"Hum..." seeing the speed of the keel fragments accelerated for a while. For a while, there was a cold hum from the mouth of the nine demons.

"We're going to risk our lives and control your weapons..."

"You've learned a magic move to reverse space. Maybe we can't help you, but it's not a trivial matter to control your weapons..."

Tengteng, a strong black light, which was as strong as the limit, came out of the thirteen spirits at the same time and attacked by a black lightning.

"Well? This... "For a moment, Lin Ming's face really changed.

Indeed, after he instilled the power of the soul, the speed of the keel fragments, which can be said to be fast to an incredible level.

But at the moment, with the other side's hand, the speed of the keel fragments flying out is indeed a slow.

Of course, that's all. The next moment, it seems that without waiting for Lin Ming to exert the power of his soul again, all of a sudden, many lines on the surface of the keel fragments light up actively.

This kind of light up, light, it looks very dim.

I'm afraid that except for Lin Ming himself, the thirteen demons were not found. All of a sudden, there was such a change on the keel fragment.

At this moment, Lin Ming can't help feeling very clear. With the fragments of the keel, the lines on it suddenly brighten.

A very powerful breath, and then it comes from it.

At this moment, it seems that Lin Ming can't help but feel happy.

Indeed, with this kind of breath coming out, whew, under the joint attack of the other party's thirteen demons, the speed of the keel fragments is also faster, which is a bit faster than he instilled the power of the soul into it before.

"Ha ha, boy, you see, we have 13 demons working together. It's not easy to control such weapons as you..."

At that moment, seeing the speed of the keel fragments obviously slowed down, many demons seemed to burst out laughing.

But that's all. At the next moment, not only the laughing demons, but all the other demons seem to be in a daze.

Brush, these thirteen evil spirits forehead, cold sweat is almost all at the same time like rain and down.

Indeed, they just slowed the speed of the keel fragments a little bit, and the time was very short, that is, three or four seconds.

Then whew, the speed of the keel fragments is even faster. It seems that it completely ignores their joint attack.

"Be careful."

Sure enough, a warning sound of exclamation rang out.

Indeed, they all clearly saw that such a black lightning, which was formed by the fragments of the keel, seemed to have directly crossed the space and shot at the nearest demons.

First of all, the four spirits who are closest to each other seem to be subconsciously frightened. At this moment, they are even a little panicked.

It's true that how could they have imagined that thirteen demons could not control a weapon with all their strength.

They didn't even think about how they would react if they couldn't control the keel fragments.

Because, in their view, it is totally impossible for the thirteen demons to control one weapon with all their strength.

It can be imagined that the four spirits were naturally in a daze.

The next moment, the four demons seem to have their pupils shrinking involuntarily. Indeed, in their eyes, they also seem to have a black lightning, which is rapidly enlarging.


The next moment, there were four screams almost in no particular order.


"This weapon is too terrible..."

"These four demons don't even have the power to resist a little..."


As for the remaining nine demons, it was also very clear what kind of picture they saw.

Indeed, almost at the same time, a big blood hole appeared on the forehead of the four spirits.

With a scream, from the mouth of the four spirits, they are the same end, Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang.

The bodies of the four spirits exploded directly.

And what will happen next, in the eyes of the remaining nine demons, there is no need to think about it at all.

Indeed, the four groups of extremely rich magical spirit, also disappeared out of thin air.

Just like the two spirits before, these four spirits seem to have never appeared.

Of course, at this time, the nine spirits naturally knew what had happened.

There were six demons in this series. After their bodies exploded, the strong demonic breath was not inexplicably disappeared, but was absorbed by such a weapon. What they absorbed was nothing left.


Scared silly, the remaining nine demons, one by one, are showing a look of scared silly, a look like seeing the end of the world.

Indeed, in their view, it is not easy for them to control one weapon.

But what is the truth? They believe that this weapon is not as powerful as Lin Ming.

But now it seems that such weapons can directly absorb even the spirit.

Can Lin Ming do such a thing.

In their opinion, it is impossible for Lin Ming to do such a thing.

But this weapon, it is done.

"This boy has such a terrible weapon in his hand. He is more powerful than himself..."

"This boy is against the heaven. What is his existence..."

"Run away..."

A voice of exclamation rang out. Brushing, the cold sweat on the forehead of the nine demons had already fallen like rain. At this time, the whole body seemed to be soaked with cold sweat.

At this time, more than half of the demons even completely forgot the identity of Lin Ming as a disciple of Pangu's descendant. They also forgot what they had just said. Even if they would die, they must capture Lin Ming.

Like involuntarily, a great sense of panic, is rising from the hearts of the five spirits.

With the word "escape ah" coming out from one of the spirits, five spirits, like a lost dog, scrambled for their lives.


It can be said that the occurrence of such a scene is extremely abrupt. Suddenly, the four spirits, such as Shura spirit and Qianmian spirit, have disappeared directly in their sight.

