This light golden light, also brought out a hurricane general, blowing all things in the house.

Bang, a door is also in this blow, heavily opened.

"Well, what's the situation?"

It's true that all the people of the long family outside heard the roars coming from the room, but we don't know what happened inside.

When a door suddenly opened, everyone outside was also at a loss.

But one of the figures, you can see, is Liao Chaohan.

"What's the matter? How could Liao Chaohan suddenly burst out such a terrible momentum?"

"Indeed, this momentum is too terrible, half step spirit can not have such momentum."

"Oh, my God, is it true that Liao Chaohan suddenly broke through to the spiritual realm?"

For a moment, everyone outside looked at Liao Chaohan in the room with a look of panic.

Indeed, in everyone's opinion, if Liao Chaohan really broke through to the spiritual realm, there is no doubt that today's long clan will be destroyed, not in the hands of Lin Ming, but in the hands of Liao Chaohan.

"The momentum is really strong, but it's not the momentum of transforming the spirit."

Big elder's face also shows dignified color of mouth, for the first time, also seem to make a judgment.

Next to the three elders with the mouth, "indeed, this is not the spirit of the momentum."

The fourth elder then said, "I've felt the momentum of transforming the spiritual realm from the patriarch before. Now, although Liao Chaohan's momentum is powerful, it's not the momentum of transforming the spiritual realm."

For a moment, the elder's face became more dignified. "Although it's not the momentum of hualingjing, it's not far from hualingjing. What happened inside? How could Liao Chaohan suddenly burst out such a powerful momentum."

"Is it that Liao Chaohan's accomplishments have increased dramatically after he got the dragon's pulse?" Three elder thought of what, a exclamation.

"No The elder suddenly spoke. For a moment, his eyes fell on another figure, which was Lin Ming.

"Lin Ming." Then the three elders exclaimed, "he's not dead yet?"

Indeed, it seems to all the people of the long family, including the three elders, that Lin Ming has been in for about an hour. Naturally, he should have died thoroughly. This is no accident.

You know, they all clearly saw that Lin Ming was bound with a spirit sword, which is very powerful, and we have all seen it.

It was because of this spirit sword that Liao Chaohan didn't do much before, so everyone was killed, and then Liao Chaohan poisoned him, and he couldn't move at all.

It's true that the three elders have the power to transform the spirit, and they can't help Liao Chaohan's spirit sword. From everyone's point of view, Lin Ming is no exception.

But who would have thought that Lin Ming was standing well at this moment. Although his body seemed to be covered with blood, all the long people naturally felt that Lin Ming didn't seem to be hurt.

"Everyone, look at his hands..." at this time, the four elders suddenly found something, and they couldn't help staring at Lin Ming's hand.

"That's the spirit sword!"

In an instant, we also looked in the past and saw something incredible. Our eyes widened in an instant.

"What's the matter? Why is the spirit sword in the hands of Lin Ming?"

At this time, everyone, including the three elders, could not help but be confused. They could not understand what had happened.

At this time, the house was closed.

After Liao Chaohan burst out with unprecedented momentum, his eyes were full of murderous spirit, almost forming the essence. He stared at Lin Ming and said:

"Lin Ming, you killed my son. I want you to live or die."

For a moment, Lin Ming's face didn't change at all. He said word by word

"Liao Chaohan, just now you tormented me with 14 nails. I also said that you'd better not fall into my hands. Otherwise, I'll never forget you. Your son's death is just the beginning."


As soon as they said this, all the people of the dragon family outside burst out a cry of surprise.

"Is Liao Jianqi dead? Killed by Lin Ming? "

"How is that possible?"

"Isn't Lin Ming tied up by the spirit sword?"

"Even if Lin Ming is not bound by the spirit sword, isn't Liao Chaohan also in the room? How can Lin Ming kill Liao Jianqi?"

"Against the sky, this boy is too against the sky. He has been bound by the spirit sword. In front of Liao Chaohan, he can kill Liao Jianqi."

In the sound of the discussion, all the people also look terrible. Looking at Lin Ming's back, they feel that their brains are not enough, and they can't figure out what's going on.

At this time, the mood of the three elders was very complicated.

Indeed, they thought that if Lin Ming could defeat Liao Chaohan and Liao Jianqi, they would be saved, but they also thought that it was impossible.

But now, Lin Ming has killed Liao Jianqi, so it's not impossible for Lin Ming to defeat Liao Chaohan.

But next, what will Lin Ming do to all the long clan? Will the long clan be exterminated.

Think of this kind of, for a time, the mood of the three elders is not complicated.

Lin Ming didn't know that people outside had different looks and different thoughts.

At this time, after a word came out, he had run the breathing method with all his strength. A layer of five colors of light also flashed outside him. Then, the golden bell jar appeared.

At the same time, another flying sword also appeared in front of him.

Then, the dense flying sword appeared, enveloping his whole person in the middle.

"Three points sword light skill!" Liao Chao Han could not help biting his teeth: "unexpectedly, you have also practiced three points sword light, and you have reached a perfect level

But I don't care if you are a disciple of Qingcheng sect or not. Even if you are the illegitimate son of Zhangjiao, you will die today! "

Speaking of this, for a moment, Liao Chaohan's momentum became more powerful. Then he saw the light golden light on his body burst into the sky and directly broke through the roof.

For a moment, the pale golden light shone on the whole land of the dragon clan.

"Ah At this time, Liao Chaohan roared wildly, and he was about to start. But suddenly, his body suddenly froze, and a dull hum came out of his mouth.

Lin Ming, who had made a good defense for a while, could not help showing his astonishment when he fixed his eyes.

Indeed, at this moment, two figures suddenly appeared behind Liao Chaohan, a man and a woman.

The male is an elder in his early 60s, and the female is about 20 years old. They look so plain that no one will notice them when they are thrown into the crowd.

However, when looking into the woman's eyes, Lin Ming suddenly felt a sense of inexplicable familiarity.

However, when he looked at the woman's appearance, he was quite sure that he did not know her at all.

But at this time, it's not the time to think about it. Lin Ming sees that the man and the woman have already hit Liao Chaohan on the back.

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