At this time, Lin Ming appeared in the distance and showed himself. As expected, he found for the first time that a powerful force appeared not far away.

This force does seem to block everything.

Lin Ming felt that even heaven and earth could not compete.

With a flash of cold light in his eyes, Lin Ming felt that he needed to have a try.

He disappeared where he was.

Naturally, Lin Ming used the map of heaven and earth, and then, when he reappeared, it was farther away.

Then in this instant, Lin Ming's face changed. Indeed, all of a sudden, he was attacked by that powerful force.

Attack him directly in the picture of heaven and earth.

This has never happened before.

It is conceivable that this force is really strong.

All of a sudden, this force also attacked the heaven and earth map, and directly forced Lin Ming out of the map.

For a moment, Lin Ming's face was naturally ugly.

It was also at this moment that not only he, but also the map of heaven and earth in his hand, was attacked by such a powerful force.

Then, with the light appearing, the map of heaven and earth could not be hidden. It appeared in Lin Ming's hands.

Lin Ming himself, on the other hand, flew backwards. At this moment, the blood in his body was also surging fiercely. A big mouthful of blood almost didn't come out directly.

For this scene, the distant haotianyi is very clear.

At the moment when the picture of heaven and earth appeared in Lin Ming's hands, he also saw clearly that a flash of light could not help flashing in his eyes.

As if involuntarily, he also said:

"This is the kind of space immortal tool in this boy's hand. It's really powerful and unfathomable. I can't even see its origin for the first time

Ha ha... "

Then, he thought that such a mysterious space like immortal would fall into his hands, and he couldn't help laughing.

Then there was a mocking voice in his mouth:

"Boy, I have said for a long time that the surrounding space has been sealed by me. With your strength of transforming the soul, it is impossible to break it

Of course, unless you are the Immortal Emperor, or you can play out the real power of the space like immortal tools in your hands

Obviously, neither the former nor the latter is possible... "

At this point, haotianyi's face seems to have eased a little, he said:

"Boy, I'll give you one last chance to hand over the immortal weapon in your hand and the dragon soul. Maybe I can spare your life..."

As soon as the word "life" fell, the shape of haotianyi disappeared. When it reappeared, he went to Lin Ming.

Without hesitation, he grabbed Lin Ming's right arm.

Lin Ming can't help but clap in his heart. The strength of the six strong men in xianjunjing is really terrible. How many times faster than him.

When Lin Ming had no idea, he suddenly felt that his arm had been caught.

At that moment, a breath came out of the palm of haotianyi's hand and spread all over Lin Ming's body, which made him completely unable to move.


At this moment, Lin Ming's face naturally changed.

"This is the immortal tool of space..."

At this time, haotianyi looked at Lin Ming's hands for the first time, and his eyes immediately flashed with a touch of light. Then he stretched out his hand and went directly to grasp the heaven and earth map.

Of course, although Lin Ming couldn't move, he had to blurt out a word to stop him at this moment. But Lin Ming suddenly moved in his heart, and his words didn't come out.

Naturally, there should be the soul in the picture of heaven and earth, although it has not come to life like the soul in a broken knife or a chain.

But when Lin Ming got the picture of heaven and earth, he really felt that there was a spirit in it.

Of course, haotianyi, as the strong one of the six levels of strength in xianjunjing, can't be unaware of this.

Sure enough, he took the picture of heaven and earth in his hand, looked at it carefully, and said to himself:

"Is this really an immortal weapon? From my perspective, I can't be sure for a moment. But if it's not an immortal weapon, what's there

Is it an artifact? It's impossible. There are only a few artifact in the immortal gate. You can count five fingers in one palm

Strange things, really strange things

It seems that we have to surrender the spirit of the artifact first to know the origin of the artifact... "

In the palm of haotianyi's hand, a very powerful breath came out. It seemed that after a sudden sound, it rushed into the hands of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed. Suddenly, he clearly felt that the existence of the soul in the heaven and earth map existed in a corner of the whole heaven and earth map.

Of course, that's all.

