My wife is 30

Chapter 203 Snack Street

Zhang Huaijin and the others wandered in the snack street for a long time, and they had a lot of food in it.

But Zhang Huaijin felt very happy in her heart. It was the first time that he had eaten a roadside stall here with Monsoon.

Seeing Ji Yu eating there with no image at all, I felt a little surprised and looked up at the past.

"Since you have never eaten this kind of food, how about I often bring you to eat in the future."

When the rain on the side heard him say this all of a sudden, he raised his head slightly and said.

"Well, it's okay to look like this in the future, but if you say that something like this is absolutely not allowed to eat too much there, there will be some bad results, let me see it. , We’d better eat more there, don’t always think about spending so much money here."

Zhang Huaijin originally thought he could become gentler, but he didn't expect him to say such things and looked up silently.

Said: "Okay, since you are like this, then I don’t bother to say more about it there, but if you want to eat there in the future, you can just tell me and then I can take you. Look around the streets."

He was all triumphant, as if he felt that he had done a good job there, which made people feel surprised when he looked at him. Zhang Yu who thought he was a light bulb next to him.

Some helplessly said: "You are like this, no longer show affection, I think it hurts me a little too much, you are bullying my girlfriend not in me."

Zhang Huaijin felt a little funny as a whole. What he said there was full of jealousy, but Zhang Huaijin just felt helpless. After all, this thing is a normal thing.

What can I do there? I turned my head and looked over and said curiously.

"By the way, I'm a little curious, who is your girlfriend? Why have I never seen your girlfriend there? I just heard you mention it there, but I have never really seen what kind of person it is."

While looking over curiously, he watched the monsoon next to him.The food that Monsoon eats now has almost no image.

The whole person is very curious, the woman looks very good, but under the current situation, people feel very speechless, and she doesn't know what to say, so she glanced.

After watching him eat a lot of things there, he looked up and said, "What the hell is going on now. You have been eating here for so long. If you want me to see , It’s not like you are. When you eat, do you want to eat enough all at once."

When Ji Yu heard him say this, he rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said, "Now, what do I think? You were joking there. How could I be like this? I just want to buy all these things back. ."

"Then let you see what it is there. Didn’t you especially want to drink this duck blood vermicelli soup? Then I thought about it. Why don’t you let you eat more wherever you go. You don’t have to eat there at night."

Zhang Huaijin was shocked when he heard him say this. She just looked at the duck blood vermicelli soup just now. She likes to drink it, duck blood vermicelli soup, but for various reasons, she can't drink it at all.

Things like fans cannot be eaten in front of girls. After all, this kind of food will temporarily damage your image.

So he has never eaten anything there, just want to see what is going on here, but what he didn't expect was that it would be the case, which made him feel particularly surprised.

I just took a casual look there, but I didn't expect my wife to be able to see my thoughts there.Zhang Huaijin felt particularly moved in her heart.

Turning his head and looking over, he said softly, "Thank you very much. After all, you are like this for the first time. It is also the first time for the two of us to eat out. I didn't expect you to be so good."

While talking, I looked a little moved and wanted to say something, but I didn’t know what to do. I just felt that the current situation is really surprising. After all, my wife looks like this. Everyone can be like this.

Everyone knew exactly what his wife looked like there, and Zhang Yu, who was next to him, looked up with even more envy.

"The two of you don’t show your affection in front of me. What is there to show your affection? When you look back, bring my girlfriend over and let you know what my girlfriend is like. ."

"I think the way you are now is really surprising to me. It's really jealous of me there."

In fact, he feels special envy in his heart. Things like this are not like news that normal people can know at all. People look at them and feel very speechless and don’t know what to do. That's good.

He never expected that these two people would be like this.I've been married for such a long time, and I didn't expect that I would still show off my affection here, making people feel so speechless and at a loss.

I don't understand what they think.

Seeing him talking so much here, Zhang Yu said silently: "Since I am like this, I don't want to say anything there anymore. I just say that you are in a state that makes me feel envious, like you. I have never seen a person like this before, and the relationship is really good."

The words were already spoken there, but it made people feel so speechless. He didn't know where to say anything at all. He seemed to have a good relationship and he had met many people there.

But someone like Zhang Huaijin who has a particularly good relationship, he is really there, and it's the first time I have to meet him.

He thought this and people were just making noises there, but he didn't expect that the relationship would be really so good, which made him feel particularly surprised.

Zhang Huaijin saw her cousin's envious gaze and said, "Since this is the case, then turn around and bring your wife here, let me see what is going on there, and you will know when the time comes."

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