My wife is 30

Chapter 163 Leaving

The days passed, and within a few days Zhang Yu yelled to go home, saying that he wanted to have a good talk with his parents.

Zhang Huaijin doesn’t know what they think, but if he wants to go home, then just send him home.

Since they had to leave here, Zhang Huaijin was not good. He said something more there, and soon bought a plane ticket, ready to send the people back.

Zhang Yu saw that he was about to send himself away so quickly, he was reluctant to look back.

"Then I have no chance to come here to find you in the future! I think you are all pretty good here. I want to stay here for a while. I don't know if I have a chance."

While talking, he looked over with expectation, he really wanted to stay here for a while.

So the whole person has always been in a special entanglement there, wanting to say something, but dare not say.

Zhang Huaijin looked at him so entangled and stepped forward and gently touched his shoulder.

Some helplessly said: "Well, don't worry about it here, it's of no use."

"If you want to come and play with me anytime, anywhere, then you can come and play directly, what can you say?"

This is his own cousin, and he is the only child in his whole family who is still considered to be a positive person.

Zhang Huaijin naturally wants to treat him well, she can't be exactly like some other people.

When the person next to him heard him say this, his eyes lit up instantly, and he said with excitement.

"Okay, I will persuade my parents and I will come to you right away. Don't regret it then."

While talking, he got on the plane excitedly.

After Zhang Huaijin waited for him to get on the plane, he drove back to the house, which was empty.

No one, there was a place where his brother was a few days ago.The whole family is chattering, but I didn't expect this to happen.

As soon as his brother left, it was obvious that his home was empty, and there were not a few people at all, which made Zhang Huaijin feel very speechless.

Zhang Huaijin was about to study the previous contract and emphasized that there was a call.

He smiled and said, "Hey, didn't you invite me to meet at your home? I'm already outside your door now. I wanted to shout for several times but didn't hear me."

"You promise here or I will leave first. We two will meet at the hotel. What do you think?"

Zhang Huaijin was stunned for an instant, and said quickly: "Okay, if that's the case, then don't say anything. I'll go over and open the door for you right away."

While talking, I only remembered to rush over. The whole person was very panicked. They didn't know what to do about the contract.

But what he knows is that there must be a lot of things in this contract, and it seems very surprising. I don't know how many things are in this thing?

On the surface of this contract, it seems to be very normal, but it is a person behind the scenes, and you can see how many traps there are.

Even Zhang Huaijin, as a layman, can know how little there is inside.Cash.

People always feel that the identity undoubtedly wants to say something, but they feel very helpless, and they don't know where he is and how to say it.

Soon he opened the door, and a foreigner walked over. Hasta was still the same hearty appearance before.

Looks like a very enthusiastic young man, generally without any problems,

Glancing at him calmly, the whole person felt very 51. They didn't know where and what this person was doing, but felt very helpless.

Things are already like this, Zhang Huaijin frowned and looked at the past.

Looking at the foreigner who just came in in front of him.

Some helplessly said, "You can quickly clean up, what's the matter? Your contract seems to be paid very well. I dare not accept such a good contract!"

The foreigner in front of him had a few other emotions in his eyes, and he quickly returned to normal and took a step forward.

"Oh, you don't want to be like this. Can I still cheat you on this contract or something? Both of me have known each other for such a long time.

"Don't you say that you still believe me there? I can't cheat anyone there, I can't cheat you there!"

When he said this, the whole person was very acknowledgment. It really made people feel a little speechless. Zhang Huaijin was already aware of many problems.

He frowned and looked over, obviously aware of something.

But Zhang Huaijin is not a fuel-efficient lamp.He quickly returned to normal there, and said with a smile,

"Okay, since you think there is nothing wrong with this contract, then I will go to this team. How can I not see the past while talking? There will be a contract on it. Look at the contract for normal reasons. But it's fusion after all."

The people around didn't even know what it was like.I just think this matter will not be surprised.

It's amazing!People didn't know what to say, and looked over with frowning, obviously aware of many problems.

I think this thing is so surprising that I don't even know what to do.

Zhang Huaijin frowned there and wanted to say something, but the foreigner in front of him was staring so tightly that he didn't know what to say.

I had no choice but to grin and say, "I think there is nothing wrong with putting your contract on it. When I look back, I will sign when the goods were delivered? If it is delivered quickly,"

"I just picked him up directly. What do you think of this product? After all, you also know this product! You can move forward."

When the man heard him say this, he brightened his eyes and smiled and said, "Since this is the case, then we won't say anything more, just take the person away."

While talking, they stood up, and the two finally walked out.

The key has already been said to cooperate in this, but what the outcome of the matter is, here is also beyond their expectations.

Hasta next to him looked over. He always felt that this person had agreed to it a little too early, which made him feel something.

This should be a man who eats soft food, it is absolutely impossible to detect the scam.

But why, now his heart is always so uneasy, he is a little worried.

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