My wife is 30

Chapter 384 Hotel

As he said, he looked up directly, the whole person was particularly embarrassed, wanted to say more, but fell into silence again.

Zhang Huaijin saw that the director was silent in there, while Guo Qilin on the side had already cast a curious look.

Said: "Can you explain to me? Why did you come to this show? It stands to reason that this is a life-based show. If you come here, I am afraid that it is not suitable for you."

Zhang Huaijin said this for the first time.

Guo Qilin next to him immediately nodded and said: "Yes, I didn't want to come to this show at the beginning, but they insisted on letting me come to this show. There is nothing I can do about it."

My father, even if he is rich, sometimes he must think about it when he lets himself come to a show. After all, there are many people behind him.

When you came to the show, stay in the show group. The director was on the phone with someone just now and did not reply in time.

Seeing Zhang Huaijin asking questions to herself now, Zhang Huaijin immediately said with some embarrassment.

"What you asked is really the point. If it were someone else, I would not tell him that, because his father invested in this show, so he will come to participate in this show. No problem, right?"

He just laughed, he was very refreshing when he spoke.

People were shocked to hear, Zhang Huaijin immediately looked up

The director next to me suddenly spoke at this moment

"By the way, this time I asked you to come here. You are really sorry. At the beginning, I didn't expect things to be like this. Thinking about it now, I'm really sorry."

He looked up directly, Zhang Huaijin nodded in embarrassment. If it were in normal times, Zhang Huaijin might not say much.

But now that the whole network has been broadcast live, I have to say.

"Director, do you have any questions now? If you have any, just say it directly."

As he said, he turned his head and looked over. It stands to reason that the director of the program group should not be assigned a task.

I just came to have a look, but I didn’t expect the director to look like this

The director next to him said, "Don't say anything in this, and take a rest. When the rest is over, you can talk more about other things, you know?"

"You still have to rest now, and you can continue shooting tomorrow."

After speaking, he turned his head and looked over, Zhang Huaijin nodded and said.

"Okay, if you don't even want to shoot, then I won't say much."

Immediately, the two people and Ji Yu entered the room. This room was arranged by their program group. The room looked very simple, but Zhang Huaijin couldn't mention any conditions.

As soon as Zhang Huaijin returned to the room, Ji Yu said immediately.

"I always feel that their program this time is not very good. Although there are so many arrangements and all of them are of this type, I always feel that the problem will be very big. This program is a life-type program at first glance. It is very easy. Expose an artist."

Exposing the shortcomings and advantages of a normal person will make people feel shocked. Once one's own advantages and advantages are exposed, it is easy to be attacked.

Ji Yu is very worried. After all, he has just given birth now, and the child does not have much time. He is afraid that he will not look good.

Or there are other reasons, in short, there are various problems.

Zhang Huaijin watched him say this, and immediately looked up and said, "What the hell is going on? Why are you not willing to participate in this filming show?"

I have already participated in a filming before, but now this is probably a big problem.

My wife worries too much, and now she is starting to worry about other issues, which makes people feel very speechless and don't know how to describe it.

Seeing that everything is now like this, it feels so speechless, Zhang Huaijin turned her head and looked at her wife's figure.

Seriously said: "Your figure is still great now, there is no big problem, why do you think your figure has become so bad?"

Zhang Huaijin doesn't know what he thinks, and after a woman's figure and so on, it can be transformed into a perfect one.

But it was shocking to see my wife care about her figure so much, and she didn't know how to describe it.

Just when Zhang Huaijin was about to say something more, Ji Yu said immediately.

"You don't understand. My current figure is not the so-called perfect figure at all. As a woman, how can I not have a perfect figure?"

Nothing is too big a problem, I have a good body.

"Let me see, but if you really mind, then if you want to lose weight, you can lose weight. I just think your body is perfect now."

In Zhang Huaijin's heart, no matter what, his wife will always be the best one, no matter what the outsiders say.

Zhang Huaijin has never said much about this. Whether her own wife is good or not, it's not all that she sees here, and it's up to other people to do.

Too much control can easily lead to the development of things. Zhang Huaijin also means something different from how people talk.

Nowadays, instead of feeling very speechless, Zhang Huaijin immediately closed her eyes and talked about the weight of a woman, but it was a very sensitive topic, so she shouldn't think too much about it.

Quickly confuse his topic, otherwise things will become very different, Zhang Huaijin just turned to look at it.

Ji Yu looks very depressed. After all, every woman cares about her figure, but he is really embarrassing like this now, I don't know how to say it.

Seeing that my husband couldn't make any suggestions, he nodded.

Said: "Well, you can't control that much, so I just turn my head and go to sleep. If there is something tomorrow, I will talk about it on the show.

He is now also the first step to the ultimate helplessness. After all, the figure of a woman is a very important issue.

If you really have no choice, you can only lose weight.

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