My wife is 30

Chapter 432: Strength

This is a truly capable person, and an old man, as an old man.

He definitely has many ways, but the fact that things are merged is the beginning of unconsciousness and doubt.

With sweat on his face, the man said,

"Yeah, you are still a junior, I think you should surrender quickly, here you have to be strong, it is useless, you also feel that I have used all my own strength."

"If you really continue to fight, it will be of no benefit to you. Only if you surrender yourself can you get a way out."

The man's mouth is still trying to be strong, he doesn't even know how to say it, obviously he can't beat it at all.

He couldn't even stay there for long, but he absolutely couldn't lose his face, so he wiped his forehead.

He said: "Okay, don't tell me so much nonsense in this, do you surrender or not? If you don't surrender, don't blame the old man for doing my best here."

In fact, I had already caught my ability to the greatest level, and even started to be overloaded, and the sweat on his forehead kept breaking.

The whole body is feverish, the more I think about it, the more shocked I am, and I don't even know what to say?If you really can't beat it, then there is no hope.

On the contrary, he must use psychological warfare to completely suppress this young man.

Only by completely suppressing this kind of young man can he be relieved.

Zhang Huaijin could already see that he was forcibly supporting it, and said.

"Are you sure you didn't joking with me here, you are in such a bad state now, what do you want to do?"

The more I think about it, the more I feel surprised. It is obvious that things are in front of people, but the more I think about it, the more embarrassing people feel, and I don’t even know how to say it.

Zhang Huaijin let herself ignore his cruel words and said immediately.

"You are sweating profusely now, are you sure you really want this?"

It's not that Zhang Huaijin couldn't see it, but that the current state was temporarily too bad, and he didn't even know how to describe it.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that feelings don’t even know what to do?

Falling into silence, if you really continue, you are already so old, are you really going to overdraw all your stamina here?

Zhang Huaijin glanced at the person and said immediately.

"You are not in a good state at all. I hope you can think about it by yourself, don't try to be strong in front of me, I know you are tired."

The more I think about it, the more I feel embarrassed. I'm already this old, an old man

But in the fight, he was not soft at all, and even held his life desperately.

Zhang Huaijin took a deep breath.

"Okay, I have to say so much, you surrender quickly, and your current physical strength has reached the limit, don't you? Do you have to let me explain things clearly to you?"

"Your physical strength has reached the limit, so you should think about it yourself, otherwise, for you, your state will only be worse."

For some people, physical strength is already a very important thing, especially for an elderly man like him, who has no physical strength anymore.

Just stay there and live there, why do you have to pretend to be here?

The more I thought about it, the more shocking it became. Zhang Huaijin realized the problem for the first time.

The old man took a deep breath. He didn't expect Zhang Huaijin to be like this, so he said immediately.

"I didn't expect you to be so good now? But with such a good experience, can you give me a chance."

"An opportunity for me to beat you, young man, I need an opportunity to be upright, not for you to pity me in it."

He had already noticed that Zhang Huaijin could actually defeat him, but Zhang Huaijin had never used his means.

I would rather lose upright, but I can't just be let go.

He also watched Zhang Huaijin's previous battles secretly several times, and he also knew what Zhang Huaijin was good at and what he was not good at.

But he has been waiting for Zhang Huaijin to find a way to attack.

As a result, Zhang Huaijin did it for a long time, which was a two-stroke style, which made people feel more shocked as they thought about it.

It seems that he doesn't put people in his eyes, and he has even begun to have such an attitude. The more people think about it, the more disgusting.

As soon as Zhang Huaijin heard the old man say this, he immediately knew that he was a little angry, and nodded and said.

"Okay, there is no problem, I want to see how long you can really hold on.?"

The first time he tried his best to overcome strength with softness, he wanted to see how powerful Zhang Huaijin really was. The more he thought about it, the more he was shocked.

He is already old and should have quit a long time ago, and he is in a position to hope that people like Zhang Huaijin can quickly win.

Maybe it can bring some very special experiences to people. People like Zhang Huaijin alone are very powerful.

If you go by yourself, maybe Zhang Huaijin can really become a real king here.

The old man looked there for a while, and found that Zhang Huaijin's movements were getting too short, and even when fighting, his moves were thousands of strange.

No matter how heavy or powerful one's own power is, without dedication, it is for Zhang Huaijin.

This is different. Zhang Huaijin doesn't care about his abilities at all.

Instead, he evaded his skills, and instead slammed through the gap, looking blankly from the beginning.

Later, it became clear that Zhang Huaijin never gave up. At this moment, she really had a fight.

It also got a bit of fun.

It is to do his best in this, he has already said, if you want to do your best, then if you really do your best, it is a kind of respect for people.

Seeing that everything is now like this, Zhang Huaijin glanced at the person, rolled his eyes and said.

"You look like this, can you still beat me?"

Zhang Huaijin glanced at the person and said immediately.

"It's no use, I don't bother to listen, explain to me here, I just want to tell you, within three moves, you are going to lose."

This is very arrogant.

The audience next to them was stunned, and countless audiences opened their eyes wide, and said uncontrollably.

"Really? Is Zhang Huaijin really so powerful? Are the three moves sure?

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