Jiutian Xuannv looked very calm. She also showed a smile on her face and said slowly:

"If I don't show up, how can you see your mother again?"

Hearing this, the cold light in Lin Ming's eyes flashed strongly. Lin Ming said, "why, are you going to blackmail me with my mother?"

"Of course I didn't mean that." Nine days Xuan female slowly open a way, that look toward Lin Ming but go of eyes, imitate to contain a pool of autumn water, is also deep not see bottom, imitate no one can see her at this time the slightest mind.

She said:

"We have been cooperating for a long time. Although there was an accident in the middle, I didn't wake Wu Xunyi and long Xueni up

What's more, I've come to you with good news. It's good news that can completely restore the memory of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni

Of course, in order to show my sincerity, I can return Pan Yu to you first... "

Then a figure appeared out of thin air, floating in front of the nine day Xuan girl, with a layer of colorful light flashing on her body, which seemed to protect the figure.

"Mother." Can't help seeing this as like as two peas. He saw the figure coming out. In the instant, Lin Ming recognized it. It was exactly the same as his original memory. He just cried out in a spontaneous way.

Lin Ming's murderous spirit rose: "nine days Xuannu, what did you do to my mother?"

Jiutian Xuannu said, "I have never done anything to your mother..."

The suspended Pan Yu drifted to Lin Ming, and soon he was in front of him.

Lin Ming catches Pan Yu quickly, and then puts his finger on Pan Yu's pulse for the first time. At this moment, Lin Ming's murderous spirit becomes stronger.

It seems that the next moment, he will regardless of the power of heaven and earth to show, to nine days Xuannv attack and go.

It's true that Pan Yu at the moment is cold and thorough. There is no breath inside or outside his body. He seems to have died completely and for a long time.

But somehow, Lin Ming knows that Pan Yu has not really died.

Nine days Xuan female should not be able to return a corpse to him.

At this time, nine days Xuannu opened her mouth, she seemed to explain the general said: "Pan Yu, is dead, but also not dead

In the depths of her Shenju cave, there is still a breath. If she doesn't have the strength of xianjunjing, she won't notice it at all... "

Lin Ming was still murderous. "Nine days Xuannu, it's too late for you to say anything now. You've done my mother such a harm. I won't let you go

You want me to take you back to Xianmen. Don't daydream... "

Jiutian Xuannv is still sincere. She still says: "Lin Ming, you really misunderstood me. It's not me who made Pan Yu like this. It's the king of hell who made Pan Yu..."

Lin Ming sneered, "the ten halls of Yama have all fallen. Now there is no proof of death. Of course, you can push it completely. What the ten halls of Yama did is not your inspiration..."

Jiutian Xuannu shook her head. "I didn't mean to do what the king of hell did. It seems that hell is under my control, but you should know that hell is created by the ghost emperor of ten directions in the final analysis

Pan Yu will become like this. It's the ten ghost emperors' advice

I don't want to hide it from you. You must have seen that the soul in your mother's Shenju cave no longer exists. Yes, it was taken away by the Shifang ghost Emperor

It can be said that in the world, the strong can collect souls directly through countless spaces, except for the ten ghost emperors, even the strong immortal emperors in the immortal gate can't do it.... "

During the conversation, Lin Ming's eyes were fixed on her. For a moment, he believed her words.

Of course, Lin Ming is still vigilant and on guard against anything that nine days Xuannv says.

From the beginning to the end, Jiutian Xuannu brought him a sense of unfathomability, which was that she never reduced half a point.

Lin Ming snorted coldly: "so, if my mother wants to wake up, only Shifang ghost emperor can do it..."

Nine days Xuan Nu nods, "according to reason, really so..."

Lin Ming asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Jiutian Xuannu said: "it's true that in addition to the Shifang ghost emperor's hand, there are two holy implements that can make Pan Yu wake up. They are the" Sansheng stone "and" liudao reincarnation "in the hands of Shifang ghost emperor

And these two holy vessels belong to the ghost emperor of the ten directions. Of course, unless you can get these two holy vessels and use them

But basically, it's impossible

Therefore, it can also be said that no one can wake Pan Yu up except the ghost Emperor himself... "

Lin Ming hummed and said, "I said so much that I didn't say anything..."

