My wife is 30

Chapter 263 Woman

A woman walked over the door, heard him ask her identity, and nodded slightly.

Said: "I like your Gufeng base very much. I want to stay in your Gufeng base for a while, but I don't know if you can give me this face?"

"I know you won't agree to me, so I came over and beg you with Grandpa, hoping that you can agree to me. What do you think? As long as you can agree, let me do anything."

The woman's eyes were very serious, as if she was thinking about this time.

The girl's name is Wen Xin, who is passionate and intelligent throughout the entire case, but she is a genuine eldest lady.

Even if he was a boss, he couldn't offend him. Zhang Huaijin glanced at the lover next to him.

Seriously said: "I don't understand why you have to come to my ancient map base there, if you want to come to my ancient wind base."

"Then come here, I just want to tell you, what are you doing here? After all, our ancient base, but there are not many stars."

It’s been a big hit in the last one or two days, but it’s really useless in normal times.

It's just that the environment is better than the ordinary ancient wind base, and some of the flower equipment is also very valuable.

I just don't know how this eldest daughter is interested in this kind of thing, which makes people feel very surprised.

When Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, she turned her head and looked over.

He said: "In fact, many people only know this clearly. I am an ancient style lover myself, and I am also quite famous in our circle."

"Now I came here, the purpose is to perform in it, but the rent in other places is too expensive, so I want to tell you here, in an attempt to let you open the back door for me, don't say such a high price ,"

Although, as a eldest daughter, there is no shortage of this wire at all, it is better to save a fortune.

Zhang Huaijin heard him say this, his eyes lit up for an instant, and he quickly said, "You are a majestic lady, why do you like to play this?"

Wearing ancient clothes and some strange clothes, in the eyes of many modern people, it seems to be of no use, and even a little embarrassing.

Therefore, many people have a kind of discrimination against this kind of profession, and they think that they are not doing business here and have no future. One of her eldest ladies,

Nowadays, for the sake of Gu Feng, he is actively bowing his head towards himself, and even visiting his own home. What is it?

Is it because an ancient style base is so simple?If things were that simple, it would be a bit surprising.

It's just an ancient style base. Do they need to come out here in person?He even invited such old gentlemen over.

People looked a little surprised and different, Zhang Huaijin turned to look at the person next to him, there was almost no way to hide the surprise in his eyes.

But why does a person of such an identity actively involve himself?Probably not just because of the involvement in a base.

Zhang Huaijin turned to look at the old man next to him. The old man sat on the sofa and looked at the woman on the stool.

His eyes flashed with a bit of curiosity, then he turned his head and looked over and said softly,

"You two are really a pair of golden boys and girls. If you weren't the golden boys and girls, how could you have done such a big business? The relationship between the two of you is really good. It's not a waste of me. You chose this one, Chenglong Kuaifu son-in-law,"

While talking, he looked towards Monsoon. Monsoon nodded softly as he said this time.

He said with a smile: "Thank you, old gentleman, you did say that in the first place. If it weren't for you, I might not think about it. It's true. Do you want to thank Lao Xie for letting you?"

While talking, he looked up and stared.With a kind of sincere thanks

Zhang Huaijin was stunned when he heard what the two of them were saying. It turned out that the two of them had already known each other a long time ago, and there was even some connection secretly.

There are also some ties that I have to talk about with myself, that is, the two of them have created their own marriage, and there are some unspeakable complexities in their eyes, but in the end, the heart will come out with heart.

Nodded gently, and said very seriously.

"In that case, thank you very much, old gentleman. I was still thinking at first, why did I have to choose me as a door-to-door son-in-law there?"

Originally being a door-to-door son-in-law is not a very famous thing, and many people are not so good at all.

I just feel that being a door-to-door son-in-law is really very embarrassing, as long as one person will be particularly disgusted with this thought.

Besides, what about being a door-to-door son-in-law?For them, it is a really good thing.

At least Zhang Huaijin himself has gained a lot of benefits. After gaining the benefits, no one will say more.

It makes people feel a bit surprised, fuck, without turning his head, looking into the eyes of the person next to him.

He said with a bit of speechlessness: "Well, what I want to tell you is why you have to choose my shares here to be positive. Could it be that there are other things?"

"If there is any, you can tell me directly, don't worry about some other things."

Zhang Huaijin turned to look at this while talking, his eyes were very sincere. He had already thought a lot about this time.

If it weren't for other things, I'm afraid I still don't think about anything.

When the old man heard him asking him these words, he paused slightly and turned his eyes on his granddaughter before nodding slightly.

Said: "Well, it's one thing to want this ancient style base, but there is another requirement. He wants to work in your company and practice there for a while. I hope you can agree."

Zhang Huaijin originally thought he would make some harsh demands, but when he said so, his face instantly turned green.

The one who hurriedly shook his head, opened his mouth to reject his company and put in an outsider's granddaughter.

Why are you about as young as yourself?If someone who is interested knows.

I am afraid that some other rumors will come out, and I can never make this mistake.

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