However, it is also a great thing for Lin Ming to clearly feel the existence of the spirit of heaven and earth.

This also shows that the soul of the heaven and earth map will not fail to do so.

"It's not easy to subdue just one soul with the strength of the sixth floor of our immortal realm..."

After instilling the powerful breath momentum into the heaven and earth map, haotianyi is full of confidence.

"Well?" But at this moment, haotianyi's face suddenly changed. The breath and momentum he had just instilled suddenly surged out of the picture of heaven and earth and attacked him directly.

Such an accident, in the eyes of haotianyi, is undoubtedly sudden.

In his opinion, it is easy for him to subdue the spirit.

Even if the spirit will resist, it should be heaven and earth.

But now, what is the situation? The attack on him is his breath and momentum.

Even though he has lived for thousands of years, he has never seen such a situation. It is the first time for him.

The result of such a change can be imagined.


At the moment, a scream sounded, the whole person of haotianyi was hit by his own breath momentum.

He flew out upside down, puff, puff, puff, blood gushing in his mouth when he was on the way.

"Good." Lin Ming can't help but be overjoyed. At this moment, he can also move.

Then, the cold light in his eyes flashed, and he used the heaven and earth map, which disappeared all of a sudden.

When he reappeared, he appeared behind haotianyi.

At this time, Lin Ming took a broken knife in his hand and aimed it directly at haotianyi.

"Looking for death, taking the opportunity to sneak attack?" Haotianyi's icy voice rang out, "even if I was seriously injured, it's not just a boy with a level of strength who can deal with me..."

Then a strong white light came out of haotianyi. In an instant, the sharp light shone on the blade and on Lin Ming.

"Not good..." feeling the terrible power of the white light, Lin Ming felt that he would melt away in the next moment.

Of course, for the first time, the light of chaos flashed on Lin Ming.

But in Lin Ming's feeling, he can't hold on for two seconds.

Of course, in Lin Ming's opinion, these two seconds are enough for him.


Lin Ming let out a big drink, and then a burst of chaotic light wound around a broken knife.

Hoo, this knife even becomes extremely sharp. It seems to have the momentum of making a breakthrough. First of all, it splits the white light outside haotianyi's body.


Clearly feel the momentum on the body of this broken knife suddenly strong so much, the whole person of haotianyi seems to be involuntarily scared.

At this moment, he also clearly knew one thing, that is, in the face of such a knife, he could not resist hard, only to avoid.

"..." although haotianyi doesn't want to dodge, it can only do so.


But the next moment, a scream came out of his mouth.

Indeed, although he dodged, he was still a little slower, even for a tenth of a second.

But for such a short time, although his body escaped, his whole right arm did not.

A flash of light, a touch of blood in the air bloom.

The whole right arm of haotianyi was cut down by Lin Ming and shrouded in the light of the sword. The whole right arm of haotianyi was smashed and disappeared.

Of course, in the right arm was cut off the moment, haotianyi has gone.

"You, you," at this moment, haotianyi was furious and could not say a word for Lin Ming's killing intention.

After a while, his face was gloomy and terrible.

He just opened his mouth word by word, "boy, you have committed a terrible crime. Originally, I could avoid the disaster of killing the Shenlong clan, but now, the whole Shenlong clan will be killed completely because of what you did..."

It's a pity that Lin Ming didn't kill haotianyi directly. He couldn't help saying:

"In that case, you have no way to live

Although you are a strong man on the sixth floor of Xianjun realm, you are still seriously injured by the heaven and earth map... "

At this time, there are two white lights in Lin Ming's hand. As soon as they flash, Kunlun mirror and measuring ruler appear.

Before the hands of heaven and earth map, Kunlun mirror, measuring ruler these three things, can deal with the strength of a more powerful ray of gluttonous ghost, that is, the little girl, now to deal with haotianyi, naturally.

Not to mention, haotianyi has been seriously injured by the attack of heaven and earth.

Seeing the appearance of Kunlun mirror and measuring ruler, haotianyi was stunned for the first time. Then he sneered

"I thought you took out the fairy ware again. It turned out that it was two pieces of broken metal."

