My wife is 30

Chapter One Hundred Fifty Two

The lawyers over there knew the exact evidence, and soon looked up and nodded very seriously.

"Thank you for cooperating with us there. If we find relevant evidence in the future, we will definitely tell you where we are in advance."

While talking, she hung up the phone. The bitch Zhang Huaijin Happy Phone put her mobile phone next to her, looked at the nearby seasonal rain, and said silently.

"When did you get in touch with this lawyer, why didn't I know? Song Wen

Both Ji Yu and the lawyer have been in contact for a long time, so that he has no idea that the relationship between the two seems to be quite familiar.

Ji Yu scratched his head with some embarrassment and said softly.

"Well, I won't be joking with you anymore. My temper is very irritable now. If anyone dares to buckle some shit on your head or something, I will just send them to prison."

"That group of relatives, someone smashed our house there before, I haven't taught them a lesson yet,"

The fruit shop in my house has been smashed into that shape, and the huge glass doors have been smashed into such a shape, which is quite surprising in itself.

My own shop has been smashed twice, but the first time it was made by my relatives.

It is something that makes people feel very speechless.As for Zhang Huaijin, she didn't want to say anything about this matter, but felt quite speechless.

Zhang Huaijin understood, the worry in his heart stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently, and said softly.

"Well, you don't have to worry so much. I know all the relatives in my family. What is going on with them? I also know it."

"Just say, they are my relatives, we still can't do anything for the time being.

You can only wait for your relatives to say there that you can only make a move when you make a move first.

Otherwise, when the evidence is caught, then the matter will be cold.

The person who makes the first move is wrong, and at that time, he is easily regarded as a so-called wolf-eyed white-eyed wolf. This is very normal.

Nowadays, many people like to criticize people from the commanding heights of morality. On the contrary, they feel very surprised and don't know what to do.

Zhang Huaijin might be ruined there if he is not careful, so he thought about it carefully and it was better not to do anything.

Ji Yu understood what he meant, nodded softly, and looked over.

"I understand what you mean. It's just that now your aunt, I must have come to clean him up, if I don't clean up him, I think things will happen."

"That aunt in your house is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Don't forget about this."

Zhang Huaijin knew what he was worried about there, so she stepped forward and patted his shoulder lightly, nodded and said.

"I understand what you mean, but the current situation is not enough. My aunt should go through the judicial process, as long as the judicial process is completed."

"Then he will enter the prison directly. As long as we don't give a letter of understanding at that time, then they have nothing to do."

When Ji Yu was about to feel sweet, he saw the doctor next to him approaching.Turning to look at the seasonal rain next to him, he said, your other family member is now sober, saying that he wants you to be there with him.

Zhang Huaijin is a kind of Weiwei. The two of them realized something in an instant, and quickly looked up..

Is Zhang Yu sober now?There shouldn't be any problems with him, right?

The doctor shook his head slightly, and said very seriously.

"To be honest, the current situation is not very optimistic. It is easy to have some other problems there. The best situation is to see it yourself."

"If it doesn't work, he will be transferred there. This procedure is particularly complicated. I hope you can be more serious.:

Zhang Huaijin looked up and said hesitantly.

"Is his current state so bad as it is now? No, he should be fine.

I was holding my cousin in my arms at the time, as if in the end my cousin suffered a little bit of harm for yourself.

But it shouldn't be a fatal injury. How could it be necessary to transfer to hospital?

Zhang Huaijin didn't quite understand it.

"What's the matter with him now? Where is he?"

The doctor explained to him by the side, then looked up and said softly.

"Actually, if you don’t do something there, it’s okay. His current situation may get worse there anytime and anywhere. The best thing is to be serious there. You have to understand that his body is the most important thing. ."

It was indeed what was said, there was no mistake, and the few people next to him were all caught in a long silence.

They didn't expect it to be so, but it made people feel even more infatuated.

Zhang Huaijin looked up and gave me anger, frowned and stretched out with a little bit of incomprehension. He didn't expect this to happen.

Nodded and said.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I won't say much. I'll take someone here to tidy up and take you to see him first. After all, he is sober now. I will see you first. He, discuss with him about the transfer."

Zhang Huaijin sat out while talking and looked at it curiously, thinking that her cousin's condition should be particularly bad.

Unexpectedly, when I entered my cousin still holding a mobile phone in his hand, I don't know when he actually played a game in his hand.

Zhang Huaijin was stunned for an instant, looked up and said in disbelief.

"What are you kidding? The doctor told me that you are a little bit dangerous now, but your condition now looks pretty good. I'm really convinced."

Zhang Huaijin was speechless. He didn't expect that, so far he thought it should be his injured brother, but now he was watching the game there, making him speechless.

He didn't expect that this person would actually play this game there now, leaving him stunned.

Zhang Yu was already aware of his problem, and he looked up and said helplessly.

"Oh, didn't I just wake up? I realized the problem when I just woke up."

"I think someone should have deliberately harmed me there, and wanted to murder us deliberately, do you think it right?"

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