In fact, Lin Ming could not help but clap in his heart. As nine days Xuannu said, he carefully examined Pan Yu's condition again. There was darkness in the Shenju cave, without any light, and his soul was not in it.

Fortunately, Pan Yu's body is well preserved without any damage.

After saying this, Lin Ming didn't take any more time to take Pan Yu into the heaven and earth map. Then he asked the princess of hell and the evil ancestor to take Pan Yu into the Buddhist pagoda.

At this time, nine days Xuannv said: "I have given Pan Yu back to you, and I will tell you the way to wake Pan Yu up. You can see my sincerity..."

After a pause, Jiutian Xuannv glanced at Wu Xunyi, then swept the corpses of the dark creatures all over the floor. Then her eyes fell on Lin Ming's injured shoulder and said:

"As for the way to restore the memory of Wu Xunyi and long Xueni, wait until you stop bleeding

If the blood from your wound continues to flow like this, I'm afraid that at that time, without waiting for the immortal disciples to catch up with you, there will be other dark creatures coming, and you will surely die

At that time, your woman Wu Xunyi will be no exception... "

"Xunyi, let's go." Lin Ming goes to Wu Xunyi and reaches out his hand. He holds Wu Xunyi's catkin directly. His tentacles are cold, like ice crystals.

Wu Xunyi's body seemed to be stiff, and she seemed to have no strength, so she didn't shake off Lin Ming's hand.

Lin Ming takes Wu Xunyi and walks back to the previous cave.

Nine days Xuan female, is also always not slow behind.

Soon, nine days Xuannv also directly followed up inside the cave.

In the cave, long Xueni is sitting on the ground against the wall, looking safe and sound. Lin Ming sees it. Although he knows that long Xueni will not have an accident in the cave, he is still relieved at this time.

Seeing Lin Ming come back like a bloody man, long Xueni still lost her memory, but subconsciously, she looked scared. She turned pale and said:

"What's the matter with you, Lin Ming? Are you hurt?"

Lin Ming said with a smile: "you don't know who I am and what my strength is. It's just a slight injury. It's nothing serious..."

Then, naturally, Lin Ming would just take off his upper clothes, and if he was wearing pants, it would be inconvenient for Jiutian Xuannv to come in.

Of course, the most important thing at the moment is to stop the blood in the wound.

Seeing Lin Ming take off his clothes, Wu Xunyi turns her head subconsciously.

As for the words of long Xueni and Jiutian Xuannv, they don't care at all.

Nine days Xuan female pour also show a pair of extremely earnest appearance, looking at Lin Ming that shoulder place wound.

There, because a claw directly pierced into the flesh and blood, now a piece of flesh and blood blurred, it looks terrible.

Lin Ming was also looking at the wound on his shoulder. He could not help frowning slightly and said to himself: "it's really strange. With the quality of my body now, it's impossible that the wound won't heal right away..."

Jiutian Xuannv said, "Lin Ming, I'm afraid you don't know which kind of dark creature is attacking you

It's a kind of dark creature called Wandu beast. It's like a wolf or a tiger. The poison gas on it is extremely terrifying. Even if the strong one in Xianjun kingdom is infected with it, and there is no special antidote, the body can't heal itself... "

Lin Ming's eyes could not help falling on Jiutian Xuannv and said, "so, do you have an antidote?"

Jiutian Xuannv smiles. She looks friendly and kind. She looks like a close friend of Lin Ming. She says, "coincidentally, I have an antidote..."

With that, Jiutian Xuannv's palm was flat, and there was a flash of white light. A white jade vase appeared in the palm of her hand.

It seems that Jiutian Xuannv is also speechless. She throws the porcelain bottle to Lin Ming. She doesn't have any extra words.

Lin Ming was still on guard and alert. Then he opened the bottle cap. When he saw it, he was slightly surprised

"90% antidote pill?"

He can easily refine 90% of the quality of pills, and naturally he will not be wrong.

