There was a loud bang, and then you could see this kind of Dao Qi. It was like hitting a transparent air wall, and there was an earth shaking explosion.

A layer of aperture that just disappeared appears again, which is the nebula infinite array.

Such a layer of aperture is indeed the first time to resist Lin Ming's attack.

"Sure enough, there is a strong breath in the nebula infinity..."

This time, Lin Ming felt more clearly. There is no doubt that such a powerful breath is the most powerful force of the four universe, the most powerful force of the end of the universe.

"Good." On Lin Ming's face, naturally, there was a touch of joy.

"Lin Ming, I think we should join hands to break a gap in the nebula infinity..."

Seeing that the nebula has no pole array and no damage, the childe without trace said, and a trace of light flashed from the fundus of his eyes.

The Lord of Luoshen Temple nodded and said, "yes, it's more possible for us to break through the infinite array of nebulae. Of course, we don't mean to underestimate your strength..."

Lin Ming didn't speak. He neither agreed nor refused. His eyes were looking at the aperture.

At this moment, a branch like object appeared in Lin Ming's hands, emitting a trace of black light. It looked extremely inconspicuous, but it was obvious that it gave people a sense of being absolutely extraordinary.

For the first time, the master of no trace and the master of Luoshen Temple felt something. When they brushed, their eyes seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction.

"What's this?"

Two people in the mouth Qi Qi of send out a exclamation.


Immediately after that, their eyes were almost subconsciously widened. Obviously, they both saw the lines on the surface of the keel fragment.

"Is this a divine tattoo?"

No trace childe and the Lord of Luoshen Temple look at each other, and they both see the color of uncertainty in each other's eyes.

In fact, they have been able to confirm that those patterns should be divine patterns, but from the breath of such a branch like thing, it is not a tool of the universe.

If it's not a tool of the universe, why is there a divine tattoo.

For a moment, even with their state, strength, insight and vision, they could not recognize the existence of such a branch like thing in Lin Ming's hands.

Of course, Lin Ming didn't care about their reaction at all. He instilled the cosmic atmosphere into the keel pieces.

A trace of black light, then slightly bright up, but also revealed a strong breath.

This kind of breath, in fact, long ago, Lin Ming had noticed that it was not any kind of breath he knew, or even the breath of the universe.

This naturally makes Lin Ming's heart rather suspicious.

Even the breath of the universe is not, what can it be.

Even the demon boy who recognized him as the skeleton of the Dragon could not recognize the existence of such a breath.

Of course, Lin Ming can feel that it is powerful, even above the breath of the universe.

At present, we should be able to break a gap in the nebular array.

"Lin Ming, you don't need to use a branch to break a gap in the nebula infinity."

The Lord of Luoshen temple looks at Lin Ming with a look of astonishment.

She also saw that Lin Minggang had just saved her life. Otherwise, she could not help but stop Lin Ming.

"Can you tell me what kind of existence this branch like thing in your hand is..."

It doesn't seem that Mr. Wu Chen thinks that Lin Ming will take out a branch to break a gap in the nebula infinite array.

Maybe this branch like thing in Lin Ming's hand is even more amazing. It is a powerful thing that even he has never heard of.

Lin Ming seems to be too lazy to pay attention to them. At this time, he raises his hand.

Whew of, then see in the hand of the keel fragment, like a black lightning general, shot to the distance.

Poof, it can be said that in an instant, the keel fragments shot on the nebula infinite array.

A layer of aperture of the nebula infinite array, will block the keel fragments.

However, it seems that it was just blocking, and did not let the keel fragment retreat.

The appearance of such a scene seems to have been enough to make childe no trace and the Lord of Luoshen Temple surprised. Their mouths are wide open. It seems that they can almost put in a goose egg.

"This, this is simply what existence, it seems to be able to compete with the nebula infinity..."

"You know, even if it's as powerful as the instrument of the universe, it's impossible to compete with the nebula infinity..."


At this time, a low drink also came from Lin Ming's mouth.

The next moment, poof, let everyone directly show a gaping picture.

The keel fragment actually penetrated such a layer of aperture.

That is to say, such a branch like object is so powerful that it breaks through the nebula infinite array.

Sure enough, a burst of spider like cracks, with the small hole as the center, quickly spread away.

"This is the time..."

At this moment, Lin Ming's eyes were bright. He raised a broken knife in his hand and chopped it down.

Whew of, then see also is direct 100 meters or so of a knife gas, shot out quickly.

There was a loud bang. This time, the nebula infinite array was directly punctured out of a big gap of several thousand meters.

See such a scene, a burst of noise, it seems to be an explosion of general sound.

"Open, the nebula has really opened a gap..."

"The Lord of the Luoshen temple and the childe without trace didn't do anything. He was the only one who broke a big gap in the nebula limitless array..."

"Not only that, but also a man of the temples was killed by him..."

"He is brave and powerful. What is his existence..."

The appearance of the scene that the infinite array of nebulae has been opened a big gap has made everyone seem to be shocked subconsciously.

It seems natural that no one does not want to know the origin of Lin Ming's identity.

It seems that Lin Ming appeared out of thin air. No one has ever heard of such a strong man as Lin Ming.

At this time, Lin Ming's face was naturally happy after he broke a big gap in the nebula.

