My wife is 30

Chapter Two Hundred and Ten

The employees had a meal that made them dumbfounded, and then they came back to their senses, and watched the boss so heroic and directly paid.

They realized that there was no so-called economic crisis in their company at all. Would a company with an economic crisis pay so generously?

And I just don't care about where the money is!

My boss turned out to be so rich. Many talents realized what happened this time there. Zhang Huaijin looked at them and felt that they should also understand that the company's economy is very good.

Many employees nearby nodded their heads because they were not fools at all. From the beginning, when their company was established, they encountered many problems there.

Now this matter is there to better prove that someone really wants to be there, targeting their company.

Moreover, with such a disgusting method, everyone nearby cast curious eyes, and Zhang Huaijin yawned softly.

Looking at the employee next to him, he smiled and said, "Okay, it's already past 12 o'clock in the evening, and there are a lot of leftovers. If anyone of you wants it, you can just take it away."

"Don’t believe those online rumors anymore. Are we going to go bankrupt? They don’t know at all. For example, our secretary. We all know exactly what he is thinking there. Up."

"The secretary will not do anything there to harm the company anyway, even if the company really can't survive, your secretary will be the first to run!"

Zhang Huaijin said such words half-jokingly there, and the secretary next to him nodded in embarrassment, indeed, they were not fools.

Naturally, I won’t be there for others to sacrifice my life in vain, and I won’t be trapped in this company directly. It’s just a joke.

Who is not a fool, naturally understands these many things, Zhang Huaijin looked at the employees below, and many of them nodded in shame.

In the beginning, there were indeed many people who heard the rumors there, which caused their company to be very unstable for a period of time.

But now their company is different, especially after Zhang Huaijin showed off their company's strength, they realized that the company is so rich.

Will a company with no money come to eat with its employees? Will it eat such a good meal? I spent tens of thousands of dollars there this evening. This is something that everyone did not expect.

With this company's money for food, isn't the company bad? No, their boss mainly wants to prove that his company is rich, and he spent so much money there. It can be said to be very rich and willful.

Zhang Huaijin nodded with satisfaction when he saw the employees next to him feel obedient.

He said very seriously: "You should stop listening to rumors there. It is of no use at all. They don't know anything about our company."

"Don't believe it on the Internet. This incident only teaches us a lesson, especially in the future when we select employees in our company, we must be more strict!"

While talking while looking at the manager next to him, the staff of the personnel department next to the staff all said that people like them are in some very important positions, although they are subordinates.

Including the attitude toward outsiders, it directly represents their entire company. Zhang Huaijin watched them and they had already said so much.

"Okay, since it's like this, let's disperse first. If there is something like this in the future, everyone can ask me there, but absolutely can't believe the words on the Internet!"

He emphasized it several times in succession. It is absolutely impossible to believe in things on the Internet. They are not fools. They naturally understand the importance of many things, especially under repeated emphasis by the boss, although they will not Someone should be a fool.

Zhang Huaijin looked at what they were saying and nodded gently.

He smiled and said: "Well, let's leave first, I have something to do, I am also going to leave first."

While talking, they left with the two people next to Ji Yu. There is a special Zhao in the whole person. If you want to say something there, think about it and forget it.

It was all dog food, and it was useless and unnecessary. Zhang Huaijin looked at the seasonal rain next to him, and the two of them held hands together.

Then he left here. Zhang Huaijin saw that things were already like this, and the two people then left the place.

"The Internet has never been so calm, especially when I was told a lot of bad things on the Internet. You don't know it. Someone must be there behind me." Zhang Huaijin said suddenly.

I don't know what kind of person I am provoking there. It turns out that he is so uncomfortable with him, and he wants to slander him again and again.

If it weren't for the evidence, I'm afraid that some people would really get it.

Ji Yu watched him speed up a little while driving, and reminded him quietly beside him.

"Reduce the speed while driving."

While talking, he looked up and opened the window.

Zhang Huaijin immediately reduced the speed of the car and said helplessly.

"You also know what I think in my heart right now, let's talk, what can you do to solve it?"

Zhang Huaijin looked at the person next to him, and didn't know what to say there. To put it bluntly, some people thought that they couldn't see that they were there. This kind of thing is beyond doubt, and many people are. Special jealous.

If he sees a person who is higher than him, he will never try to climb up, but think about how to pull another person down. This is the root of human inferiority.

Seeing him getting more and more impatient, Ji Yu stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently.

He said softly: "Well, you don't need to be like this. Of course I know you have a lot of difficulties, but if you have any problems, you must solve them there."

"Even if you are complaining there now, what kind of effect does it have? It is of no use at all, so you should be careful there and don't let those people get the handle."

"If you are frizzy now, it may not look like anything, but you will know how big the problem is later. People in my family think you are frizzy and your status is not high."

Especially for people like them, where they care about the forces behind them, especially the forces behind their families.

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