My wife is 30

Chapter 127 Help

Could it be that someone used his own name to propagate it, or that his wife helped him secretly behind the scenes?

What is he about to say?Song Lin next to him came over first.

Said: "The madam asked me to do things. Madam has already said that I will increase publicity there. I thought about it. Although the fruit shop said it was expensive, it couldn't cover everything. So the boss was there. Suggest that we go find a few other people."

Zhang Huaijin nodded, approved his words, and smiled softly.

"If this kind of thing is like this, then I won't ask more. When that happens, you guys, you'd better take a rest and prepare your room."

After all, you want to be in this village, you must remember to ask me to learn first, and the conditions must be better.

Otherwise, how can teachers like them who came out of the city accept?

Especially they are all undergraduates from prestigious universities. The conditions of prestigious universities are very good.

Those who can enter are generally from good families, and those who work harder, but their conditions are generally pretty good.

Even the worst conditions are normal conditions, and it is always surprising now.

Things are like this now, Zhang Huaijin sighed softly, not knowing what to say.

A few of them walked towards the school in the village together. There are two schools in such a village, one elementary school and one junior high school.

Zhang Huaijin took a look at these two schools all the way, and they are pretty good now.

Especially the conditions inside have been changed a bit, which was messy from the beginning.

So far it seems to be more formal, the most common schools in the city, generally all the things in them are cleaned up.

Zhang Huaijin frowned and looked over. The whole person felt a little emotional. After all, I really don't know what to say about the current situation.

He himself is very happy that there can be such a big change in the village, which is also quite good for Zhang Huaijin.

Zhang Huaijin saw that they were going to the school, and the students on the side had already started talking there.

Especially the little boy in the lead said directly: "I'm going to teach this junior high school and you are not so good."

There are a lot of people around who are curious about how to go, because for them, they teach junior high school or something.

It is generally very difficult, especially those students in junior high school have begun to learn rebellious.

I'm afraid it's not very good or there is no elementary school. It seems that the foundation can be better consolidated in elementary school.

Zhang Huaijin looked over and said thoughtfully.

"According to my opinion, there are a group of people going to junior high school and a group of people going to elementary school. If you go to elementary school, it's okay. There will be some basics for them. When they get to junior high school, they will have to take high school entrance exams. More rigorous teachers are needed. Come here."

What he said was good, and the people next to him were there to signal that they didn't know what to say, Zhang Huaijin frowned and didn't know what to do.

Seeing how far away things are, you didn't look at them, these students are thinking about what to do there?

Soon they were already assigned there, which was even more stunned for Zhang Huaijin.

Things are like this now, look up and speak softly.

"Since you have already selected the school here, let's take a look at the dormitory and other things together. If you are unsatisfied, you can just tell me."

"If you tell me, I will help you there. After all, you are still looking at your own conditions and everything."

As soon as his words fell, the group of people next to him suddenly appeared, especially those villagers who took a lot of ingredients in their hands.

In particular, there are more fruits. Putting things on the table and leaving here immediately makes people feel even more surprised. I don't know what to do.

When I was about to say something, I accidentally raised my head and looked at it. I realized something in an instant, and looked at it speechlessly.

Said to the village chief who whispered to the side.

"The village chief, don't let the family send so many things. There is not much money in the village. Why do you let them send so many things?"

As soon as he finished his words, the village chief beside him laughed beamingly: "Oh, you didn't know that Zhang Huaijin has been there to help us since your road was built. There are also many things in our village. ."

Especially since their roads have been repaired, there are more things in their village.

People don't know what to say, things are like this now, Zhang Huaijin frowned.

After nodding, he picked two of the fruits on it and put them in his backpack.

Then I found an oil well and began to wash the blood. The whole person thought it was pretty good, because when they were connected here.

Zhang Huaijin feels that their group of people are particularly enthusiastic, and the quality of the fruits inside is also very good.

When Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, the mobile phone next to her suddenly rang, and she ate with one hand.

He answered the phone with one hand and said, "Hey, hello, what can you do with me?"

The person over there seemed to be a salesperson, and said anxiously.

"The boss is not good. One of us said that the fruit you bought there was a problem, and it was not fresh. He said that he wanted us to come over and compensate. The blueberries in our store had bugs."

Zhang Huaijin was stunned for a moment, a little speechless, and looked at the village chief next to him and asked quietly.

"The village chief, I didn't grow blueberries in your village, and I didn't sell blueberries to go back."

The village chief nodded softly.

It's really true, because I have never bought blueberries, and no one in the village has blueberry trees, especially Zhang Huaijin.

He didn't come out for the first time a long time ago. He thought it was delicious, but it tasted that way.

A box of blueberries was placed there, and after a while many small bugs came out densely.

At that time, Zhang Huaijin was also broken because of these insects, so someone explained to him.

Only then did he understand that there were many sweet things with bugs in them, especially things that didn't look like this before.

Last time, another kind of fruit had a lot of things in it, which made people wonder what to do.

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