My wife is 30

Chapter 257 Plan

Looking at the person in front of him with some surprise, he said, "What's the matter with you? How do you know this plan? It stands to reason that no one should know this kind of thing."

While talking, he turned his head to look, his eyes were particularly curious, and he could do some other attractions. After speaking, he took down the pen and started planning.

As Zhang Huaijin's face began to write this plan, Zhang Huaijin was even more surprised and couldn't believe it.

I didn't expect this person to be so smart that he wrote it easily, so much to say.

Looking at the person in front of him with some surprise, he said, "What's the matter with you? How do you know the plan this time? It stands to reason that no one should know this kind of thing."

While talking, he turned his head and looked at him, his eyes curious.

My secretary specializes in business management, and he is also very good at this matter.

It’s not surprising that my secretary suddenly wants to do something else.

Zhang Huaijin felt that the incident this time made people feel even more curious, but he wanted to ask the group of people what they wanted to do.

If it weren't like this, then what else could he do, talking while looking at the secretary next to him.

The secretary pointed to the plan for an Internet celebrity attraction on the top level above, and said, “Isn’t there a seller of Meng Po soup a while ago? Is this alive? Then you can organize an exhibition of ancient costumes here, or maybe Costume exhibition."

Specially invite some famous people in the industry to take pictures here. The photo video invites half of the entire ancient circle to come over. I don’t believe that your place is not booming.

At that time, this peach grove only needs to be remodeled, isn't that enough?Although it costs a lot of money, this exhibition can be held forever.

Some antiquity special places are not held once, but that many people will come here every time.

It is very likely to become a holy place for ancient costumes. There are places that many people like very much. In addition, there are more and more people who like national style. People of different ages are all fond of national style.

Many people want to come to the first paragraph of this time. Now things are like this, I am afraid that there will be more surprising things.

Zhang Huaijin turned her head and looked at the person next to her, with a bit of curiosity in her eyes, she said very seriously.

"How did you think of this time? If it were me, I would never have thought of it."

While talking while looking at the secretary next to him, his eyes were a little surprised

My secretary had never said anything he would change, but now that he suddenly said it, it was a little surprising.

Nowadays, many online celebrity attractions are desperate and want to build them, but is it so easy to create online celebrity attractions?

It's all very difficult things. Such an Internet celebrity attraction must be a particularly bad thing.

Zhang Huaijin looked at the plan above, and said with some curiosity in his eyes.

"You said that this Internet celebrity attraction is in it, can it really become popular? Although it is huge, what can it be like?"

I drew a design drawing on it, is it really analyzing people?

Because in the beginning, the design is based on the actual site, and then many things on it are in reality.

It’s almost exactly the same. The other big is all peach orchards. All of this peach orchard is full of fruits, and all of them are peach blossoms.

The peach blossom is originally a kind of gorgeous to the extreme flower, very attractive. Now the sudden appearance of this kind of peach blossom will definitely attract the attention of many people.

Many people will like peach blossoms. People look flat and think they are pretty good. Peach blossoms are often a symbol of beauty.

Now if you put the peach blossom in the past, you can take a lot of shooting, and you only need to sell the peach.

At that time, all the others will be given to the assembly peach blossoms, or peaches will be given as gifts. These are all things with normal status.

The secretary said a few words, then pushed his eyes.

Seriously said: "If you go to an ancient style exhibition, most of the idols you admire in it are not just this look, but you all like all the people in it. Do you like this place? ?"

"If you like it, are you sure to spend money to buy tickets in the past? Then participate, and when you come back, someone will give you some peaches to eat. Would you think this time is worth it?"

After all, being able to see the idol you like, not to mention being able to see some other characters in there, makes people feel very emotional when they look at it.

People who want to be normal will feel that they are very excited, where is it?It is very difficult to find an idol that you like very much.

Things like idols are often not normal, and you can see them. Now you just buy a ticket and you can come here and see your idol.

As long as it is an individual, it must be a special willingness. There is nothing wrong with what Zhang Huaijin said. As long as it is an individual, he will definitely like it.

Just paying a ticket price, there will definitely be many people who are particularly willing, unless some people are unwilling.

But the unwilling person is really funny, making people feel speechless when they look at it, because some people can see their idols for dozens of dollars.

Even being able to take a group photo in there, being able to hold a circle of words in the exhibition, this is something that countless people like.

The secretary talked about the matter from beginning to end, which made people surprised to see it.

Nodded lightly, and said dumbfounded.

"Okay, it looks like this, so let you take care of this matter. The current shooting is going to be done. Anyway, they are all young ladies. If you can propose a fame for us temporarily, I won't say much. what."

This is the first time I have encountered this incident. I turned to look at the secretary. The expression in the secretary's eyes is full of appreciation.

After all, one side of the peach tree is a peach tree with fruit hanging on it, and the other side is full of flowers, which makes people feel very speechless when they look at it.

It makes people very irritable to look at, especially the peach tree hairy, some people will itchy when touched.

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