For a moment, the magic boy didn't speak. It was obvious that he was thinking, but it was only a few seconds in the past. The voice of the magic boy came into Lin Ming's ears

"If it wasn't for Lin ling'er's sudden words, I didn't expect that the man who attacked you would be the God disciple in the 18th heaven of the heavenly palace

In this 18th heaven, the divine disciples have existed for at least 10 billion years. They know all kinds of divine arts and have all kinds of ancient Taoist tools in their hands. Their strength is not small

I will continue to lead the way and let you find the God who attacked you. But from the previous moves, you can see that the opponent is strong and the means are even more strange

You have to be careful... "

"Lead the way." At the moment, Lin Ming seems to have no expression on his face. Anyway, the other side has taken away a broken knife and a chain from him. This revenge must be avenged, not to mention the other side has hurt his palm.

At this time, magic boy didn't speak any more and continued to lead the way. The next moment, Lin Ming naturally disappeared in the same place.

When Lin ling'er thought about it for a moment, he bit his lip. It seemed that he didn't want to keep up, but he disappeared and kept up with Lin Ming's speed.

As he moved forward more and more quickly, Lin Ming naturally felt more clearly that the evil spirit in the space became weaker and weaker.

At the same time, the immortal atmosphere in the space naturally becomes more and more rich.

After flying in the space for a few minutes, Lin Ming felt that it was very far away from the magic mountain.

In the space, the evil spirit breath is almost gone.

"Master, help me."

Just then, a very weak voice sounded.

When Lin Ming heard it, he could not help but be surprised. Indeed, he knew whose voice it was the first time. It was Lin ling'er.

He did not expect that Lin ling'er should have followed.

When he looked back a little, he saw that there was a little black spot in the distance, which seemed to be at the end of the sky. The breath was very weak, which seemed to disappear at any time.

At the moment, Lin Ming seems to be a little hesitant, and then disappears. When he reappears, he naturally comes to Lin ling'er's side.

At this time, naturally, we can see that Lin ling'er's evil spirit breath is really very weak. His face is pale and looks bloodless.

Naturally, for the first time, Lin Ming could see clearly what was going on. It was no doubt that the evil spirit in the space had almost disappeared.

Seeing this, Lin Ming was still expressionless and said, "why do you want to follow..."

Lin ling'er's voice sounded intermittently: "I, I said, said to take the elder... Take the elder, go to find the wordless book, I will, I will keep my word

I will definitely take my predecessors to Wanmo mountain in person. "

Lin Ming's eyes could not help passing a trace of surprise.

When Lin ling'er saw that Lin Ming was suddenly silent, he seemed to be a little flustered. At the moment, his tone sounded a little hasty

"Master, don't you need me to take you to Wanmo mountain? Are you going to leave me here? Don't you want me any more..."

This kind of words, the tone sounds really very urgent, her eyes are also involuntarily staring at Lin Ming, a touch of tears, it seems that subconscious emerge.

At the moment, Lin Ming still looks like he has no expression on his face

"Of course, I still need your help before I go into the magic mountain and find the wordless book

Moreover, I said before that I would take you away from the 18th day of the heavenly palace when I found the wordless heavenly book. Naturally, I mean what I say... "

On hearing this, Lin ling'er immediately showed an almost ecstatic look. He seemed to be excited and a little at a loss. His lips moved, but he could not speak.

"Well, it's not good for you to formally enter into the realm of deities and disciples in front of you..."

Lin Ming looks up and down at Lin ling'er, and he really finds that Lin ling'er's breath is getting weaker and weaker. It seems that if he goes on, Lin ling'er will disappear.

At this time, one thing appeared in the palm of Lin Ming's hand. It was a piece of keel

"If you don't worry, stay here for a while, and I'll let you out after I take back a broken knife and a chain."

The moment that the keel fragment appears in Lin Ming's hand, it seems subconscious. Lin ling'er's eyes seem to flash a trace of fear involuntarily.

It's true that the power of such things in Lin Ming's hands, which she saw with her own eyes, was extremely shocking. She directly killed more than ten powerful demons.

At this time, I took a little serious look, even she was the first time, unable to see what it was.

Although it is indeed subconsciously a little scared, finally, Lin ling'er nodded and agreed.

A suction, immediately also from this section of the keel fragments, will Lin ling'er whole suction in.

Lin Ming still looks expressionless, but he clearly sees Lin ling'er's series of mood changes just now.

With his rich experience, it seems that Lin ling'er has an undeserved affection for him.

Of course, no matter what kind of feelings Lin ling'er has had for him, Lin Ming knows very well that the other party is such a strange existence as a demon. He and the other party are destined to have nothing and impossible to happen.

At this time, Lin Ming naturally didn't think much about it. It was just a waste of time.

Whew, Lin Ming's figure disappears.

The next moment, when Lin Ming appeared again, he could not help but stop in the air.

Indeed, there is a huge floating city in the sight. At such a glance, you can't see the edge at all. You can't see the edge of the city at all.

"The city of God."

Of course, at the top of this huge city, there are four big characters floating, emitting a touch of gold light, which is also mixed with a trace of purple light.

At the same time, Lin Ming also saw a city gate more than 100 meters high, with two giant figures guarding the left and right sides of the huge city gate. Wearing gold armor, he looked majestic and imposing.

"The seven levels of xianzun realm..."

When Lin Ming looked at it, he was surprised.

He really didn't expect that such a city in the divine realm is just two guards at the moment. The strength of the realm is as high as the seventh level of the immortal realm.

You know, this kind of realm strength, in the whole immortal gate, belongs to the existence that can be compared with the master of the heavenly palace.

