My wife is 30

Chapter 400 Food

After speaking, I directly showed the food in my hands. It was a large plate of chicken, which looked very colorful and made people look very delicious.

Zhang Huaijin glanced at it, and immediately nodded seriously.

"This thing you made is really delicious, let's not talk nonsense, hurry up and see how to eat."

He laughed straight out, Zhang Huaijin was speechless.

After all, this is the first time I have seen this, and it is really embarrassing to think about it now.

Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, and the person next to him said immediately.

"You should pack up your things quickly and eat. After all, don't think too much about this matter. Hurry up and pack up your things and eat. While thinking, you look at people."

Zhang Huaijin took the initiative to step forward and said seriously.

"The food you cook is very good. I feel appetite when I look at it. You are really good."

Huang Lei next to him listened to his praise, and said with some pride: "This must be natural. You don't care what I usually do."

As soon as Li Zhang Huaijin heard him say this, he immediately thought of him, as well as a name.

Many people say that he is a chef, and he is very powerful. I don't know what the reason is. Now it is really embarrassing to think about it.

He also has a controversial food show, in which he said that he was good enough to make people think about it, and he took the initiative to step forward while thinking about it.

The director next to him came over and said with a smile.

"You see that this dish you made is really delicious. Let's take a close-up of you first."

While talking, he took the initiative to make a close-up. His movements were very arrogant and hard to imagine.

The director gave Huang Lei a close-up of the food, and then said: "You made this delicious, and many people like it."

Zhang Huaijin listened to the director complimenting the person, glanced to the side intentionally or unintentionally, and then rolled his eyes. Huang Lei is indeed a very good actor.

But his recent goals have also begun to turn to other aspects. There are always many celebrities who open a hot pot restaurant in there, because hot pot only needs to be delicious.

Even with fame, you can earn huge amounts of money, but I don't know what Huang Lei secretly gave himself a name today, what the film is about.

While thinking, he took the initiative to step forward and looked very serious, trying to say something, but fell silent again.

If it were in normal times, Zhang Huaijin might not say much, but Huang Lei's actions today are indeed a bit abnormal.

An old actor of him secretly stuffed himself a business card, and even flattered himself in every way in private.

This makes people feel shocked about how things are, and it really makes people feel a little surprised, the more I think about it, the more I feel speechless.

Then he stepped forward and said, "I won't talk too much nonsense when I'm done. Hurry up and pack my things and get ready to eat."

The director on the side saw him say this, and immediately said with a smile.

"The taste of the rice you cook now is also very good, and it makes people like it when you look at it. That's why you don't like cooking this rice at all. What is the reason?"

Just look at the grass as you say it. It’s good if there is no grass and no cooking, and it has been confirmed by people.

I don't know why, how could he not like cooking?He probably likes cooking very much, it makes people feel embarrassed to think about it.

Zhang Huaijin scratched his head and said directly.

"I don't like cooking at all, I like cooking, these are what others said, haha."

When he said that, he laughed, and looked at the person in front of him with a very candid look. After all, as a president, would he like to cook if he liked cooking?

Many things are different from what people imagine. I don't like cooking, but this doesn't mean I can do well.

It doesn't mean anything to cook or not. On the contrary, it makes people feel very speechless. Zhang Huaijin looked at the person for a while.

Then he said in a low voice: "I told you I don't like it, I guess, but why is there a food show for the two of us now."

The more I thought about it, the more I felt embarrassed that I came to a food show and came to a food show so blindly.

For people, there is no good end. The food show looks good on the surface, but it is not good on the back.

Ji Yu said while eating, "This food show, isn't it a show we contracted casually at the time, and now the show has been filmed."

"Don't say anything, it's already like this anyway. I've been on this show for a while, but why are there so few people in the show group?"

There are even many people on the Internet scolding themselves one after another, and the more they think about it, the more embarrassed they become.

I don't even know what to say. There are indeed many talents on the Internet cursing themselves.

When Zhang Huaijin said this, the person next to him rolled his eyes and said.

"Once you are done, don't worry about that too much. Things are different from what you think. Just rest and rest as soon as possible."

It stands to reason that the current situation is different from what you imagined. Why are you always reluctant to participate in this kind of show?

It stands to reason that this kind of show is very famous. He was shocked and didn't know how to describe it. After all, he likes to participate in this kind of show.

It's a very good thing in itself, but now it feels very embarrassing to think about it, and I don't even know how to describe it.

Zhang Huaijin was about to say something when he saw a public employee's car coming outside

His face was very ugly, and he turned to look at Zhang Huaijin.

He said: "Where did you get the corpse this morning, then do you know that the problem with this corpse now is very big."

Zhang Huaijin had a slight meal, and looked over, with a dazed look in his eyes.

Said: "What the hell is going on? Is this unwell and drowning?"

At that time, this group of people said to themselves vowedly, as if they saw people die there, but now the problem is like this, which makes people feel shocked, I don't know how to say it.

The staff on the side pushed his glasses and said.

"It's different from what you think. He has a lot of wounds on his body. As the first witness, and you discovered these things, you must be called over to reconfirm the situation at that time."

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