My wife is 30

Chapter 238 Men

Especially as a man, he was under great pressure. The previous company was robbed abruptly, and all the glory in the past disappeared completely.

There are only piles of debts left, and many people's ridicule, plus the fact that things are like this now, people feel very speechless when they look at it, and don't know what to say

If you are not careful, many things may happen.

Zhang Huaijin glanced at her bangs, and then said: "At that time, your pressure was already very great. I hope you don't think too much about it. Your woman should be a woman who understands things, otherwise she won't be back then. I chose to leave when I came."

Liu Hai was silent for a moment, and he was slightly stunned. Looking at the above information and some secretly taken photos, the whole person was cold in an instant, and he turned his head and looked over.

He said incredulously, "Could it be that I really misunderstood my wife?"

He was still there slowly drinking the small porridge in his hand, but he didn't expect that now he was completely stunned.

Now this thing is completely different from what I imagined, I thought it was my wife's dislike.

So I chose to leave, but I didn't expect things to suddenly become like this, and the whole person became silent and taciturn.

I don't know where to say or what to say, I just feel that things are a little different.

Looking at things like this, the person next to him said thoughtfully.

"You'd better eat here first, I have some other things I won't be here with you."

While talking, he left in a hurry, and was very serious when going out.

Then he left him quickly, in an anxious state, which made people feel very speechless at first glance.

When Liu Haiyi left, the secretary next to him turned his head and looked over.

He said very seriously: "You are here like this, there is actually no benefit, but why do you have to help him there? Don't you think it is a big problem?"

He turned his head and looked over, with a bit of surprise in his eyes. After all, this matter is something that makes people feel very curious. He looked at the person next to him.

With some suggestions in his eyes, many things are not that simple at all. I don’t know what is going on with these people.

Zhang Huaijin looked at him like this, turned her head and looked down, squinting her eyes, very serious.

Said: "Don't you think this matter is very friendly?"

A man was full of hatred, thinking that his wife had betrayed him, and now he was ready to retaliate as soon as he made a comeback.

But he doesn't know the truth of the matter at all. If he knows the truth of the matter, he will choose to retaliate. There are many problems, which makes people feel very scared when they look at them. Now they feel very speechless.

At first glance, Liu Hai was not here, and the two of them hurriedly finished eating. Then they brought a lot of things and went back to the company.

When I returned to the company, I saw a lot of people watching Zhang Huaijin, turned his head and looked over, and said thoughtfully.

"What do you do here if you don't work in the morning? Don't you say you don't want to work?"

While talking, Zhang Huaijin turned her head and looked over. In her eyes, she was surprised by the marriage. Although these employees are usually lawless.

Haven't been disciplined myself?But gathering time for work now is a bit too surprising, right?

When Zhang Huaijin was about to say something to the person in front of him, he only heard the person next to him and was very serious.

Said: "Our lady boss came here, and she also brought a lot of things. She gave them away one by one, but I don't know if there is a boss for you."

The people around laughed one after another. Everyone next to her laughed badly. Zhang Huaijin was stunned in an instant.

He didn't expect him to be like this, he looked over thoughtfully and said helplessly

"Monsoon, why are you here? Frowning while talking."

With a bit of surprise in his eyes, he didn't even know what was going on, but when people came to him, naturally there was nothing to say.

Ji Yu smiled softly and said.

"Isn’t this missing you? So I just came over and have a look. Recently, it’s all you are busy with the company’s business. Didn’t I just come over and see you without anything? Don’t you want me to come? Yet?"

The look in his eyes was a bit funny, and there was a bit of speechlessness in his eyes when he looked at the shy attitude of his lover.

Zhang Huaijin looked over and saw only two people following him. They should have helped carry things for him. There were several boxes inside, and there were many things in the boxes.

Zhang Huaijin frowned.

He smiled and said, "What are you doing with so many things? Don't you feel a little heavy?"

All the foods above are small snacks, so many snacks, I don't know how much money can be bought.

What do you want to do in big companies today?Is it just for these employees around?While talking, he looked into everyone's hands and looked past.

I only saw a bunch of things in everyone's hands, including the desk where they were working.

Many snacks were placed on this place, which made people feel very speechless when they looked at it. Zhang Huaijin looked at the situation and looked down.

The person next to me smiled and said: "By the way, what I want to tell you is that I am going to be a client with a friend who is going to open a hot spring villa. Do you have any ideas? If so, you might as well talk to me. Talk about it."

While talking, he turned his head and looked over, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes. He has always known about these things, clearly, and his wife is the most powerful person among them.

In addition to his own wife, it can be said to be particularly powerful, and staying here is also very useful, which makes people feel very surprised when they look at it.

Zhang Huaijin thoughtfully said: "I think you can consult your opinion on this matter. I know you should have some solutions. Can you tell me later."

While talking, he looked curiously into the tutoring eyes, with a little surprise

My old man knows a lot of things, especially this thing, which is always seen and feels very speechless.

Now that this is something that I don't know at all, it's better to let my wife see how to solve it.

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