My wife is 30

Chapter 226: Heavy Rain

The sound in the ears seemed to be getting louder and louder. As the footsteps of these two people got closer and closer to them, the mood in the heart of the current season rain began to become more and more tense.

Especially when he saw the two men coming under the eaves where they were about to take refuge immediately, Monsoon even hurriedly hid behind a large pillar next to them.

It may also be because the two men were busy on the road, so at the beginning, they did not care about the monsoon next to them, but walked straight beside the monsoon.

But just as the season rains breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, the two men who had just walked by returned unexpectedly, and one of them said cursingly:

"I'm really going to have enough of the ghost weather here. I really don't know what the ghost weather is. I don't know how the people here lived before. You can see what the wet weather here is like. It’s raining, the shoes I just wore today are all wet."

Very unlucky and spitting towards the ground, when the two men raised their heads, they discovered the monsoon rain in front of them.

Seeing this watery girl, shivering and hiding under the pillar, the two men who were particularly angry now seem to have changed.

Especially when I looked at the monsoon rains up and down, and found that this little girl was so watery, the person who just cursed said with a grimace:

"It seems that I really want to thank you for today's rainy day. If it weren't for today's rainy day, I would have never met such a beautiful little girl, little girl, how could you be alone in this place? ?"

It looked distressed on the surface, but the expressions of these two men had already betrayed him.

The expressions on the faces of the two men seemed to know that they weren't good people, and Ji Yu was so scared that he could only pretend to be calm on purpose:

"I just hid from the rain here. I think my boyfriend is coming to see me soon. You two are also here to hide from the rain."

I specially emphasized the matter of my boyfriend, but after hearing this, the two men in front of him laughed:

"For a beautiful girl like you, your boyfriend is able to leave you in this place. It seems that your boyfriend is really incompetent. I think you should change your boyfriend."

The hands of the two people had already begun to answer restlessly. After seeing this situation, the monsoon rain was almost scared to cry:

"I advise you to be honest with me. If my boyfriend comes over and sees you like this, then I really can't guarantee that your limbs will be healthy."

Even if I feel particularly scared in my heart, I still have to pretend to be very calm in the current monsoon.

If you really show a scared expression in front of these two men, then you can only make these two men more excited.

The current rainy season prayed in her heart that Zhang Huaijin could come and save herself, but the heavy rain outside made her feel a little desperate.

The two men in front of them still looked shameless. Although they seemed to be afraid of each other, the man in the end put his hands up:

"Little sister, you must have never seen too many men before. If a man really takes you to heart, it is absolutely impossible to leave you alone in this place. I see your boyfriend Never mind."

Another man took this opportunity to put his hand on Ji Yu’s shoulder, and the two sang and said in harmony there:

"Don't look at whether our two brothers look like good people? But in fact, the two of us love our girlfriend the most, especially for a beautiful girl like you. We both love It’s too late."

Both people's hands were on their shoulders. After seeing this, the rainy season immediately lifted their feet and kicked one of them:

"A group of stinky hooligans, society has become so messy because there are people like you. People like you are only worthy of going to hell and dare to put your hands on my shoulders. I think you just don't want to live. "

The man who was beaten was naturally very unconvinced in his heart. After staggering back a few steps, he instantly changed into a look of anger and anger:

"Oh, you stinky girl, you dare to toast and not eat or fine wine. The two of our buddies just saw you and a little girl helpless, so they said those things to you, since you are so ignorant to praise , Then don’t blame me for being rude to you."

After saying this, the man jumped up on the ground and rushed over.

Although Ji Yu is a master who would rather die than surrender, how could he be better than the two men in front of him?

I was struggling and was still being slapped on the wall by these two men. Seeing that these two men were about to slap their faces on the face immediately, a voice suddenly came from my ear:

"You two stinky hooligans usually do nasty things here, and now you dare to bully other girls. If you don't leave quickly, I will call the police immediately. The police station is not far from here."

The voice hasn't fallen yet. A beggar with a cane has walked over. The beggar is wearing a tattered body.

After hearing this, the movements of the two stinky hooligans stopped, but they felt a little funny at first:

"You, a stinky beggar, dare to come over and take care of your nostalgia. I think you have not eaten tonight. I still have ten dollars here. Take the money and buy myself two buns. Don't stay here. Get in the way all day."

After saying this, the man threw out ten dollars, and the ten dollars made the face of the beggar in front of him even more ugly.

Just as the man was about to start his hand, the beggar in the moment rushed over from behind and slammed his foot on the head of one of them:

"I called the police when I saw you just now. If you don’t hurry to get out of here, then the police will definitely catch you two to the police station. I want to see you. How good are the two? Can they be compared to the police?"

The cool breeze outside kept blowing, and everything seemed to be particularly embarrassing

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