My wife is 30

Chapter 366 Madman

He kept talking about Zhang Huaijin’s retribution, but Zhang Huaijin couldn’t figure out why she resented herself so much,

The death of her stepmother had nothing to do with her. Zhang Huaijin looked at him like this, knowing that she couldn't say anything to him, so she shook her head.

Looking at the sturdy man on the side, the sturdy man took him out without saying a word, his face was so gloomy, he took the woman out.

Now this woman can be said to be very unlucky, and her mind is relatively poisonous, these things have nothing to do with Zhang Huaijin from beginning to end.

He had a brain problem and had nothing to do with him. Goodbye, after breaking up his family, he never thought about revenge carefully.

Moreover, gd was arrested after he framed himself. The person who was caught in jail had nothing to do with him from beginning to end. Even if he died, it had nothing to do with him. How could he not expect him to take this? Do you have a grudge on yourself?

Zhang Huaijin took a look, and the two babysitters next to him said.

"You two should calculate your salary. Our family no longer needs a nanny."

Watching this family ethics drama, the two women had already realized that something was wrong, and now they heard him say that he would drive people away without saying a word, and turn around and leave if they don't.

Do you see gossip in it?This matter is not something ordinary people like them can see, watching everyone have left.

Only the personal doctor next to him stayed in place. The personal doctor took out a bottle of medicine from the side and walked into the room.

Said loudly: "Boss, I will clear everything in his room first. If someone is in it, it will be affected accordingly. Please go back to your room and never open the door."

As the doctor said, he opened the door.

Hearing what he said, he returned to his room feebly, just feeling very upset in my heart, I don't know what to say.

After all, this is my own harvest. I actually let my stepmother's biological sister arrive in this city.

It never occurred to him that his stepmother, a biological sister, and a rural woman from all over the world would come and find him.

In order to be a nanny, I gave myself the key to serve a woman, doing my best to make myself feel very admired.

In the end, I didn't expect that there were some other thoughts, which can be said to be shocking. Women really have a very magical life.

In order to take revenge, even this method can be used, Zhang Huaijin stayed in her room for a while

I was about to start to rest, but the secretary there started to get excited again, shouting loudly.

"Boss, how come this matter is on the news again, now many reporters have surrounded our company. We were still working overtime here, but now it's fine, we can't get out at all."

I originally thought that by resolving this matter, I would be able to go home to sleep and receive overtime pay. What I didn't expect was that there would be other results.

Moreover, many reporters suddenly moved upon hearing the wind, seeming to feel that there was some gossip in it, and rushed over without saying a word.

The company is full of people, but now it's six o'clock in the evening, and many people start to get off work and prepare to rest.

Zhang Huaijin knew what was going on as soon as he heard what the secretary said. Something was not quite right. Someone must be acting as a demon in the company again.

It stands to reason that the people in the company suddenly know what happened in their own home, even after they have been on the news, countless reporters began to hear the news.

Can someone know about the talent just after it is taken away?There must be something wrong, Zhang Huaijin went to the balcony.

Sure enough, I only saw a lot of paparazzi standing under the balcony. These paparazzi looked particularly bad, which made people feel a little surprised.

When Zhang Huaijin saw these paparazzi, her expression was gloomy.

Stepped forward and said, "What are you doing? It's a big night, so let people not sleep here?"

When these paparazzi first saw Zhang Huaijin coming out, they were ready to escape without saying a word.

Even the camera in his hand was a bit unsteady, but Zhang Huaijin came out in a big and square way.

Several reporters immediately realized what he meant and hurriedly went up and said.

"Oh, we came here this time mainly to look at these four news. We caught this news just now and immediately rushed back to the headquarters. What is happening in your home now? Can you tell us the big names? What about it?"

"We are all very curious, what is going on?"

While talking, he went away, looking curious and surprised, Zhang Huaijin rubbed her temples, not knowing what to say to people, these people are really gossip.

Even his private life is very gossip. I thought it was the exclusive treatment of entertainment stars, so I walked over silently.

"You have to conduct an honest interview with me on this matter. I accept it, but if you want to take a sneak shot in private, you must discuss it with me. After all, this has already involved my privacy."

Zhang Huaijin doesn't know what to say. This group of people are often bold. If they can know any news, they will be excited immediately, and they will be very happy when they know some news.

They even want to behave with others there, because once they can find the top news in the headlines, they can make a lot of money.

Just relying on this man's gossip to make money, he is not a star.

They are relying on themselves and trying to stare at themselves to make people feel a little speechless.

The person on the side looked up and said with some embarrassment.

"I don't know what to do this time? But I want to tell you, what do you want to shoot? Just come in. I just want to tell you everything."

The energy of this group of reporters is really too great, if you accidentally offend them, it is likely to cause some other results.

Regarding the energy of these reporters, Zhang Huaijin has experienced previous events.

I have known for a long time that this group of inheritors is not afraid of anything, but is not restricted to any rich person, even if you are rich.

Whenever the reporters still take photos, they can take photos as they please?If you are not careful, they will fight you thoroughly.

This is not worth the loss for everyone. It is better to let them take the initiative to shoot.

"Sir, are you kidding? Many people are very annoying to reporters like me, how could you actively agree to film?"

The paparazzi is not stupid at all, knowing that there are many traps in this line of business, so he tempted Zhang Huaijin there.

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