My wife is 30

Chapter 435: Feeling

Because now Zhang Huaijin has already won, and he has won in a place that is highly anticipated. The more I think about it, the more I feel that normal people have won.

That is victory.

Zhang Huaijin's victory was a very exciting thing for him. Who is Zhang Huaijin?

He is a very important person to himself, no one wants to say more?But Zhang Huaijin's victory alone is in his eyes.Is a very important thing.

If you can win the game of your beloved, as long as you are an individual, you will feel very excited.

Although I don't know what it is because of what it looks like, being able to win is what it can represent.

The more people think about it, the more they feel very admired. When looking at Zhang Huaijin, there is a bit of affection in his eyes.

He doesn't even know what to say. Zhang Huaijin is very good now, but he can really be worthy of Zhang Huaijin.

I am not a member of Zhang Huaijin's country, but a foreigner. Zhang Huaijin's country is very xenophobic.

Who knows if Zhang Huaijin and people from the country are different from being together because of their nationality?I couldn't help but started to worry, and didn't even know what to say.

If something happens because of this unwarranted reason, then the relationship between the two people will become particularly bad. What should we do then?

The more Jiyu thinks about it, the more he feels uncomfortable, and he doesn't even know what to say. It's better to solve the problem now.

Otherwise, there will be problems in the relationship between the two people, which will make people feel very embarrassed.

I'm most scared. What kind of relationship problems have occurred between two people. For all people, it is not a good thing to have relationship problems?The most fearful thing is that there are problems between relationships,

When Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, the person next to him walked over.

Said: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful? Just let me see your victory."

There was a bit of emotion in the eyes of Jiyu.

Zhang Huaijin is very different in normal times, but now he is a very famous figure.

I don't know how to say it, but Zhang Huaijin is so good, he can prove that the gym is good.

If Zhang Huaijin's strength is not enough, it will be a very huge disaster for everyone.

It depends on how powerful Zhang Huaijin is.

Just Zhang Huaijin's current strength made people feel very emotional, so he took a breath and said.

"Your current strength is very powerful, what do you want to do? It's better to tell me directly, I want to take you back, I don't know if you want it or not."

I want to take Zhang Huaijin back. This is not a sudden thought, but an idea that has already existed. I just hope that Zhang Huaijin can promise to take him back.

Zhang Huaijin heard Ji Yu suddenly say so much, and his eyes flashed a little triumphantly.

Is Jiyu wooing himself now? Yes, Jiyu and himself are not from the same country, so what if I could be with him last time?

I feel a little depressed unconsciously, and don't even know what to say?Please clearly put it in front of people, but don't know what people should say.

What I fear most is what happens, which will be a huge disaster for everyone.

On the contrary, this time the problem has already involved emotional issues, which makes people feel very emotional, and the face is also unconsciously embarrassed by the score.

The complexion is also very ugly, I am most afraid of any relationship problems between two people, if there are any relationship problems

It didn't look like a good thing for both of them, and while thinking about it, he sighed deeply, with a bit of helplessness.

"You are not wrong, I came to watch your game, I didn't expect you to be so good."

In his eyes, some of these people are very powerful, but what some people are like is unknown.

Seeing the old man next to him, Zhang Huaijin was embarrassed to continue playing chess with Ji Yu and said directly.

"Okay, I will take the old man up first. I want to take the old man out and take him out for a meal. He and I get along very well. I can't tell you what the reason is."

At least when I looked at this old man, I felt that he was a friend, someone who could have a good relationship, and the old man in front of him was really amazing.

The more people think about it, the more they feel sigh. The old people can prove what they are just now. They are a man and a woman.

How long is it that I have been grinding here, and finally thought of myself?

Just said: "Well, I lost this game. I shouldn't come over to provoke you, let alone kick your restaurant."

When the old man said something, his face suddenly became a little ugly.

"But if I lose this game, I have a brother, he will definitely not want to, if he knows that I lost the game."

"He must be particularly dissatisfied in his heart, and he will come over to trouble you at that time, but he doesn't know what you will do."

While talking, he was a little embarrassed, scratching his head, his brother is also a very famous person in the circle.

And he is a famous lunatic, who knows what's going on?And he is very stubborn.

If you really want to do something, many people have no choice but to let them do whatever they want.

People think that they feel a little speechless, Zhang Huaijin is about to say something, and just say yes when he hears him.

"Okay, don't ask so much. It's useless. It's just a game. What can be done."

It’s just a game, nothing looks like in his eyes, it’s too big a problem, winning or losing a game is a matter of indifferent things.

If you lose, Fa makes people feel very emotional, and the more you think about it, the more shocking you feel, and you don't even know how to say it.

I was afraid that the game could not be won, but it made people feel very shocked.

With a bit of confusion on his face, Zhang Huaijin had already realized the problem and walked forward directly.

Said to the huge audience below.

"Okay, don't watch the excitement here, you audience members, let's go away now? There won't be any ring in a short time now."

It's not that Zhang Huaijin is telling lies here. It is really impossible to tell the truth. Many things are different from what people imagine. Not all people come to challenge themselves and they have to agree to it.

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