With the roar of tens of thousands of Shenwei army, it also sounded.

In an instant, you can see that in the whole huge array, the sky and the earth are upside down, the wind and the clouds are surging, and bursts of bright red breath are violently fused together.

Then a huge palm was formed in an instant.

Every palm was so huge that it was extremely frightening. At least a hundred meters high, it immediately stood in front of the tens of thousands of guards and resisted the powerful suction from the mouth of the dragon.

Of course, it's also because the suction is too strong. These huge palms just began to form. In a moment, they collapsed under the effect of such suction.

Not too closely followed, one by one of the huge palm, almost at the same time to condense out, re resist that kind of suction.

For a moment, the tens of thousands of Shenwei soldiers in the distance were indeed protected by such a palm. They were not sucked by such a strong suction. They fell into the belly of the real dragon and became the objects in the belly of the real dragon.

At this time, a voice of exclamation sounded.

"I didn't expect that you had such a powerful move..."

"Of course, you boy can't be one of the beasts in the ancient times, and it must be just the dragon form that you boy cultivated some kind of skill and transformed into..."

"If you are really a dragon, you will not be trapped in this place, but now..."

All of a sudden, in the eyes of tens of thousands of God guards, there was a more intense cold light.


The sound of a big drink also came from the mouth of the ten thousand God guards.

All of a sudden, a very shocking scene appeared.

It was already a huge palm. It fused together again and became a palm.

What makes people feel extremely astonished is that the height of such a hand has reached at least tens of thousands of meters.

With a loud bang, you can see that a palm with a height of tens of thousands of meters is directly grasping the real dragon with a body of thousands of meters in the distance.

For a moment, the appearance of such a scene seemed like a normal person catching a small bug.


At this moment, Lin Ming's face did change subconsciously.

He did not expect that the suction from the dragon's real body was so powerful that it was blocked by the other side.

At present, this hand of killing demons is so huge that it has not been captured. The breath of terror seems to have directly locked the whole body of the dragon, and half of it can't move.

"The hand of exterminating demons can crush even the demon king directly, not to mention you are just a little bug, ha ha..."

Seeing such a huge palm and grabbing at the dragon's real body in the distance, all the guards agreed that it was impossible for Lin Ming to escape, so he would be subdued for the first time.


But the next moment, Qi Qi from the mouth of each Shenwei army, is like a subconscious exclamation.

"It's impossible."

"It's totally impossible."

"This is absolutely impossible."

It's true that when the huge demon killing hand was about to grasp the real body of the dragon in its hand, there was a loud bang, and the real body of the dragon was soaring.

All of a sudden, it soared as if it were standing directly between heaven and earth. At a glance, it was tens of thousands of meters long.

This time, the hand that used to look like Optimus Prime was very small in front of the real dragon.

"It's just a hand to kill the devil. Break it for me!"

Immediately a big drink, but also from the mouth of the dragon.

This instant is to see, the dragon's real body that dragon's tail, toward the hand of exterminating the devil swept away.

All of a sudden, this powerful hand of exterminating demons is as fragile as tofu under the sweeping of the dragon's tail.

With a bang, this huge demon killing hand broke up and turned into a very strong purplish red breath again.


But it's not over yet. It seems that it's just the beginning. The following scene also makes all the guards more like they can't help but shout.

Indeed, under the sweeping of the tail of the dragon's real body, the cracks appeared in the space of the array.

What does this mean? Of course, all the guards are very clear.

Under the sweeping of the tail of the dragon, this array is about to be broken.

No one knows the power of this array better than them. In ancient times, it was used to deal with the powerful demon kings, which made countless demon kings fall.

Naturally, this array is not so strong.

But now it's what's going on.

Just under the tail sweeping of the dragon's real body, such a powerful array appeared a gap.

"Is it difficult that this boy's strength is stronger than that of many demon kings in ancient times?"

But there seems to be no time for them to think about it.

Indeed, after seeing the cracks in this place, Lin Ming was very happy.

The body of tens of thousands of meters long dragon body, the tail of a sweep again, a breath of destruction, is swept out.

Moreover, Lin Ming can clearly feel that as his physical body becomes more and more powerful, the dragon's real body becomes more and more powerful.

Inexplicably, in Lin Ming's mind, there is a kind of subconscious feeling, let alone this is just a place of array. Even if a planet is swept by the tail of the dragon, it will explode directly and turn into dust

Boom, click, click

At this time, when the tail of the Dragon swept out, a sound of space collapse sounded, and then the array cracked.

In just two or three seconds, the cracks all grew.

With a bang, this array was completely destroyed and cracked by the two tails of the dragon.

Then, in Lin Ming's sight, nature is still in the city of the divine realm. In the distance, there are endless peaks. Naturally, it is the one hundred thousand holy mountains in the city of the divine realm.

Of course, at the moment when the array was broken, Lin Ming's body changed back to the length of 1000 meters.

Whew, a strong suction, then sent out, this time is directly to lock up the body shape of tens of thousands of Shenwei army in the distance.

Brush, this instant feel their body is completely unable to move, the tens of thousands of God guards directly pale, forehead cold sweat like rain.

At the moment when the dragon's tail was swept away and the array was broken, the gods' guards were scared and almost ran away.

