My wife is 30

Chapter 414: Go Home

Ji Yu's face was a bit ugly, and he just came back from people's home. It didn't take long, but so many things happened.

I don't know why I participated in this program, just when I was about to say something.

I heard a round of knocks outside the door.

Zhang Huaijin immediately regained consciousness and walked forward and said, "I'll open the door."

People who came from outside should have come to find themselves, and took the initiative to walk up while thinking.

Sure enough, I only saw a very familiar figure walking outside. This person was a man who appeared when I found the body before.

It should have been a while since the man was investigating the case here. The man's eyes are all black, and now he looks very sleepy.

Now see Zhang Huaijin.

He immediately said, "I am very embarrassed to pick up Mr. Zhang Huaijin. We have caught the prisoner now. It is your friend Wu Liang, including his wife. This time the matter is very serious."

"I heard that he also tied up your wife, and did you show it to you? This matter is very important. I hope you can give us a clue."

This is not something that an ordinary person can do. Their every move has violated the law. Anything that violates the law is a very disgusting thing.

It's hard to imagine something, just say it directly.

"This time, as long as you can provide relevant evidence, you will be able to bring them to Yao Lao prison, and you can guarantee that they will not be able to get out for at least a few years, and they will even be sentenced to death if they are very serious. I hope you can Think about it."

After Zhang Huaijin was stunned, he quickly recovered and nodded.

Said: "It turned out to be like this, I was still in a daze just now, I'm really sorry."

It seems that my wife's sudden return this time should be due to someone's active rhythm, not because Wu Liang wants to release people.

Invite people into the room.

He said, "I don't know how my wife came back. I called him a full 20 million yuan. He said that he would let my wife come back. I thought they kept the agreement and let me back to my wife."

The more I think about it, the more I feel ridiculous, how could I have this kind of heaven, really thought, especially Wu Liang and their insatiable people.

Even if there is only 10 million yuan in his hand, he will continue to ask for it, besides, he said that he gave very few things.

How could they take this money to heart.

The more I think about it, the more I feel very uncomfortable.

Wu Liangguang needs to spend a lot of money to run a company, and the money he gave is only a fraction of a fraction.

I saw that the captain in front of me suddenly said: "This time the matter is very important. I hope you can think about it. At that time, we found your personal account."

"Plus your secretary has said this in advance, so we monitored your account there and immediately located his location."

The more I think about it, the more I feel embarrassed. This case is hard to imagine, and this case seems to be very complicated.

It's hard to imagine how it happened. It stands to reason that rich people should tell the relevant people the first choice in life.

And he is a professional person, especially when it comes to the legal aspect, but what he didn't expect was that Zhang Huaijin would never show up from beginning to end.

Instead, he left the work to a group of secretaries and even found a team of lawyers, not sure what he wanted to do.

It was because he was so distressed that he didn't understand, so he took the initiative to come forward this time, and he wanted to ask why.

Zhang Huaijin didn't choose to find someone to ask for help, but to find some lawyers. This kind of thing is about human life.Even a lawyer might be useless.

He took Zhang Huaijin's initiative to step forward and said seriously: "I'm really sorry, I really didn't want to tell you about this matter before, because I think there is nothing to say about this time."

The more I think about it, the more embarrassing it feels. If I confess this time to someone directly, it will be hard to tell.

After all, a child has been educated by people in the family. If you have something to do, you must find these professionals.

It’s because they are free, and they don’t do anything excessive, but they just follow their own ideas.

He nodded apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, but this time I'm going it alone."

The captain nodded gently, looked around, and said.

"By the way, how many people have you heard about this time? Many people are curious about this time. Who knows about your wife being kidnapped this time."

"...I suspect that there should be some accomplices behind him, otherwise your wife won't be kidnapped so easily. Please cooperate with us."

While talking, he looked at the monsoon next to him. From the beginning of the monsoon, he tried to reduce his sense of existence.

But as soon as I heard what people said, I nodded and said: "Then I am willing to cooperate with your work, I am very sorry."

He stepped forward to apologize repeatedly to this man.

After Zhang Huaijin watched his wife discussing with others there, he touched his chin thoughtfully.

It's hard to imagine this time. No one knows what happened, especially since his wife is also a very law-abiding person.

Why does it look very different now? It's not at all side by side with obeying the law and discipline. It makes people feel speechless when they think about it. Just when Zhang Huaijin was about to say something.

Ji Yu stepped forward and said cautiously: "You go out first, I have a little personal thing to tell him, I hope you can understand."

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Huaijin, with some emotion in his eyes, he wanted to say something, but fell silent again.

The way my wife is now makes people feel very speechless. There must be something to hide from me, but I don't know how to say it.

Since he has something to hide from himself, he still chooses to pretend not to know.

He nodded indifferently and said: "Okay, since this is what I look like, I'll go out first, just to go to the company to do some work.

As he said, he packed up his things and went to his company. When he first walked to the company, he immediately sat on the stool.

Dragging his chin, the whole person is thoughtful. What is going on now makes people feel very surprised. No one knows what his wife has done.

There is even a little secret that belongs to him, which makes it hard to imagine. It stands to reason that his wife should not be like this.

As a result, he actually started to hide himself in it, who knew what he was hiding.

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