My wife is 30

Chapter 398: Bottom Line

When Zhang Huaijin looked at the woman in front of him, there was a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, and he really didn't know what to say.

The woman in front of me is almost ill with his brain. The average person asks this person, can someone who thinks he is a woman be spoiled arbitrarily here?

It just makes people feel naive. He is not the only woman in the world, but she feels speechless when she looks at it.

Liu Rongrong watched Zhang Huaijin really make people start packing things, and drove him out.

Then he said in a panic: "You don't need to be like this. I am the director who worked so hard to come over, but the way you are now makes people feel bad."

"I didn't offend you, but you just look like this. What is it for? I just said something to your wife casually."

"Remind him to take good care of his figure in this, how can I get into your eyes, I am the 10 wicked sinner."

Things are already like this, he is still pretending to be pitiful, it is hard to imagine what the reason is.

After all, he is a female star and must pay much attention to his image.

Zhang Huaijin watched what he said.

He rolled his eyes directly at him and said: "You really know that you are wrong now, then you can apologize to my wife and leave this show? You are still here to pretend to be wronged."

I really didn't bother to say something to him. He took his luggage and threw it directly on the ground. He could guarantee that it was the first time in his life that he did such an unreasonable thing.

Now I really feel very uncomfortable in my heart. Many things are hard to imagine. Moreover, this kind of thing is not done by normal people. This woman has no princess life, but she has princess disease.

I thought that everyone in the world would let him, but I didn't expect things to go wrong, and I felt even more shocked.

Zhang Huaijin saw the woman leave very desolately, but she felt very refreshed in her heart. This woman is now regarded as evil and retribution.

Seeing him and his assistant leave Zhang Huaijin in embarrassment, they turned to look at the audience in the live broadcast room without saying a word.

There are still a large number of fans insulting themselves, their words are very ugly, and people don’t feel like a normal person can say it.

It doesn't even seem like a nine-year education. There are all kinds of swear words, which makes people feel very uncomfortable to listen to.

Zhang Huaijin took the initiative to step forward and said immediately.

"You can take a look at this live broadcast room first, what this woman is saying, you can imagine, if the person I said to you is your enemy, or he was here deliberately before. Mocking you."

Zhang Huaijin directly released the video at that time, and some people felt at a loss at first.

I don't know why, Zhang Huaijin would be so angry, but when they looked at the above record, everyone's expression changed, and they had to be silent there.

If it is placed on them, they will also think that someone would say something nasty to their wife on a very birthday. If they are not angry, this is not a normal man.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt embarrassed, the director voluntarily stepped forward and said: "Now, don't talk nonsense. I have already driven people away. From now on, this woman will be unilaterally blocked from me."

"No matter what the reason is, don't expect me to give him any more resources. It is absolutely impossible."

Some people pull themselves into the program organization and flatter themselves in every possible way.

It is for the money and hidden resources in my hands, but now things are like this, it is difficult to imagine what it is because of.

I took the initiative to step forward and talked about the result of the matter with someone, and felt very sigh.

"I didn't expect you to protect your wife in this way. After all, they already have some grievances in a circle, and they all feel normal."

At first they felt wronged, but the more they felt normal later, and even one day they were not wronged, they felt that the world suddenly changed.

Many people feel wronged, this is a normal thing.

After all, it is impossible for the adult world to be free from literature, and now people feel more embarrassed as they think about it.

Zhang Huaijin walked forward on his own initiative and said silently.

"Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. The main reason is that the current situation is not the same as you imagined. I don't like to be alone in saying bad things about my wife."

"No matter what is wrong with my wife, but it's not their turn to tell me here, that's not what they have and what qualifications."

While thinking, Zhang Huaijin took the initiative to walk next to him, watching the director of the program group next to him, he seemed to be hesitating about something.

Actively stepped forward and said, "Director, what are you looking at."

He was holding something in his hand, as if he was looking at something, which made people surprised.

The director saw Zhang Huaijin looking towards him, and immediately shook his head and said.

"I haven't watched anything. It's just that someone in this live studio said that they wanted you to leave this show, saying that you are not suitable for this show at all."

"I have said a few other things. I'm just trying to make people block this remark. I'm afraid you will feel uncomfortable after listening."

While talking, he carefully looked at Zhang Huaijin's face. After all, his face is very ugly now. If you don't know the situation, you would think Zhang Huaijin has provoke someone.

In fact, there were no mistakes. Zhang Huaijin hadn't encountered anything in it, but the current situation just made people feel very speechless.

After all, the people in this are a shameless group of people. Thinking about it now, it feels embarrassing, and I don't know how to say it.

Zhang Huaijin checked the comments in the live broadcast room.

"They can evaluate what they like. What evaluation is their business. It doesn't matter much to me. Besides, how does he evaluate it? Does it mean that I am still very angry? It really makes people feel speechless. "

After speaking, he rolled his eyes directly.

To vent your anger for your wife, but some people say that using privileges by yourself is indeed using privileges.

If you are not a president, if you don't have a lot of energy in your life, I am afraid that you have no way at all, and then take revenge on this woman Liu Rongrong.

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