Now, as if involuntarily, Lin Ming felt a sense of vigilance.

At this time, the voice of magic boy came to Lin Ming's ears

"The man who attacked you is really in the city of the divine realm. I have locked his specific location

But... "

After a little pause, the voice of magic boy continued to ring:

"However, you have to pass the inspection of these two guards before you can enter the city of the divine realm

It's not easy. "

But as for how hard it was, for a moment, the magic boy didn't say anything. It seemed that the magic boy was not ready to say anything.

Since the Devil boy is sure that the man who attacked him is in the city of the divine realm, Lin Ming thinks that no matter how sad this level is, he must pass it.

Because, no matter what, Lin Ming will never let go of the man who attacked him.

At this time, although Lin Ming could see the huge city, it was not close.

Then he looked around a little. Now Lin Ming can see clearly that there are still many strong people coming here one after another. When they are thousands of meters away from the city of Shenyu, they fall from the sky and walk into the city.

Indeed, Lin Ming saw it for the first time. These two guards at the gate of the city check all the people who want to enter the city, and then let them go.

After watching it for more than ten minutes, Lin Ming was sure that it was necessary to check it when entering the city.

Now that this has been confirmed, Lin Ming does not delay any more.

In addition to taking back a broken knife and a chain from the man who attacked him, the most important thing for him is to return to Wanmo mountain, find the wordless heavenly book, and then understand some mysteries and secrets.

Whew, Lin Ming flew in the past, and then stopped at a distance of more than one thousand meters in the air, and then Lin Ming walked down to earth.


Just 20 or 30 meters away from the two guards, one of them seemed to have been unable to help but open his mouth. He murmured, and the sound was like a bell. All of them rippled out directly, which seemed to produce a series of echoes directly in the horizon.

Seeing this, Lin Ming is naturally more vigilant and vigilant. Of course, on the surface, Lin Ming is a quiet man.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the city of God?"

Another guard, followed by Leng he, asked coldly.

These two guards are huge and tall. They look down on Lin Ming. They seem to be unable to help themselves. They give Lin Ming a great sense of authority.

It seems that under the gaze of the other party, even if he wants to hide something, he can never hide it.

Of course, Lin Ming will not tell the truth now.

As a matter of fact, Lin Ming had already thought about his speech. At this time, he spoke slowly and quietly

"I'm a disciple of Tiangong not long after I entered the 18th heaven of Tiangong. Because I heard about the existence of Shenyu, I came to see..."


The other side stressed that when they asked him, a pair of huge eyes, like lanterns, were still staring at Lin Ming without blinking. It really brought Lin Ming a stronger sense of dignity for the first time.

"It's true. There's absolutely no fake word." Lin Ming said word by word.

"Take it out." The other side seems to have completely believed Lin Ming's words, but suddenly, one of the guards almost reached Lin Ming with his huge palm.

"Take it out?" In his heart, Lin Ming was more alert and alert.

Indeed, he had been carefully observing everything here before. All the other strong people who entered the city just went into the city after receiving some inspection, and they were not asked to take anything out.

"Hum, since you can't take it out, you must not be a disciple of Tiangong."

"You are the fake heaven palace disciple pretended by the evil spirit. You want to get into the city of God."

"Evil spirit, the city of the divine realm, is it possible for you dark and dirty beings to enter?"

"Spirit, die."

A big drink came from the mouth of the two guards.

Teng of once, then see a very strong breath momentum, as well as the murderous spirit, is also from the two guards at the same time.

"Well, what's the matter?"

"Why are these two guards going to fight all of a sudden?"

"Who is that boy? He is just a level of strength in the immortal realm, and he dares to offend the two guards..."

And when such a movement appeared, it was the first time that many strong people from far and near were shocked and turned their eyes to it.

When these strong men saw at a glance that Lin Ming had only one level of strength in the immortal realm, they all seemed surprised, and then sneered.

It's true that the two guards of the city of the divine realm are so powerful. The strength of the seven levels of the immortal realm makes these strong people even more afraid. In their hands, these two guards have Taoist implements, which are said to be ancient Taoist implements.

Because it is very important to guard the entrance and exit of the city of Shenyu, it is said that the Lord of the city of Shenyu handed such ancient Taoist tools into the hands of the two guards.


At this time, with the fierce murderous spirit of the two guards, Lin Ming's face did not change.

Compared with the ten demons he killed before, the strength of these two guards is much stronger.

Of course, a lot stronger is just a lot stronger.

In the face of such a murderous spirit, a burst of colorful light rose directly from Lin Ming's body.

That's right. Lin Ming is directly showing the origin of the disciples of Pangu's descendants.

He believes that, not to mention the two guards, I'm afraid that when the strong and near see this light, they should be able to recognize that it is the unique origin of the divine light of the disciples of Pangu's descendants.

"What, this..."

"Such colorful light breath, so powerful, can this boy be..."

Sure enough, at the moment of seeing the colorful light on Lin Ming's body, a cry of surprise seemed to ring out involuntarily.

"What's the relationship between you and Pangu's descendants?"

Sure enough, the two guards seemed to be stunned when they saw such a scene. At this moment, a pair of eyes the size of a lantern really showed a look of surprise.

Lin Ming is still calm and calm. He says:

"As the guardians of the city of the divine realm, you should be familiar with the origin of the descendants of Pangu."

"It's the divine light of origin."

Hearing Lin Ming's words, a burst of exclamation sounds almost at the same time.

Brush, a whole piece of vision at the same time, are also far and near cast, without deviation, directly fell on Lin Ming's body, all like subconscious revealed a touch of examination.

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