My wife is 30

Chapter 141 Fiancee

Zhang Huaijin explained to her in a panic, for fear that her lover would not believe her words.

After all, things today are not that simple at all. It seems to make people feel very strict. I don't know what to do.

Seeing that things had reached this point, Zhang Huaijin next to him looked up.

The direct questioner said: "I have no relationship with you at all, and I haven't even met, so why is it your fiancé, can you not joke with me there?"

"There must be a limit to joking these years. You still claim to be my girlfriend everywhere. I haven't asked you to settle this matter."

This kind of thing is very challenging for people's patience, especially when this woman has said this and said that, it is very annoying to hear it.

You clearly don't have such a relationship with him. Why do you have to rely on this matter on your own?

The woman looked up and said softly, "Although this matter has nothing to do with you, it has something to do with your dead father. He used to make a marriage contract for the two of us there."

"It's just that he didn't tell you. It was his marriage and childbirth that allowed me to be with you, but then I didn't know what happened. You married another woman."

While talking, some readers of the institute looked at the Monsoon next to him, and Monsoon was always smiling there.

As if this matter was the same as nothing at all, the whole person was smiling.

But because of his attitude, Zhang Huaijin felt even more flustered. He didn't want to be misunderstood.

"You have to believe me, I have absolutely nothing to do with him." Zhang Huaijin proved her innocence in three explanations.

Just when Zhang Huaijin wanted to prove it again, the person next to him patted him on the shoulder.

He said softly: "Okay, I know you have nothing to do with him.

One sentence calmed Zhang Huaijin's heart, raised her head and looked over, fiercely, what is going on in this matter?

"You are full of lies in your mouth. I don't want to tell you more. You should leave me as soon as possible. I can't tolerate you at all."

The woman snorted coldly at his unfeeling words and looked up.

"Let's just say what you love. Anyway, we have a contract to testify there. This is the contract that your father thought about signing there. Now the contract is there. I'm your wife in law."

Zhang Huaijin, what the hell is he going to listen to?There is also the existence of a contract. Why don't you know that I have a wife out of nowhere?

It made Zhang Huaijin feel particularly surprised. This kind of thing itself was very speechless, especially about this kind of thing that surprised him.

Seeing that things are already like this now, Zhang Huaijin lazily said something nonsense to him.

Instead, he yawned softly and said, "What the hell is going on with this matter? I don't bother to pay attention to you."

"But now I have my lover. This is a well-known thing. You are talking about being shameless by yourself. If you let me be, I have nothing to say, but like you don’t want it. It’s really the first time I have seen someone with a face."

This matter really makes people feel very speechless, I don't know what to say.

Especially when things are like this, Zhang Huaijin wants to roll his eyes.

He is the name by which you never know what this woman looks like from beginning to end.

I just want to make my own way there and become my lover, to make some jokes.

Zhang Huaijin has wasted a lot of time with him, and he doesn't want to drink coffee there anymore.

He left here and yawned softly.

He said thoughtfully: "Don't tell me about this matter there, because it doesn't have a good reputation for me.

After speaking, he glanced at the man next to him: "What is your name? I still don't know what your name is?"

The man scratched his head awkwardly.

Said: "My name is Zhang Bin, I don't think you know me.

Zhang Huaijin nodded thoughtfully, she had never seen this name.

Moreover, this person has nothing to do with himself, so he has never noticed who this person is.

Zhang Bin walked to his side and said thoughtfully, "Do you have any thoughts about this matter? I saw a woman who just wanted to be there and just want to do something, he wanted to. There is money from your hands."

"Moreover, he was there to ruin the relationship between the two of you. Don't let this woman get it done. This is very deep with a woman."

Zhang Huaijin nodded gently, agreed with what he said, and looked up thoughtfully, let's go to this matter.

It's really hard to speak, but Zhang Huaijin doesn't want to say more there, just hope that this matter will have some results in the future

When Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, what he didn't expect was that a boy suddenly rushed over.

The boy rushed to his side and said very seriously, "Where is my brother?"

While speaking, he looked over there curiously,

As soon as Zhang Huaijin heard his familiar voice, he immediately knew who he was, and said quickly: "I am here, what are you doing there?

Zhang Yu suddenly appeared here. This was something he didn't expect, but if he appeared here.

There is no benefit to him. He never looked up and didn't know what he wanted to do here.

Just when Zhang Huaijin wanted to say something, Zhang Yu praised him for being particularly happy in front of him.

Said: "I just watched it for a while and found that there are really a lot of good things in it, so I said I just bought some food in the group."

"Why was this fruit shop smashed as soon as I came back? What's the matter?"

While looking at it curiously.

Zhang Huaijin explained to him in a low voice beside her.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, but what you have to understand is that someone has targeted us there, and this shop was inexplicably smashed."

This is something that no one thought of, so don't think about it.

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