He could feel that the force of the end of the universe was much stronger at the moment when a gap was made in the nebula infinity.

"Very good. As long as I can absorb the power of the end of the universe, I will control the three most powerful forces of the universe. At that time, I will enter into the God ruins within the stars and look for the traces of gods. Naturally, I will be more secure..."

Whew, Lin Ming's body disappeared first, and from this gap, he entered the sky.

"We're fast into the sky."

Seeing that Lin Ming first disappeared in the gap of the infinite array of nebulae, everyone was anxious. With a loud drink, whew, whew, there was a burst of empty sound.

Then you can see that the figures are like bees, and they all enter the sky and stars through this gap.

"Hum, how dare you break a gap in the nebula infinity..."

"Looking for death..."

However, just after Lin Ming entered tianxingxing, and everyone entered tianxingxing, a cold drink sounded, like thunder. All the people's eardrums trembled and almost didn't break.

All of us can see the outline of mountains, mountains, rivers, forests and plains directly when we look down.

At present, as long as everyone a flash, can be down-to-earth, on the ground of the stars.

But at this time, with a cold drink, out of thin air in general, appeared in the surrounding, the number of people in more than 100.

Of course, if these 100 people are compared with the tens of thousands of strong people who have entered the sky, they can be ignored.

But it is such a hundred people, so that almost all the strong people can't help showing a look of panic, their bodies are directly frozen in the air.

Indeed, as like as two peas, the more than 100 men are almost the same as the four people.

What does this mean? Naturally, it can't be more obvious.

This shows that the more than 100 people who suddenly appeared were the same as the four people, the people in the temples.

Sure enough, among the other party's more than 100 people, the first one, after his eyes slowly swept over all of them, spoke first:

"Tianxingxing has become a subsidiary planet of the temples. Everyone should leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame our people for being merciless..."

"The heavenly star is clearly the ownerless star. When did it become a subsidiary planet of the temples..."

Tianxing has become a subsidiary planet. For all the strong people who come here from afar, such a news is like a bolt from the blue. It immediately seems subconscious. Many strong people are extremely dissatisfied and murmur to themselves.

"Oh? It seems that some people are very dissatisfied with the fact that Tianxing has become a subsidiary planet of the temple of gods... "

How can such a murmur hide the ears of the people in the more than 100 temples? With a brush and a glance, the strong one who murmured in his mouth was immediately captured.


Then, it's just a word, coming out of one of the populations.

All of a sudden, a scene that almost all the strong feel a gruesome picture is appeared.

Quietly, this expression of their dissatisfaction, a total of 35 strong, like a piece of paper, tear open, into pieces, dissipated.

You know, the strength of these thirty-five strong people is not weak, at least in the immortal realm.

But now it's what's going on.

At all, I didn't see any one of the more than 100 people make a move. The 35 strong men died quietly.

What does this mean? For all the other strong people, it's not clear. It shows that it's easy and effortless for them to take all their lives.

Seeing that the tens of thousands of strong men were frightened, they were already shocked. At this time, one of them asked:

"Who among you has joined hands to open a big gap in the nebula infinity

Once the nebula array is destroyed and a gap is opened, it will take months to recover

He who did this will stand up and die. "

With these words, the more than 100 people are all looking like electricity, slowly shooting all the strong.

"It's you?"

At this time, the more than 100 people also found a strange thing, that is, they clearly saw that the eyes of tens of thousands of strong people seemed to fall on one of them intentionally or unintentionally.

There is no doubt that this man is Lin Ming.

Seeing that the other person's attention fell on him, Lin Ming was calm for a moment and nodded slightly

"That's right. I destroyed the nebula infinity array and made a gap in it..."

"The power of the origin of the universe, the power of the destruction of the universe, there are two kinds of universe's most powerful forces in your body, but it does have this power..."

More than 100 people from the other side saw this directly under Lin Ming's eyes.

After that, a powerful murderous gas naturally emanates from the body at the same time, and drinks out:

"Anyone else, stand up and die together."

"Just me." Lin Ming looks indifferent.

"Ha ha, just you?" One of the more than 100 people gave a cold laugh and said coldly:

"You're going to take everything. No matter what your purpose is, we won't let you succeed if you want to carry it down alone..."

Then the man glanced at the crowd again and said, "I'll give you ten seconds to think about it. If you don't take the initiative to destroy the nebula, you will all die

Just like the fate of the 35 people just now... "

Hua's, this words a, immediately let these tens of thousands of people a look frightened, are subconscious retreat.

Of course, many people speak right away.

"It's true that he destroyed the nebula's infinite array by himself, and made a gap..."

"We don't have to lie..."

"Indeed, we have no courage to lie in front of the people in the temples..."

"If you still don't believe it, you can kill us. Anyway, it's easy for you to kill us..."

"Well?" All of them began to talk like this. Immediately, no matter how much they didn't believe it, no matter how much they thought it impossible, they had to look at Lin Ming again, revealing a touch of examination.

Naturally, the meaning is very obvious. Obviously, I want to see something from Lin Ming.

Indeed, in their view, even if Lin Ming controls the two most powerful forces of the universe, namely, the power of the origin of the universe and the power of the destruction of the universe, it is impossible for him to destroy the nebula infinite array by himself and make a gap of several thousand meters.

In their view, this is a fable.

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