At this time, haotianyi really didn't feel it. Kunlun mirror and Tianchi have strong breath and momentum.

In particular, the Kunlun mirror is seriously damaged, and the measuring ruler is more like a big iron bar.

Moreover, in the eyes of haotianyi, Lin Ming already has one kind of immortal ware in his hand, which is extremely rare. The powerful space like immortal ware is enough to shock the world. How can he still have two kinds of immortal ware in his hand.

Haotianyi, however, has a magic weapon in his hand, but it's just the same. It's the "net of heaven and earth" that has already been put out.

"Scrap metal?" The cold light flashed in Lin Ming's eyes. "Let's see if it's broken metal..."

On the map of heaven and earth, the Kunlun mirror and the measuring ruler, white light came out. Whew, whew, whew, in a flash, three white lights came out, and they all shot towards the distant sky wing.

"Laugh to death," for the first time, haotianyi disdained very much, there was a breath on his body, the momentum sent out:

"Even if you have three immortals in your hand, how much power can you exert

What... "

But then, haotianyi's face suddenly changed.

Indeed, his breath could not stop the three white lights.

Boom, boom

All of a sudden, the roar sounds like three earth shattering, and then you can see that these three white lights bombard haotianyi very accurately.


Immediately, a scream sounded like a scream across the sky, and a bang of explosion followed.

"Boy, today's revenge, I will certainly give it back ten million times..."

At this time, a sound came out, which sounded from all directions.

When Lin Ming saw it, he couldn't help frowning.

Then he saw that the whole person of haotianyi exploded, and four groups of white light appeared, which shot rapidly in all directions.

For the first time, Lin Ming can see that this is the noumenon of haotianyi, plus his three spirits.

Of course, Lin Ming can also feel that after being attacked by such a solid combination of heaven and earth map, Kunlun mirror and measuring ruler, haotianyi will be even more injured.

However, in Lin Ming's view, haotianyi goes in four directions, and he can't catch up anyway.

With the disappearance of haotianyi, there are dots of light around him. Then, Lin Ming can't feel the inexplicable powerful force. The surrounding space has lifted the blockade.

"Not good."

At this time, Lin Ming's face changed: "Dragon City, Shenlong clan!"

Before, Lin Ming believed what haotianyi said. The whole Shenlong clan has indeed fallen into the control of shenpunish hall. Now, when haotianyi runs away, he must go to Longcheng at the first time.

At this time, Lin Ming also found that Jiutian Xuannv had disappeared. He didn't know when she had disappeared. Naturally, Lin Ming couldn't care about it now.

Lin Ming disappeared in the same place. Naturally, he also used the map of heaven and earth.

The next moment, when he appeared, Lin Ming left the magic meteorite sea completely and appeared in the outside world.

As for everything in the outside world, Lin Ming naturally didn't care about it at this time. He rushed to the outside world.

Within the dragon city.

In the hall, you can see a figure sitting high above the head of the dragon clan.

If Lin Ming showed up, he would recognize each other for the first time.

It's Feng Haotian, the head of the Feng clan.

Next to him, there were seven or eight other figures, with the same momentum.

Below, there are hundreds of figures standing, all with angry faces and murderous eyes.

Facing these hundreds of figures, Feng Haotian, sitting on the head of the clan, looks like looking at a group of ants and says:

"Why, long Wuxiang, you Shenlong people think that with Lin Ming alone, the whole Shenlong people can fight against feng people and against the whole small world

Don't forget, there is also the punishment Hall

Now, I'll give you one last chance to kneel down and surrender to me, join the Feng family and become the servants of the Feng family. From then on, the Shenlong family no longer exists

Otherwise, you all have one end, death

The whole dragon city will also be razed to the ground.... "

"Feng Haotian, don't talk nonsense. If you want to kill or cut, whatever." The dragon has no appearance of a pair of death.

"Ha ha..." Feng Haotian sneered, "why, are you still waiting for Lin Ming? I've never heard of anyone who can come out alive after entering the magic meteorite sea... "

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