My wife is 30

Chapter 427 Function

The girl lowered her head, pressed her lips lightly, looking at the woman standing outside the door, with a bit of envy on her face unconsciously.

He soon recovered calmly and said.

"The boss is busy inside now, saying not to let you in and disturb him, I'm really sorry, this is what the boss meant."

As he said, he looked up, and he was obviously the imperial decree under him, how could he say such a thing.

Now that I know it is fake when I hear it, I always feel even more helpless when I think about it.

Ji Yu nodded gently, with a little bit on his face, he didn't expect his lover to be on such an important holiday.

I just rejected myself, no one knows what the reason is, so it shouldn't be.

If this important holiday is rejected, it is not like a normal man should do.

After looking thoughtfully at the girl in front of her, she nodded and said.

"It turned out to be like this, then nonsense, not much to say."

I probably understand what is going on. Everyone knows nothing about the truth, but the current situation is always hard to imagine.

After the rainy season, he nodded gently and said.

"Okay, this thing looks like this, then I won’t say much, I’ll just go over and see what’s going on, he is my husband, I know him well, he will definitely come directly, it’s impossible. Let me leave directly."

Saying that he didn't care what the woman in front of him thought, he turned his head and entered the office, Zhang Huaijin was looking at the files inside.

This time, the wife went directly into the office and said immediately when her eyes lit up slightly.

"What's going on? Why are you here? Someone said just now that you called me, didn't you sit at home?"

When he said that, he scratched his head directly, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes. Could it be that his wife was waiting outside for him?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that there is a possibility of forgetting things, and my face is a bit ugly, things are different from the past, it is difficult to imagine, or even know how to say.

Zhang Huaijin took a deep breath and was about to say something when he saw Jiyu said.

I'm always outside the door.

"Let the secretary come over and tell you, saying, I want to come and find you, but you didn't let me in for a long time, and I don't know what's going on."

I touched my head directly with both hands, and my whole person became cold. In many cases, things are not like this, which makes it hard to imagine.

I don't even know how to say it. Obviously, this time, someone made a ghost in one of the cases. If it wasn't for someone to make a ghost in it, how could it be possible?

When she thought of what the woman had just made up herself, her face instantly became cold, and she came down.

"When did my husband say such a thing, you should explain it to me. The more you think about it, the more angry you get."

He pulled the girl in and said, "When did my husband say not to let me come, but you are too much, right? Did you talk like that?"

The more I thought about it, the more I felt very sad. It was obvious that I was destroying the relationship between the two fathers, and people didn't know what to say.

You shouldn’t be like this when you say something, but the way a girl feels like this is too much, when you encounter this kind of problem.

I chose to lie without saying anything. Is this a normal thing or a wrong thing? Isn’t this something that can be seen at a glance?

He had realized that something was wrong, so he looked up and said.

"How does this matter look like this, I always think the problem is big."

It stands to reason that this girl is new and should not have some other ideas, but it is hard to believe why this girl has to talk in it.

What is going on makes the whole person feel a little dazed, and they don't know what to say when looking at the current situation.

The girl didn't expect that she would be pulled over, with a bit of embarrassment on her face and a guilty conscience.

Said: "I don't have him for anything, besides, there is no big problem with this matter. I thought the lady boss was not going to come over, and the boss is too busy, I just wanted you to hurry up Go back and rest."

There is a bit of embarrassment on the woman's face, or two people know the problem at a glance. The girl is obviously lying there, and the girl is not kind at all.

Zhang Huaijin glanced at him faintly, with a warning in her eyebrows, and the woman immediately lowered her head with a bit of embarrassment on her face.

He did not expect that these little programs of his could be easily seen by others, and he didn't even know what to say.

Ji Yu looked at things like this and turned his head and looked over.

Said: "Now things are like this, don't talk nonsense, nothing is of any use, but let's turn around and leave here."

He sighed softly as he said, looked at the little girl next to her with a bit of helplessness in her eyes, and she didn't know what to say with a bit of documents in her heart.

The girl's behavior was really disgusting. He didn't pull his lover, and the two of them walked out directly.

The faces of the two people were very ugly. Regarding the matter this time, they did not expect to achieve this kind of result, especially since they were simply crazy.

Zhang Huaijin took his wife, and the two walked out of the door. Just as soon as they walked out, they suddenly thought of something else.

Immediately smiled and raised his head and said.

"By the way, I have something to tell you. Now we have to find a lawyer and find out that there have been problems in our company. I hope you can think about what you think."

With that, he turned his head and looked at the monsoon.

Ji Yu still felt a little uncomfortable just now, but now he has calmed down and said very seriously

"When I was at home, I said that there were some other problems in the company, so I just stayed here, ready to ask you what is going on."

I touched my head while thinking, with a bit of embarrassment on my face. Yes, it’s hard to imagine this time. If something else happens,

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