My wife is 30

Chapter 222 Kidnapping

When you said these words, the expression on your face looked particularly excited, and after hearing these words, Zhang Huaijin couldn't help but laughed directly:

"In the past, I always thought that you, a little kid, went to the hotel for a business trip. I didn't expect that you are a little bit capable now. This time I really thank you."

Had it not been for his own cousin to bridge the gap, Zhang Huaijin, who has been up until now, doesn't know how to explain to the employees.

Thinking that she hadn't seen her sister in the past few days, Zhang Huaijin thought in her heart whether to invite her cousin and sister out for a big meal.

There is no entanglement here on whether there are any extra tasks tonight. The cousin on the other side has already started to read a flyer:

"I heard that there seems to be a very powerful western restaurant on Zhongxin Street recently. Otherwise, I will go there for dinner tonight. Anyway, it is hard for you to finally be able to treat a customer. Can I make you a profit? It’s cheaper."

While talking, the other party pointed to an address, which was a newly opened restaurant in the past few days, and it was also a well-received restaurant.

The food in the restaurant is of course very delicious, but one thing is not so good. You must make a reservation before eating here.

After checking it, there seems to be no place anymore today, so my cousin looks a little listless, and the tone of speech has always been particularly embarrassing:

"I knew that I should directly assign the location of this restaurant at noon today. There are still many locations when I watched it at noon today. It is really a pity. I am afraid I can only go to other places tonight. eat."

While talking like this, my cousin suddenly patted his forehead, and said with a cheerful smile as if thinking of something:

"I haven't seen Zhang Qian, this little girl for a long time, and I don’t know how this little girl is doing these days, or else I will take the little girl out for dinner today, although I can’t go there. A new western restaurant, but it’s not a problem to find a higher-end restaurant here."

While the other party was talking, he was able to get through Zhang Qian's phone very quickly, and the beep sound of the phone sounded a little harsh.

This Qianqian had never been found in normal times, so my cousin thought that he might be able to invite it all at once, but this time it failed.

When I made three calls directly back and forth, and found that the other party still didn't want to answer, even Zhang Huaijin felt a little strange in his heart.

"This little girl might have fallen in love these days. I don't think there has been anything coming to the company in the past few days. Could it be that this little girl found a brother-in-law for you?"

The cousin smiled happily and made the call again, but this time the call was still unsurprisingly unanswered.

After hearing this, Zhang Huaijin couldn't laugh at all, because her sister had never been in such a situation of not answering the phone.

It is precisely because of her special job that Zhang Huaijin used to let her sister turn on the phone, and must get through his phone anyway.

Seeing that his sister hadn't answered the phone for so long now, Zhang Huaijin suddenly felt a particularly uneasy feeling in her heart.

After thinking of this, he originally wanted to drive home immediately to confirm it, but he didn't even have time to get out of the office door, and a strange number called.

After I connected the phone very impatiently, a very strange sound came from the phone. The sound should be changed with a voice changer:

"You are Zhang Huaijin, your sister can prove to be in our hands now. If you don't do what we say next, don't blame us for being rude, anyway, our brothers are already very long. Time has not seen a woman."

The voice should have been processed for some time, and after hearing this, the smile on his cousin's face suddenly solidified, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

After turning on the phone's recording device, Zhang Huaijin at this moment also deliberately pretended to be calm:

"I only have this sister, so you can ask for anything you want, but if you dare to hurt my sister, then I will definitely make you unable to eat."

Up until now, Zhang Huaijin still feels a little domineering when he speaks, but the voice on the other side suddenly started to laugh wildly:

"Don't you really be afraid of what we do to your sister, and now you dare to come over and speak to us in this tone? It seems that you should have never been beaten by the society before. What we want is actually It’s also very simple."

The hearts of several people were already hanging in their throats, and everyone knew how much Zhang Huaijin loved his only sister.

At this moment, everyone was staying quietly, and there was only the very piercing voice from the phone in the whole room:

"You must not tell the law enforcement team about this matter. If you tell the law enforcement team about this matter, then I can guarantee that you will never see your sister in your entire life. The one who came to the city at 10 o'clock this evening Inside the warehouse, we will discuss again when the time comes."

The other party hung up the phone directly after saying this sentence and looked at the prompt of his mobile phone. The cousin was the first to express his opinion:

"These people may have already devised a variety of methods to wait for you to pass. You must not pass today. If you really pass today, there must be something on their side. Conspiracy, I think we'd better tell the law enforcement team about this."

The cousin’s attitude has always been particularly firm, and the little secretary felt a little hesitant after hearing this accidentally:

"Now the eldest lady is already in those gangsters. Desperadoes like this can do anything. I don't think we should tell the law enforcement team if they really tear up their votes. , The eldest lady was the one who suffered the most."

No one knows who the caller is this time, but everyone has felt a huge threat from this time.

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