My wife is 30

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty

Saying such things there made everyone cry.

Especially Zhang Huaijin rolled his eyes almost wanting to be there, she was speechless.

He had met many people there, but it was really the first time he saw someone like this.

Zhang Huaijin heard her say this, looked up, and said very seriously: "Then the question is, why are you here in our house? Do you want to go out and take some money from the house?"

Sure enough, when Zhang Huaijin said this, the face of the person in front of him instantly became embarrassed.

Especially anxiously said: "How could it be, how could I be for the money in your family, just kidding."

"Besides, why do I have to take the property from your house? My house is also rich, OK?"

The whole person was panicked, Zhang Huaijin rolled his eyes there and said nothing there.

I just feel that this person really doesn’t have a word of truth in his mouth. If he thinks he is like this, even if he is placed in society, he will not have any good results

Zhang Huaijin looked at her very speechless.

Zhang Huaijin cleared her throat, then looked up.

Said: "You have money and no money in your family, but it has nothing to do with me, but can you stop messing around with me?"

"Even if it is a quarrel, clean up my house far away, do you think it will work?"

He felt that he was going to waste it.

He became more and more impatient there, clutching the monsoon next to him.

"Okay, if you don't want to leave, then I will send someone to send you away now. What do you think? This is my home. I sent someone to blast your mother away."

"But I didn't expect your mother to have such a thick skin, and come back so soon!"

While talking, he looked up and looked over. The whole person was very disgusting.

He has seen countless people there, but people who look like this are really there to see them.

The whole person looks very shameless, even Zhang Huaijin feels helpless.

Seeing that things have reached this point, I looked up.

He said very seriously: "I am too lazy to watch what the two of you are arguing about, but I hope that you will not be messing around in my house, or can you leave my house."

When he said this, the whole person felt exhausted.

The woman was at a loss, and said in disbelief.

"What, I'm your relatives. You actually sent me away for an outsider. You don't put your relatives in your eyes. Are you afraid that I will go back and tell this thing?"

The attitude of the whole person is very vicious, obviously used to threaten Zhang Huaijin there.

Zhang Huaijin rolled her eyes and said softly: "You came to our house, not just to spend the money in our house, everyone knows this matter well."

"I'm afraid you have nothing to explain. Don't talk nonsense to me there. I will take care of you there."

He rolled his eyes while talking, and left here.

The Ji Yu next to him saw his attitude, and his attitude was particularly bad, so he went up to the second floor.

After Zhang Yu stayed, the whole person was very embarrassed. He originally wanted to restore the relationship between the two people there, but now it seems that his plan is empty.

In the final analysis, it was because his mother was not a good person at all.

From beginning to end, I was there to seek other people’s money, otherwise things wouldn’t be like this

Zhang Huaijin and Ji Yu went directly to the second floor, and the two people next to them were making a loud noise.

After the two people went upstairs, the rain next to him looked up.

He smiled and said, "You embarrass people like this, don't you think that people in their family will be particularly angry?"

Especially Zhang Huaijin, who particularly liked Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu is the only person in their family who has a more upright outlook.

But now it is there blatantly quarreling with people, I am afraid it will bring some unfavorable results.

Zhang Huaijin sighed softly when he heard him say this.

Said: "Oh, there is no way I can do it. His mother is a scourge. You don't know that the human heart is left behind. You might as well think of a way to completely drive him away."

Zhang Huaijin and the two were saying this, and they saw that things underneath suddenly changed. The people beside them didn't know what was going on.

Zhang Yu scolded his mother viciously. His mother yelled loudly outside the door, and was there scolding his son as an unscrupulous offspring?

The curse war has been going on for such a long time.

Zhang Huaijin yawned and looked up.

He said thoughtfully: "Since he can solve this matter, then the two of us don't say anything. The people in their family are really too noisy. In the end, it is better to have less contact with them. "

The rain on the side nodded sympathetically, and nodded earnestly.

Said: "Yes, the people in their family are too noisy. It's better to have less contact with them in the future."

They have seen countless people there. People like this are really a scourge. It was the first time to see people like this there.

For them, it is a scourge. Such people will not have any good results if they stay at home. This is something that each of them knows well.

Time passed slowly and the woman was driven away. Two days before Zhang Yu's mother left, she was still a little unwilling to give up, wanting to get more money from Zhang Huaijin's hands.

Zhang Huaijin also felt a little dumb, that this woman really worked very hard, in order to be able to get more money out of her hands, it was really amazing.

This woman has to say that she has a special brain, but his brain never needs to be serious.

If used in other places, he might have made a fortune there long ago.

After Zhang Yu sent away his Mother's Day, he apologized to the two.

"I think it would be better for me to leave here first. My mother has caused you too much trouble, and I have no face to stay with you."

Zhang Yu felt particularly ashamed. He knew exactly what his mother was like there.

It hasn't been a few days since I came to the city, and it turns out that so many disputes have been caused in it, and the young couple almost have conflicts there.

Zhang Yu is not a fool, and naturally understands the problem, and the whole person feels even more guilty.

If it wasn't for his own problems, his model would never have come here, so he said he was very panicked now, and he kept apologizing to Zhang Huaijin.

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