Seeing that the five employees had become like this, Bai Muyu's face turned white for a while, and at the same time, she was a little nervous.

Just now one Hu Li has been very difficult to deal with. Now there are six at once. How should we deal with this.

Moreover, Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu know very well that these six people are also employees of the company and human lives. As long as they wait for Lin Ming to come, they can recover as usual, so they can't really kill people at this time.

It really took the lives of these six employees.

At this time, the pupils of the six employees also narrowed to the size of only a grain of rice. Their eyes were also full of madness, staring at Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu.

Wu Xunyi was also a little nervous. She whispered to Bai Muyu, "Muyu, please go into the office. I will deal with these six people."

Bai Muyu shook his head: "Xunyi, how can I leave you alone to face these six crazy employees..."


At this time, the six workers let out a roar, and the next moment was almost impatient. Qi Qi rushed to Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu.

Wu Xunyi knows that she has the three-tier strength of the congenital environment, which is much higher than Bai Muyu. At present, she stood up first, and did not dare to keep her hand at this time. She directly used the three-tier strength of the congenital environment, and took photos with her hands.

All of a sudden, Wu did not know how many slaps she had played. Every crazy employee was slapped several times.

The next moment, let Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu can be a little relieved, these six people compared with Hu Li, seems to be weaker.

These hands, really let the six employees, roaring in the mouth, step back.

At the same time, Bai Muyu was more anxious and said, "what's the matter with Lin Ming? Why hasn't he arrived yet? If he doesn't arrive again, we'll be in big trouble."

She was very nervous, and Bai Muyu's eyes were on the six employees all the time. What depressed her was that although the six employees were forced to retreat by Wu Xunyi's palm force, they still didn't look hurt at all. Moreover, from the look and appearance, they were even more crazy.

Wu Xunyi can't help saying: "why hasn't Lin Ming arrived yet?"

While Bai Muyu was nervous, he was also a little helpless: "now we can only delay as much as possible, waiting for Lin Ming to appear."

Just said a word, see these six employees pose to come again, Bai Muyu had no choice but under, conveniently took a chair in hand.

At this time, she could not care whether she would hurt the lives of the six people.


Just then, a roar full of violence and anger came out.

At the sound, Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu's faces changed.

The roar was not from any of the six employees, but from Hu Li, who was locked into the office again.

Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu also clearly saw that with the roar, the six employees immediately got some orders, and their expressions became more violent. For a moment, their momentum seemed to be stronger.


Immediately after that, the six employees, with a roar, rushed to Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu again.

This one is faster.

Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu never dreamed that they would face such a situation one day.

These six employees are just like the loss in movies and TV dramas, but they are more severe than those losses.

If someone told them that there was such a thing, they would not believe it.

But who would have thought that a similar situation would happen now.

Naturally, these six employees have become more powerful. Bai Muyu can't take care of so many of them. This time, he also stands up.

Seeing this, Wu Xunyi was startled and immediately said, "Muyu, you should hide behind me. These six employees are too severe. You will get hurt."

Say, Wu smoked Yi double palms also continuously shoot out, almost every palm strength, bombard on these six people.

But these six people's bodies seem to become more rigid this time. They just pause a little, and then they get up faster and rush towards Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu.

When Wu said something, the six employees came to him almost at the same time.

Bai Muyu naturally did not care to step back. He suddenly raised the chair in his hand and smashed it on the head of the first employee.

With a bang, Bai Muyu hit the employee on the head.

The whole chair fell apart, but the figure of the employee just stopped for a moment.

Then, a pair of strange eyes suddenly on the line of vision of Bai Muyu, followed a step forward, hand a stretch, caught Bai Muyu's hand.

Immediately after that, the employee bowed his head and took a bite on Bai Muyu's arm.


Bai Muyu suddenly exclaimed.

"Mu Yu!"

Wu Xunyi is also a startled cry, this time also can't care what, directly kick out.

With the same kick of the three-tier innate strength, and the angry kick, the employee immediately flew out, slammed into the wall and landed heavily.


At this time, Wu fumigation Yi also can't help but suddenly scream.

Indeed, two other female employees suddenly jumped on her, one grabbed her arm, the other had already hugged her and bit her neck.

Fortunately, Wu Yanyi's reaction was quick enough. This time, she shot the two employees in the chest with her hands, which made them go backward.

Immediately after that, Wu Xunyi touched her neck, which was also startled. Although she didn't bite a piece of meat in time, she also bit out a blood mark.

All of a sudden, Wu Xunyi felt that her head was a little dizzy, and her eyes were a little shaky.

"No, I'm infected!"

Wu Xunyi was really scared.

Looking at Bai Muyu whose arm was caught just now, Wu Xunyi also saw that Bai Muyu's face turned white quickly, and her lips turned black soon.

"Why hasn't Lin Ming arrived yet?"

This time Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu almost cried.

At this time, the six employees are staring over.

"Bang Bang..."

At the same time, there was a loud crash.

This is the previous female employee, Hu Li, who is knocking at the door again.


At this time, with an almost earth shaking crash, the glass door of Hu Li's office was also knocked open.


Wu Xunyi and Bai Muyu turned their heads at the same time, and they really saw that Hu Li appeared in front of them.

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