This moment is the scene that makes people feel very shocked.

There are six figures, including Lin Ming's own body. They all display three heads and six arms. It is very clear that there is one more eye on the three heads of the six heads and six arms. Naturally, there is no doubt that it is the eye of reincarnation.

That is to say, there are 18 eyes of samsara in all.

The twenty-two rays of light attacked by the divine skill of the opponent's angry God fist were also on the six figures including Lin Ming's body at this time.

Seeing this, all of the 11 guards of the other side gave out a burst of cold laughter. At this moment, they all looked at Lin Ming in the distance as if he were looking at a dead man.

"Ha ha, the power of the angry God's fist ranks first among the many magic skills in the city of the divine realm. Even if this boy is a real God, he will be seriously injured under such a move of angry God's fist..."

"Needless to say, it's a firm fact, and it's the joint efforts of eleven divine guards..."

"Indeed, in the city of Shenyu, how ever did eleven Shenwei troops join hands to deal with foreign intruders? This has never happened. This has never happened..."

"Of course, such a thing never happened. Let alone the Shenwei army. Even the name of the Shenwei army can directly scare the intruders to death..."

"Now if this boy doesn't die, my head will be cut off directly."

"Well. What... "

At the moment, when the eleven agreed that Lin Ming would die, all of them suddenly seemed to be in a daze.

At that moment, Qi Qi showed a dumbfounded look, his eyes were wide open, almost protruding.

Indeed, just as Lin Ming was shot with 22 rays of light, a burst of lavender light came out from the 18 eyes of reincarnation.

This is to directly resist the 11 Shenwei army's fist of anger God.

And at that moment, it was just the beginning. A burst of colorful light naturally originated from divine light, which was also bright.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang bang bang bang bang bang.

With such an earth shaking explosion, the 22 rays of light displayed by the 11 guards disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

For such a powerful move, the eleven God guards seem to have never used it.

It can be imagined that in this moment, what a storm set off in the hearts of the eleven God guards.

You know, they just said that under their attack, Lin Ming would die. This is a sure thing.

But who can think of, who never thought of, slapping face so fast.

Pa pa pa... Immediately, it seemed that there was an invisible loud slap on the face of the eleven guards one by one.

Teng's for a while, the facial expression of each of their divine guards also seems to become incomparably red involuntarily.


"Not good."

"It's too bad."

The next moment, Teng's for a moment, these 11 God guard's facial expressions, seem to be all together to become incomparably white again.

Indeed, at that moment, each of them clearly saw that Lin Ming's body disappeared, directly disappeared.

Of course, at the same time, with the disappearance of nature, there are the five parts of Lin Ming.

Then the next moment, a very strong breath, it seems to appear directly in the side of the body, appear in their own eyes.

As for what happened, they were all very clear. Lin Ming didn't disappear because he left, but instead, he had to fight their 11 guards first.

"I heard that the Shenwei army is quite powerful in the city of Shenyu..." at this time, Lin Ming really gave a sneer of disdain

"But now it seems that it's nothing more than that. I said to kill you, I'll kill you. No matter how many more you will come, I'll take away all your little lives..."

"You are so arrogant, so arrogant that you are lawless..."


Immediately a roar of voice also sounded, but the next moment, instead of coming out, it was a very sad sound.

"I'm arrogant? I'm so arrogant that I'm lawless? " For a moment, Lin Ming's voice just sounded faintly. He still disdained the existence of Shenwei army.

Indeed, at that moment, all the fists with three heads and six arms hit out, and the speed was so fast that it was incredible. In the roar, it was the direct bombardment on the 11 guards.

After the almost unanimous scream came out, the natural thump also followed.

In this instant, the eleven divine guards naturally became an extremely strong immortal atmosphere.

Whew, whew, and then in a burst of sound, they were all sucked away by Lin Ming.

At the moment, however, Lin Ming felt a little pity that he let one of the guards escape.

Then, just after Lin Ming had digested all the spirit of immortality, the strength of the realm finally broke through to the sixth level of the realm of immortality. Suddenly, Lin Ming was a subconscious thump in his heart.

The next moment, when he looked around, he saw countless figures at the first time, at least tens of thousands.

Of course, this number is not the reason for Lin Ming's hesitation, but the sudden appearance of tens of thousands of figures. The breath of each figure is extremely powerful, and they are not under the divine guards just now.

And the smell as like as two peas.

Then there is no doubt that all of the thousands of figures that suddenly appeared were the Shenwei army.

And before that escaped a group of immortal breath, at this time has been directly appeared in the group of figures, the next moment, are also re exposed figure.

It's obvious that Lin Ming can also see that as soon as the Shenwei army shows its shape, it obviously conveys something to explain the situation to this group of Shenwei army.

In an instant, the tens of thousands of divine guards released an extremely powerful breath, momentum and murderous spirit almost at the same time, all of which came directly to Lin Ming.

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