Jiutian Xuannv nodded and said, "yes, it's a 90% antidote pill

Even among the immortals, pills of 90% quality are extremely precious. Although they can't compare with the elixirs, they are also in the hands of the elders of the immortals

I know that you can easily refine 90% quality pills. If you can enter the immortal gate, I'm sure your status will not be low

Of course, what happens in the small world should not be known to Xianmen first. It's about you... "

"I'm afraid it's hard." Lin Ming hum said: "all the disciples of the immortal sect have been alarmed. They are searching for my whereabouts..."

"In fact, it's hard to say, but it's easy to do..."

In Jiutian Xuannu's eyes, she flashed a cold light: "as long as we kill the disciples of Xianmen, even if we can't kill them, we can control them completely, and then we will be able to hide the truth from the world..."

"Ha ha." Lin Ming said coldly: "it seems that the reason why you suddenly appear and find me, I'm afraid that killing the immortal disciples is your main purpose..."

Jiutian Xuannu's face again showed a smile: "the disciples of Xianmen are our common enemies. Kill them or control them. Isn't that what you want

I know that you should improve your cultivation level as soon as possible. When you practice, I can help you watch and pay attention to everything around you

In fact, after all, we are not enemies... "

Lin Ming didn't say any more. He took the antidote given to him by Jiutian Xuannu while she was talking.

Sure enough, it had an immediate effect.

The wound on the shoulder stopped bleeding immediately and healed without leaving any scar.

Seeing that Lin Ming took the antidote, the wound on her shoulder was almost instantly healed. Long Xueni looked very happy, and she was really relieved.

"This antidote is really effective." At this time, Lin Ming could not help saying.

"It's natural." Jiutian Xuannu opened her mouth and said, "this is a 90% antidote. It can neutralize all kinds of poisons..."

After a pause, she looks at long Xueni and Wu Xunyi, and then says to Lin Ming:

"When it comes to restoring their memories, it's not hard to say, but it's not easy to say easy

Amnesia, in the final analysis, is related to three souls and seven spirits. In fact, to be more precise, it has the most to do with seven spirits

To understand the secret of the seven spirits, we must first have the strength of the immortal realm... "

Jiutian Xuannu stares at Lin Ming and says, "you have dragon soul, and your natural talent is extraordinary. But it's impossible to break through to the realm of Immortal Emperor in a short period of several hundred years and become a generation of Immortal Emperor..."

A few hundred years may be nothing for you, but Wu Xunyi and long Xueni's words.... "

"What's the way?" Lin Ming interrupted when he heard this.

This time, Jiutian Xuannv said simply: "among the immortal gate, there are five supreme heavenly books, one of which is called Wuzi heavenly book. It is said that it records everything about Qipu in detail, which can only be seen by someone who has a destiny

If you can get the wordless book, or have a look at the wordless book, you can certainly help Wu Yanyi and long Xueni recover their memory... "

Lin Ming sneered: "let's wait until I can enter the immortal gate..."

Naturally, although Lin Ming believed what Jiutian Xuannv said, he knew that Jiutian Xuannv would never help him so wholeheartedly. I'm afraid there was something fishy in it.

Of course, Lin Ming didn't know what the tricky experience was, but it didn't prevent him from keeping alert and vigilant to every move, every word and every action of the nine heaven Xuannv.

At this time, Lin Ming didn't say much. After he untied the acupoints on long Xueni, he also told Wu Yanyi and long Xueni to take out a set of array flags that had been refined before in Longcheng and put them at the entrance of the cave.

Lin Ming doesn't care whether Jiutian Xuannv will pay attention to everything outside the cave.

Of course, Lin Ming will not be at ease with Jiutian Xuannv. He has secretly ordered a broken knife and the soul in a chain. No matter it is Jiutian Xuannv or outside the cave, it will appear only when there is abnormal movement.

At this time, Lin Ming began to practice.

After sitting on his knees, Lin Ming closed his eyes and immediately entered the state of cultivation.

Naturally, Lin Ming is very much looking forward to his strength can directly break through to the immortal realm.

But in Lin Ming's opinion, it is unlikely.

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