My wife is 30

Chapter One Hundred Seven

The death penalty was sentenced, and it was executed immediately, and the result will probably come out tomorrow.

Ask Zhang Huaijin to be there to pack up the clothes at that time, Zhang Huaijin's face looked a little ugly for a moment.

He glanced at the nearby Jiyu, and said softly: "What's the matter? Is it going to be executed tomorrow?"

Ji Yu was a little surprised to know the news, and he nodded seriously in class.

"It looks like this, but you should also understand that this matter has nothing to do with us. You and your younger brother and stepmother are not related by blood."

"You don't have to be there with them to worry about it, do you know this has nothing to do with you."

Anyway, there is no blood relationship between them in any way, and there is no blood relationship in any way, which means that this matter is not expected to be taken care of by them.

Even if it is dead, even if it becomes ashes, then he shouldn't collect it.

Zhang Huaijin thought about it there, then turned her head and glanced at the seasonal rain next to her.

Said: "I'll go and pack up their things by tomorrow, after all, he has lived with my biological father for so many years."

"I'm not ashamed to really cut off there. Now both of them have been sentenced to death. Let's go see the excitement tomorrow."

Ji Yu nodded, even if this matter was confirmed, the two people took a leave of absence in the company the next morning.The two went directly to the scene of the execution of the sentence.

Li Ming's Zhang Huaiyu and his mother were arranged in different positions, each with a weapon in his hand.

What Zhang Huaijin watched from the side was stunned, because now it can be said that the modern society in the real world has never used the death penalty such as snatching.

But now it has become such a criminal law, instead of injecting poison as he imagined, which makes him even more curious.

Some don't know how to face it, things are like this now.

Zhang Huaijin also took what she had prepared and sat beside him, and even brought another pair of sunglasses

Zhang Huaijin and her lover sat next to them wearing sunglasses, only to hear a loud noise, and the two people underneath both scratched and bloomed a blood-colored flower.

Then they smelled a huge bloody smell there, which was even more surprising.

Zhang Huaijin's face turned pale in an instant, and she didn't know what to do. For him, what happened now really made people feel ugly.

I don't know what to do at all.When several people on the east side carried the body to a nearby car, Zhang Huaijin came back to his senses.

Hurriedly stepped forward and said, "How should the bodies of these two people be handled? Just let me take them away?"

Someone looked at him with a panic and smiled softly.

"No, we will bring you directly to the crematorium. After the cremation is complete, the urn will be given to you. As for whether you want to receive it, it is all on your own, and you and him. No blood relationship."

The attitude of this group of people is very clear. Zhang Huaijin doesn't want to say anything more about the attitude of this group of people, but thinks things are pretty good now.

One of my own serious problems has now passed away, and no one will be able to target myself there anymore. For Zhang Huaijin, this matter is pretty good.

The group of people took the corpse back to the crematorium, and then began to organize the things there, then took the urn to the home, and sent the urn to Wang Sifeng’s house.

When Zhang Huaijin delivered the things to Wang Sifeng's house, she didn't expect that Wang Sifeng's mother would explode instantly when she saw him, and she started scratching his face, cursing in her mouth.

"You killed my daughter and my niece. You must pay for both of them!"

Saying this viciously is not like something an old man should say.

Zhang Huaijin was still there at the beginning wondering why Wang Sifeng was so disgusting, but now he saw that he understood that there was a reason.

Wang Sifeng's mother's quality is also not very good, it seems that she should be a little worshipping money, otherwise his daughter would definitely not look like this.

Zhang Huaijin rubbed her head and sneered.

"Yeah, now that I have left the world, I don't want to say anything more. I can only persuade you to say that your daughter is not doing any good things there, then I will take care of him."

There are really a lot of people who offend themselves, but Zhang Huaijin has always been too lazy to deal with it, saying nothing.

I just hope that these two people can grow their eyes directly there, and stop being so arrogant when they reborn in the next life.

Things are now like this. Zhang Huaijin put the urn on the ground, turned her head and left here, drove her super long sports car and left here, which is now plain.

I really want to thank Wang Sifeng. If it weren't for Wang Sifeng, how could he have met his current lover?His lover maintains himself in every possible way,

Even putting money and a kind of right in his own hands, such a woman is unique.

Monsoon herself is a very controlling woman, and she respects her career very much.

But after being with himself, he didn't do any harm, on the contrary, he was obedient to himself.

Zhang Huaijin drove home and saw her sister-in-law sitting next to her when she returned home.

This made him a little dumbfounded, stepped forward and said.

"I'm a little curious, why did you two pretend to be a mother and daughter before? You two are so different in age, it looks like it is not like it, it is absolutely impossible."

English doesn’t look like a 46-year-old woman for his wife. What's more, his sister-in-law, who is his wife’s own sister!

When Li Qian heard him say this, she smiled embarrassedly.

"Isn't it just for revenge? Didn't my sister say that she hadn't told you about this? Our only enemy is the head of the Murong family, who has harmed people in our family."

"The two of our sisters were forced to get married, and my sister was forced to marry the Lin family."

Zhang Huaijin nodded silently. He didn't know much of the truth about this matter, but he felt that he should not intervene to say hello.

It was the matter of their two sisters. If I forgot to speak, I would seem to be a little bit confused.

He has never asked about these two people being spoken, how shining they are now, and how bitter they have been.

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