eight year old child.

All of a sudden, the huge head in the distance shrank, and the shrank figure surprised Lin Ming and Jiutian Xuannv.

This figure really has the face of a seven or eight year old girl. Her face is as white as jade. If it's not a pair of strange black eyes, it looks like a very delicate and picturesque little girl.

"This..." nine days Xuannv surprised, and then she can't help blurting out: "what are you in the end?"

"I'm a glutton!" The little girl's eyes were like two black holes, which made her body tremble.

"You're not a glutton, you're just a ghost." Lin Ming said.

"Hee hee." The little girl didn't seem to deny it. She giggled and looked innocent and lovely. Then she said, "so what? Even if I'm just a wisp of ghost, it's easy for me to devour you..."

"Is it?" Lin Ming looks like a mysterious smile: "what are you waiting for..."

"Are you not afraid of death?" The little girl looked innocent and lovely, and suddenly asked.

Even Jiutian Xuannv almost fell for it.

Of course, if you didn't see the huge head before, and see a little girl like this for the first time, Jiutian Xuannv would really only treat her as a little girl.

It's true that Lin Ming can't help feeling this way at this moment.

In addition to the black eyes, there was no suction now, and even the slightest hostile breath did not emanate from the little girl.

At this time, the black eyes looked at Lin Ming, but Lin Ming was inexplicably interested in him.

But Lin Ming said, "since you're procrastinating, we'll leave

Jiutian Xuannv, let's leave... "

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Ming and Jiutian Xuannv had just turned around. Out of thin air, a figure stopped in front of them. The distance was very close, just a dozen meters away.

The little girl suddenly said to Lin Ming, "you're weird. You can see that I'm procrastinating. Do you know that I'm going to devour you. It's just something I'm willing to do..."

"What do you want?" Lin Ming's heart suddenly moved, and then said, he recognized that the other party seemed to have something to discuss with him.

The little girl flashed an inexplicable color in her eyes, and then she said to Lin Ming, "let me enter your Shenju cave, let me have a look at your soul. You are not only eccentric, but I can feel that your soul is even more eccentric..."

Lin Ming can't help sneering: "it's impossible."

It seems that the little girl's young face is covered with frost all of a sudden. She said coldly: "after I devour you, I can see your soul as well..."

Suddenly, the little girl opened her mouth, but it suddenly turned into a bloody mouth, and then like a black hole, there was a huge phagocytic suction.

At this time, there was a flash of white light in the palm of Lin Ming's hand, and then one thing appeared, and there were two consecutive flashes of light. This was the Kunlun mirror, the measuring ruler and the map of heaven and earth.

After the appearance of these three things, without waiting for Lin Ming's hand, it seemed as if he had met a natural enemy and sent out a burst of white light.

Whew, whew, all of a sudden, three white lights also shot directly at the little girl.

"Holy instrument!" This moment seems to see something, like subconscious, a voice with the meaning of surprise came from the little girl's body.

Then, the black hole's bloody mouth disappeared. Next, the little girl's figure flashed three times in a row. It seemed that she could avoid the three white lights, and then her figure appeared thousands of meters away.

"You are a saint disciple!" At this time, the little girl, who was thousands of meters away, also spoke immediately. She looked like she was full of hatred and fear.

"These three things work."

Lin Ming's heart was filled with joy, and when he heard what the other party said, he was even more enigmatic

"It seems that you have good eyesight..."

"Hum," the little girl suddenly gave a cold hum. Then her black hole eyes swept up and down on Lin Ming. Her murderous spirit became stronger and she said:

"You are getting more and more strange. I feel a trace of the spirit of the sacred beast in you. How can you be a saint disciple

However, if you are not a saint disciple, how can you have a holy instrument in your hand... "

It seems that the little girl suddenly has a sudden: "maybe, the three things in your hand are not holy instruments at all..."

Lin Ming is too lazy to say anything more when he hears the other person's words. Since his map of heaven and earth, Kunlun mirror and measuring ruler are effective, it's naturally the best thing.

A burst of the power of heaven and earth and the power of soul poured into these three things. Then, a white light came out and enveloped Lin Ming.

Then Lin Ming disappeared.

Seeing this, not far away, the little girl's face suddenly changed, and her eyes suddenly turned to Jiutian Xuannv.

And then she disappeared.

"I can't help it for the moment. It's not easy for me to kill you..."

Bang of a sudden then ring out, then see a pair of childish palms appear out of thin air, hit nine days Xuan female body.


As if involuntarily, a scream came out, and the whole body of Jiutian Xuannu split countless scars, and the blood flew directly out to the little girl.

Obviously, the little girl is going to swallow up nine days Xuannv.

Just then, the little girl's face suddenly changed again, and then she disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, a white light shot in her disappearance, then, Lin Ming's body revealed.

As soon as Lin Ming saw Jiutian Xuannv as a whole, he could not help frowning.

Jiutian Xuannu's whole body is full of cracks. The cracks seem to be spider silk patterns, in which blood is constantly exuding. Although Jiutian Xuannu's body has a burst of colorful light, it seems that it can't make these wounds heal.

"Hum, I'm a disciple of Xianmen." At this time, the voice sounded, as if from all directions: "it seems that you are also a disciple of the immortal sect

Boy, you wait. In the future, more of my ghosts will wake up in the magic meteorite sea. At that time, I will go to the immortal gate to find you

Of course, I won't devour you directly. There are some things in you that I am very interested in... "

The voice will no longer ring, as if the other party really disappeared.

"Lin Ming, help me," Jiutian Xuannu said to Lin Ming at this time, with a look of unwilling pleading, "I've been in exile for more than a thousand years, and I'll have a chance to return to the immortal gate. I don't want to die like this..."

Lin Ming frowned and said, "don't worry, I won't let you die. Don't forget what you promised me..."

Nine days Xuan girl's eyes flashed a trace of inexplicable color, and then seemed to think of it: "yes, I promised, I will let Wu Xunyi and long Xueni wake up, I will remove the curse on them..."

Lin Ming doesn't care about anything when Jiutian Xuannu talks. He reaches out and hugs Jiutian Xuannu's waist, because in the middle of the sky, Jiutian Xuannu seems to be on the verge of instability.

Then, Lin Ming with nine days Xuannv, disappeared in the air.

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