Indeed, such a thing has never happened, never happened.

This is unprecedented. I'm afraid it won't happen in the future.

Even before he was shocked, his body was fixed by such a more powerful suction. How could the God guard not do it, it was even more panic stricken.


Not too closely followed, a roar sounded like it was coming from the mouth of tens of thousands of Shenwei troops at the same time.

How can we reconcile ourselves to the fact that we are about to be solved by Lin Ming, or even engulfed by the dragon's real body, and become the objects of the dragon's real body.

They couldn't believe that such a thing would happen in the city of God.

An alien intruder can defeat the guard of gods and even take their lives.

This kind of thing, let alone them, I'm afraid that even if it's unacceptable for any strong person in the city, it's impossible for such a thing to happen.

"Stir up thunder!"

At that moment, the roar came directly from the mouth of each Shenwei army.

It's true that none of them can be defeated by an intruder and devoured directly.

It's not only a shame for the divine guard, but also for the whole city of the divine realm.

After a roar came out from the mouth of the ten thousand God guards, it was like the city of the whole God domain. Suddenly, it was dark, the wind was strong, and the black clouds were thick.

In that high sky, it seems that all of a sudden directly out of thin air out of a very thick black clouds.

Click, click

In an instant, as the layers of thick black clouds rub against each other, red and purple lightning lights flash out.

At a glance, every red, purple and lightning light has the thickness of a bucket, which is extremely shocking.

This kind of lightning light in the moment of appearance, then, a very strong breath, also have first come down.

"What?" at this moment, like involuntarily, Lin Ming's heart couldn't help clapping.

At the moment, I don't know if it's his illusion. For this kind of red and purple lightning light, it seems to be instinctive. Lin Ming has a sense of fear.

At this time, as expected, the voice of magic boy also rang out in Lin Ming's mind. He was a little nervous, and his tone seemed to be a little anxious

"Now that the array has been broken, leave here quickly

If it's a little later, I'm afraid it's too late... "

It's true that Lin Ming can feel the red and purple light of thunder and lightning for the first time. As soon as the magic boy's voice falls, the real body of the Dragon disappears. Lin Ming becomes a human body, and then disappears into the sky.

"Want to escape? Ha ha... "

Seeing the disappearance of the dragon and the disappearance of Lin Ming, a cold hum came from every guard.

"Tianlei has been moved by us. There can't be a hiding place for your boy in the whole city of God..."

"Tianlei is a kind of thunder disaster that was caused only when the divine beast was robbed in ancient times. For the divine beast, there is a 99% probability that it would die under Tianlei..."

"Although the boy was transformed into the image of the dragon because he practiced some skills, there is no doubt that the image of the Dragon seems to be close to the strength of the beast..."

"But if there is a breath of divine beast, it will be bombarded by thunder. There is no place to hide..."

"Indeed, even if the boy hid in the mountain, it was useless..."

The tens of thousands of God guards said one after another, but at this time, it seems that all the God guards don't look good, and their breath is very weak.

Obviously, it should have triggered Tianlei all of a sudden, and the consumption for them is quite large.

It can be imagined that the power of Tianlei, which can be triggered by tens of thousands of Shenwei troops, will be so powerful and shocking.

"Let's go and have a look. Let's see how the boy was directly bombarded by the sky thunder into dregs..."

Whew, whew, immediately after taking the pills, all of the ten thousand Shenwei troops seemed to have no time to replenish their breath, and disappeared almost at the same time.

At this time.

Lin Ming was under a flying attack, and he went directly into the range of the ten thousand holy mountain.

Of course, the so-called scope is only within the scope, what you can see is still the rolling outline of the mountain.

In Lin Ming's opinion, he still needs some distance to get into the mountains.

However, what makes Lin Ming uneasy is that the layers of black clouds above the high sky seem to follow him. His speed is extremely fast, but the black clouds are always on his head.

Of course, the most disturbing thing for Lin Ming is the red and purple lightning that shuttles through the dark clouds.

There is no doubt that this is exactly what the Shenwei army said.

Moreover, Lin Ming can clearly feel that the red and purple lightning still shuttling through the black clouds is obviously brewing a more powerful atmosphere.

It seems that as long as he splits down and hits him, even with his physical strength, he can't compete at all.

This is the only situation that Lin Ming has ever encountered in his life.

"Magic boy, what is thunder in this day? Why is it so powerful?" Lin Ming couldn't help but say to magic boy: "with the strength of my present state, I feel a kind of extreme uneasiness..."

"Indeed, Tianlei is an extraordinary existence..." the voice of the magic boy sounded, which was also very obvious with a dignified meaning:

"In ancient times, when the divine beast was cultivated to a certain extent, heaven and earth would bring down punishment. This thunder is one of the thunder robberies

This is a kind of heavenly power. As long as it exists in this part of heaven and earth, it is almost irresistible to this kind of heavenly power

When thunder robberies appear, almost 99% of the divine beasts exist and will fall... "

"What?" Lin Ming was so surprised that he almost blurted out: "ninety nine percent of the sacred animals will fall under this kind of thunder. Now, I'm not..."

For a moment, it was very clear that Lin Ming's face showed an unprecedented dignified color. Naturally, his heart was already tight.

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