My wife is 30

Chapter 115-Airplane

The man didn't mind his attitude either, he seemed to see his uncomfortableness, and said actively.

"My name is Song Lin. I am a relative of Jiyu, and I am also a person from Jiyu. I have always followed Jiyu. Don't think too much about it."

Zhang Huaijin turned his head and looked over, and said seriously: "Is it really okay for you and me to go to those origins alone? After all, the conditions there are too bad, I'm afraid you can't stand it."

It doesn't matter to me that this man seems to be weak and weak.

Wearing a gold-rimmed eye on the eye, the mirror looks younger and more delicate, not like a hard-working person at all.

Seeing that things were already like this, he began to hesitate, is he really going to open a fruit shop there?

Now I have opened a company and opened a fruit shop to say how shameful it would be to go out, and for a while, I fell into hesitation.

The person next to her seemed to see her embarrassment and explained in a low voice next to her.

"You don’t have to look down on such an industry there. I’ll tell you, this industry is actually a special way of making money. You don’t have to look down on them there. Like a friend of mine who opened a fruit shop there, The monthly flow is also very much."

Zhang Huaijin was stunned when he heard him talk about some general knowledge there.

Selling fruit would make money so much, and the 50% gross profit made him even more surprised.

Seeing that it was already like this, Zhang Huaijin turned her head and forgot the past, and said thoughtfully.

"We won't say anything about this matter. We'd better wait to go back and have a look. After all, we have to examine it now. If we don't examine it, it's not necessarily how this matter is."

In the final analysis, I am a layman. As a layman, he woke up and was there cautiously.

Even if it is himself, there are many people beside him to help with turnover, and he has to be more careful.

Otherwise, he will definitely not have any good results, he said that it is possible to spend the money for nothing.

Seeing that things were like this now, Zhang Huaijin turned her head helplessly and didn't know what to do.

He had been thinking about this matter for a long time.

Is there really such a profit?Zhang Huaijin thoughtfully took a look at the information this person had passed to him, and then silently nodded.

"Okay, let's just follow you. I won't play around with you anymore. Anyway, now, a group of you want me to open a fruit shop there. I don't refuse."

This is true. There are people who are willing to cooperate with them to provide funds, and their wife has arranged someone to search for them there.

It makes people feel more thoughtful, and everyone around has already prepared so much thoughtfulness.

It's not good for me to say nothing, things have reached this point, I closed my eyes and started sleeping.

Many things can be found quickly, and it is easier for him to find the corresponding things for the stomach.

Regarding this matter, Zhang Huaijin has already discovered a business opportunity, and even this group of people wants to open a fruit shop there, so she doesn't have to say much.

As time passed quickly, Zhang Huaijin and a group of people were about to reach a very remote village.

As soon as Zhang Huaijin walked in, she was completely shocked. This village was too remote. Even Zhang Huaijin was blindfolded when she walked in.

Some turned to look at the person next to him in disbelief.

Helplessly said: "Is this the place you want me to come? Don't be kidding me, okay, it's my opinion, there is nothing to do."

This is a barren mountains and ridges, and there is a large tract of empty land around it.

Even so, Zhang Huaijin felt very surprised. She didn't know what to do, because for him he thought this matter was really amazing.

Because he watched here for a long time and didn't find any difference.

This is an ordinary small rural area. Why did you come to this place?Is it just for fun?

Zhang Huaijin looked at it thoughtfully, hoping that someone could give herself a proper answer.

Just when Zhang Huaijin wanted to say something, Song Lin stood up next to him, glanced at him, and shook his head.

"No, I didn't joking with you at all. It's on this side. It's just a little problem with this place. Don't say anything. I'll take you to see you."

After finishing speaking, he led Zhang Huaijin directly and watched for a while. The whole person was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do.

He now has a feeling that he has been sold, which makes him even more irritable, not knowing what to do.

Now that things are done, just take a look and see what kind of surprise Song Lin next to him will bring him.

He gritted his teeth and then left here.

Zhang Huaijin walked out alone, following him, all around was empty, and there were not many people.

This is purely a barren mountainous place, and he believes that someone is here to be abducted. The current situation really makes him very irritable.

The monsoon took him a long time a year, but what he didn't expect was that.

When he hadn't been away for long, a person walked over and said,

"I heard that you are here to buy things, right? Come, please come in, please come in, we have some things here, come, come, I hope you come and have a look."

Zhang Huaijin turned his head and looked over. He really felt speechless about the paper, and he didn't know how to face it.

But this matter is really surprising, and I don't know what to do. Things are like this now.

Zhang Huaijin turned her head and left here. He followed the man. The man in front looked like a farmer.

He looked so simple and honest, so Zhang Huaijin couldn't help but feel a little like him.

When speaking, he was very gentle, and said softly: "Uncle, do you have any orchards here? Let's pick fruits."

Hearing what he said, the uncle nodded immediately, and the whole person was even more proud.

"You are right. We do have an orchard here, but our orchard is usually contracted out. If you want to buy fruit here, you can try it here."

"But if you buy, you can only buy a lot of it at once, otherwise the people inside of us won't sell it."

Hearing what he said, Zhang Huaijin nodded silently and calculated that the money he brought with him when he came was really a lot.

Don't worry about not being enough, but so much money, all used to buy fruit, is it a bit too wasteful?

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