However, at this time, Lin Ming gave a cold hum: "do you want to escape? It's impossible. If I say to take the lives of all your demons, I will take the lives of all your demons. No one can escape... "

Whew, at the moment, the four demons can see clearly that as Lin Ming's voice falls, a black lightning bolt shoots out.

This moment, also seem to disappear directly in their sight.

Seeing this, the four spirits gave a sneer of disdain

"Hum, in the 18th heaven of Tiangong, this is the home of demons. As long as demons want to hide, they can't find anything..."

"As long as the devil wants to escape, in a moment, he can directly escape to a place where no existence can be found..."


But the next moment, the four spirits, is Qi Qi silly eyes.

Indeed, their words were just finished, as if from a very distant place, there were four screams almost in no order.

They knew for the first time where the four screams came from. It was the four spirits who fled for their lives.


"How could that be..."

The four spirits of Qianmian demons were all stunned at this moment, showing the appearance that the three outlooks had been subverted.

At the moment, these four spirits seem to be absent-minded, like subconscious, murmuring to themselves.

"What kind of weapons are there in the world, which can do this, directly across the space, kill the four demons in seconds..."

"It's against heaven, it's against heaven. Even the ancient gods in those days could never have such a powerful weapon in their hands..."


The next moment, also more like involuntarily, a burst of cold breath sound, is from the mouth of the four spirits.

Indeed, with the sound of whew, a black lightning appeared in their sight.

This is the keel fragment. After killing the four demons, it is also the first time to return.

Panic, see the return of the keel fragments, at this time, thousand face demon spirit, Shura demon spirit this time finally completely panic, like from the bottom of my heart, directly out of a strong panic and panic.

Let's not say that Lin Ming can reverse space with a magic move. Even if he has such a powerful weapon in his hand, they can't control and deal with it.

"A total of more than ten powerful demons died in the blink of an eye, and now there are only four..."

"All the demons were killed directly by the other party, but we didn't even touch the corner of the boy's clothes..."

"How can we fight this? We're going to kill ourselves if we fight this boy."

"I'm afraid only the devil king in the middle of the ten thousand devil mountain can deal with this boy..."

At present, the four spirits, Qianmian spirit and Shura spirit, seem to have lost their souls. Subconsciously, they are murmuring to themselves.

"Even if we know it's death, we will fight with this boy... Hum..."

It seems that the spirit of thousand faces came over suddenly at first. When he Teng, he saw that it came out of him. It was not black light, but a red and black light, revealing a very strange and creepy breath.

At the sight of this light, the Shura spirit and the other three spirits seemed to be shocked. After brushing, their faces seemed to turn pale involuntarily.

"Thousand face demon spirit, are you crazy? You should burn your own demon spirit breath. You will fall into the animal way and reincarnate forever in the animal way..."

"Stop the thousand face demon spirit, even if we die in this boy's hands, we don't want to burn the demon spirit breath..."

Shura evil spirit, the three evil spirits, looked frightened when they saw such a scene. They all spoke quickly to dissuade each other.

But the thousand face demon spirit seems to have completely let out. The beads in his eyes have become red and black. His eyes are just looking at the black lightning thing, that is, the keel fragment in Lin Ming's hand.

And with the thousand face demon spirit's hand like this, Lin Ming's face looks, also is not from a change indeed.

Indeed, from the red and black light, not only he, for a moment, seemed to feel a sense of danger, even the keel fragment itself.

It seems that in such a red and black light, there is indeed a terrible and strange force that even the keel fragments can not resist.

But just then, Lin Ming could not help but move.

Then, the next moment, whew, you can see that the keel fragments directly turned into a black lightning, with faster speed, attacking the other three demons.

And this kind of speed is a bit faster.

"Ah ah..." immediately, there was a scream.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Indeed, in addition to the thousand face spirits, the remaining three spirits were killed almost instantly by the keel fragments.

In other words, in addition to the thousand face demons, all the other demons, except the violent demons, were killed by the keel fragments, and the strong smell of demons was absorbed by the keel fragments.

At this time, as the keel fragments directly absorbed the spirit breath of the two demons, the lines on the surface became more and more.

The momentum it radiated also increased by more than 100 times in an instant.

In the face of the red and black light of this thousand face demon, the keel fragment no longer seems to have the slightest intention to retreat.

Not only that, but also a more intense desire came from the keel fragments. It seems that I am also eager for the red and black light emitted by the thousand face demon spirit burning the spirit breath.

At this time, the voice of the thousand faced demons came out from a burst of red and black light, word by word, full of monstrous hatred and killing intention

"Boy, I don't hesitate to let myself fall into the animal way and become a beast that will be slaughtered forever. I also want to burn my own demon breath, destroy weapons like you, and kill you..."

There was a loud bang. Even if it rang out, the voice fell down, and the red and black light on the thousand face demon was bright. At this moment, it looked as if it was a red and black sun.

In this instant, it seems that it directly irradiates the 18th heaven of the whole heavenly palace.

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