My wife is 30

Chapter 132 Sales

Suddenly he said: "Boss, let's not talk like this if we are good. We also helped them a lot. After that, they caused Sheng Mi En Dou Mi's feud, so the gain is not worth the loss."

After all, it is difficult for people to describe what is happening now, even Zhang Huaijin felt a little worried.

Now he has no conditions and is here to help a poor village. If someone thinks he should help him in the future.

If someone wants to force him to donate money there in the future, there will be many problems.

Zhang Huaijin glanced at him, and suddenly laughed.

"Why do you think I was bullied by someone there? Not absolute, I will bully people there in the future, besides, it will be my background."

"What kind of storms should they bring? They are just a bunch of ordinary people."

Of course, if someone really looks like you in the future, then the long one will never be soft. Many things are very important to this Huai Jin.

But Zhang Huaijin didn't want anyone to say anything, after all, he never asked for anything in return for doing these things.

Many things were just because she wanted to do, Zhang Huaijin glanced at Song Lin there and said nothing to him.

On the helicopter, when he was about to leave, the villagers behind him breathlessly sent him a bunch of fruit.

There was no mention of money, and everything was placed on Zhang Huaijin's plane.

Zhang Huaijin looked at them and accepted this new gift calmly, because for him.

Accepting these gifts is a very lucky idea, and it can be regarded as the feedback of this group of people.

When the plane took off, Zhang Huaijin was about to sit in a chair and take a nap, when suddenly he thought of the pile of fruits behind, and searched for a few in the boxes of fruits.

What I didn't expect was that a very large bag was pressed under a weight.

Zhang Huaijin felt something was wrong when he saw it, and when he looked inside, there was a full 20,000 yuan in it.

Xiang Huaijin felt a little dumbfounded, counted the money and put it aside, with a letter still in it.

The above is a thank you to Zhang Huaijin, all the people in their village gave this money.

Each household pays 100 yuan. Although I don't say much, it also condenses more than 20,000 yuan.

In order to give it to Zhang Huaijin, although they know that they are not short of the money, they also want to do their best.

Zhang Huaijin looked up and laughed.

"You should understand now? Why should I be so good to the people in this village?"

There are countless poor and poor villages in the world, but Zhang Huaijin's attitude towards them.

I always have a good attitude and never said something that shouldn't be said.

There are many poor villages in the world, but there are also many that are worthy of Zhang Huaijin’s help.

It might be fate, Zhang Huaijin sighed softly there, and then went to the crowd, looking up curiously.

"They gave me 20,000 yuan. It is their mind. Don't stop there. In the future, if there is anything in their village, please let them contact me. I will do everything I can."

The plane soon arrived on the other side. As soon as Zhang Huaijin got off the plane, he saw the most eye-catching woman among the crowd. Zhang Huaijin saw the monsoon rain inside as soon as he looked up.

Zhang Huaijin walked to Ji Yu's side and said very seriously: "You came to pick me up, I didn't expect you to come here."

Ji Yu stepped forward to hug him and said softly.

"Didn’t I have already heard about you, so I knew you were here, but what I didn’t expect was that you actually came back. So soon, it’s raining outside. Fortunately I brought it. umbrella."

The two people held hands and then left here, but Zhang Huaijin was always very happy.

After all, his lover's ability to pick him up in person was something he hadn't expected.

When Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, the monsoon next to her suddenly had to say.

"You don't know the incident last time. Someone came to us with blueberries and insisted that they bought something here."

"After our investigation, we found that he didn't buy it at all. Instead, he deliberately insulted our reputation there. How do you think we should solve this matter?

Zhang Huaijin was stunned when he heard what he said, and rolled his eyes a little speechlessly and said.

"Look at you, don't you always have a solution in your heart? Why do you have to ask me there? I don't believe you don't have the corresponding answer in your heart."

Five or six days have passed since this matter, and he said that he did not believe his lover had not resolved the matter.

He is a resolute and resolute strong woman. He is still a big company. The boss of a big family said that he does not have any kind of means and ability, and no one will believe it.

Ji Yu smiled softly.

"That's right. I checked this person's information at that time. I found out that it was from your home. Your father used to have a brother. This is your distant cousin. Your distant cousin. Brother doesn't know what's going on."

"I learned that our fruit shop came here to try to ruin the reputation. After I found out, he immediately turned to be upright, and wanted you to lend him a large sum of money. Open his mouth is 500,000."

Zhang Huaijin was stunned for an instant, and looked up in disbelief.

"What are you kidding about there? He asked me for a full half a million,"

Zhang Huaijin heard the whole person feel very speechless, but turned her head and looked over and said thoughtfully

"Okay, I won't say anything to you there, but you have to understand that if he has a relationship with me, it has a relationship, but I will definitely not give my money to him."

"I don't have anything to do with him, so if you open your mouth, you will ask me for 500,000 yuan. Isn't he wrong with his brain?"

Zhang Huaijin thinks she has nothing to do with this person!.

Because things are all like this now, Zhang Huaijin feels that he has nothing to do with this group.

Why do these people need money from themselves for some reason, especially distant relatives, even though they are their own relatives.

But just open your mouth and shut up and just ask for money, which really takes yourself seriously.

Zhang Huaijin didn't know what to say, but felt that things were too indescribable.

This group of people is really shameless, all kinds of people exist, for Zhang Huaijin.

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