My wife is 30

Chapter 379 Men

When the little girl heard him say this, she was stunned for an instant, and she said silently.

"Of course my father doesn't know about me. How could I let him know? Besides, what should I do if I dare to let him know."

The little girl was stupid, she looked over a little speechlessly, trying to say something, but she didn't dare to speak, after all, it was in his eyes.

My father must be unwilling to do this kind of thing, men, they are all special to save face, this time he even knows this time, it shows that things will be very different

Zhang Huaijin glanced at the girl's face, was taken aback for a moment, and then whispered.

"If this is the case, then you can tell your dad quickly and tell your dad that I want to participate in this show."

The little girl's face changed in an instant, and she said quickly.

"It looks like this, so let's not talk much. I will tell me immediately. He will be very happy with this particularly good news."

As the girl said, she picked up her mobile phone and started looking at things in there.

Monsoon walked over cautiously and said very seriously.

"What is this little girl doing so nice to her? Besides, having said that you are like this, if you participate in this show, are you sure there is no big problem."

It should be said that he looked over, his eyes were very serious, he wanted to say something, but hesitated again, I don't know how to describe it.

After all, it is Zhang Huaijin, this kind of person shouldn't look like this, besides, things are very surprising now, people don't know what to say?

The girl made a phone call next to her. The whole person was smiling. She seemed to be very happy, making people wonder what to say?

Actively stepped forward to look at the little girl in front of her, wanting to say something more.

But the whole person was stunned for a moment, and took the initiative to walk forward, looking at the girl in front of him and saying very seriously.

"Then or else I will meet your father first, I'm very curious about what your father is like now?"

What he said was very serious. He had seen this director before, and the director at that time was so energetic, it was not what he is now.

But I didn't expect that things would turn into this in the blink of an eye. People don't know what to do, but they feel very speechless and don't know what to say.

The director is already like this now, people don’t know how to describe the whole person dumbfounded, Zhang Huaijin walked forward on the initiative and said seriously

"Let me go and see what your father is like now? When I see you tell me what I say, I won't talk nonsense, let me see if I can help your father."

After all, it's hard to tell what is happening now. A very famous director at the beginning has become what it is now.

It is really speechless, and I don't know how to say it. If the girl becomes like this now, it means that there are other problems.

When Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, a car drove up next to him, and someone said seriously there.

"What are you doing, you are so speechless now, come here quickly."

While talking, he walked forward directly, the whole person was especially embarrassing.

Zhang Huaijin watched this man walk towards him step by step, and said with some surprise in his eyes.

"Hey, by the way, husband, what are you doing here? This is your daughter. Does your daughter come out to help you find the people on the show? He has been helping you for a long time. Do not you know?"

The man was taken aback for a moment, and was dumbfounded when he was about to say something. He looked over and said in disbelief.

"Impossible. I didn't even ask my daughter to help me find the director of the program group, but it is really surprising that you are like this. How do you know my daughter is looking for someone for me."

The man has already said, scratching his head a little, his eyes full of love for you.

I felt very speechless and didn't know how to say it. The whole person was stunned and scratched his head speechlessly.

Seeing Zhang Huaijin, the little girl let her tell the truth, shook her, and immediately prepared to go ahead of him.

Immediately stepped forward and said.

"Oh, there is nothing wrong with what he said. I just came to him for help, and this time the matter is blunt, I came to him for help."

"Now I have known him, and it has been a while. He said he would come to participate in our program, and he will definitely come to participate in our program."

The girl seemed to feel what she had become, the whole person was very excited.

It looks like the whole person is very cute, so people don’t know what to say

Looking at the little girl, Ji Yu was taken aback for an instant, patted his shoulder gently, and said.

"Okay, let's not say much, let me tell you, now you girl, you are really good."

He looks like this now, but he has helped a lot of people. If it is for other people, I am afraid he can't do this.

Many girls only know how to eat at home and don't even know how to say it.

The little girl is so young that she already knows that the woman at home has worked hard for her parents. It really makes people feel speechless and don’t know how to describe it.

Seeing that everything has reached this point, Zhang Huaijin sighed softly, stepped forward and patted the little girl on the shoulder.

He said very seriously: "Little girl, don't look like this anymore. There is no need for anything. You should go to school now."

"Since you have found the program group for your father, don't talk nonsense, study hard, there are many guests."

Look at the person in front of you

The director on the side looked at Zhang Huaijin. He was a little at a loss just now, but now he finds Zhang Huaijin is a bit familiar.

"Are you Zhang Huaijin? Why do I seem to have watched you on TV? Right."

The tone is very serious, if I haven't seen her, how could I feel familiar.

The whole person passed away, the whole person was stupid, and I didn't know what to say.

Zhang Huaijin didn't expect to be like this, and someone could recognize him.

A little awkwardly nodded, and said: "Yes, it's me, I'm the person your daughter invited, saying that I'm going to participate in your show."

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