My wife is 30

Chapter 440 Question

"What the hell do you want to do. Are you coming here just to vent your anger to your brother?"

The old man didn't say a word just now, as if he had met something there.

When I watched Zhang Huaijin, my temper was particularly bad, which made people feel shocked. Then you said that normal people would not encounter this kind of thing, but now it makes people feel better.

Even Zhang Huaijin understands what he wants, but the current situation makes people feel.

The movements under the old man's hands became more and more powerful, without stopping at all, he attacked very hard there.It's faster.

"For me, you should stop making jokes with me here. It has no effect, but you."

"You surrender quickly, you young man, you are just a futile man in front of me."

In his eyes, although his brother is a good person, their abilities are also very poor, and when compared with them, they are not very powerful people.

After only a few fights with Zhang Huaijin, he was able to find out the depth of this person, and there is not a very powerful character, it is just a false name, the more I think about it, the more I feel emotional.

It's not so good to forget your eyes.This is the first time she has encountered such a thing

While thinking, the old man turned to look at the person next to him, rolled his eyes and said.

"Let me say, you and you don't make any jokes with me here. It has no effect. You are sure that this person just hit you.

"Did you not release water on him? After only a few blows of his breath, it was already disordered like this."

In his eyes, someone who became very warm after a few breaths must be a waste.

But it seems that things are laid out clearly, making people feel that this lover is really a powerful character, or it is the beginning that makes people feel uncontrollable.

He looked a little bit unkind, and said immediately.

"I don't think you are such a powerful person, right? You are not that powerful, are you? As long as you can be powerful, your breath is disordered for so long."

The more I think about it, the more I think it’s ridiculous, how powerful he was when he was young, but this young man is just a mere illusion.

It stands to reason that normal people shouldn't encounter this kind of thing, but this kind of young people are just showing their faces in there.

On the contrary, it makes people feel even more shocked. What is it that there will be no false expressions or characters in front of oneself?Just deliberately, look for things here.

The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he got. When he looked at Zhang Huaijin, there was a bit of mockery in his eyes.

He laughed.

"How do you know if this breath disorder is real or fake? You can't feel it."

The more I think about it, the more amusing it becomes. Yes, there are so many people in this world, whether it is a breath that is really wrong or a fake disorder.

But as long as an individual can overcome it and imitate inside, many people don’t believe this every day.


The old man hesitated for a moment, and said in disbelief.

"You mean, can your life be in line with other people's progress here? Why do I feel a little unbelievable."

If his breath can match the progress of others, what a powerful character he is.

"But you can't even use the most common method now. Are you still doing this with me?

There can be many people in the world to hide their breath, but they are desperate to make their hearts more stable.

There is absolutely no one there trying to make their own information more decompressive, and if the breath is chaotic, the harm is enough for a person.

Now his breath is already like this, what is going on?Could it be some other reason?Even if he is an outsider, he is a little confused.

The old man was thinking secretly in his heart, setting his gaze, with a little dazed, many times things were different from what he imagined.

But the current situation alone makes it hard to imagine. Is it true that I think too much?Still say that I really did not think wrong.

He narrowed his eyes and said.

"You don't want to use various formulas to beat me, do you want to change?"

He once heard of a trick that is very powerful, but this condition requires that the person's breath is very high. Only when the person's aura is very high, what will happen.

But the current situation is obviously not. The more I think about it, the more people feel curious, and I don't even know what to say.

What is happening now is obviously not what I thought, but what is going on now

Zhang Huaijin yawned happily, looked at the person next to him, rolled his eyes and said.

"Do you think you are very good now? But when you and I are about to fight, you will never feel the problem."

Zhang Huaijin changed without saying a word. The double-named moves had already become the form of eagle claws, and the person next to him looked inside.

I immediately realized what the problem was. How many people received Zhang Huaijin in any case at the same time?The current strength is enough, strong

Zhang Huaijin was about to say something, and found that there was something wrong with it, so he walked forward at that moment.

Said: "What the hell do you want to do? Why are you stopping here suddenly."

This old man has never been soft when he fights with people here, but now the old man feels hard to imagine, he just stands motionless here.

People don't know what's going on, as if they are very serious, even Zhang Huaijin has a slight meal.

Turning his head to look, he was a little curious in his eyes, Zhang Huaijin said.

The old man said directly.

"You are here, don't talk nonsense to me, it is of no use, but what is it that you are thinking? In the end, is it not clear in your heart?"

I'm still pretending to be like you here, saying how good I am, but the more I think about it, the more ridiculous it becomes.

If this kind of person is really powerful, how could he appear in this kind of game.

You have a stronger sense than before, and you rolled your eyes at the person and said.

"Don't tell me anything, you will get off the stage obediently, or wait a while for the old man, if I oust you, you will know the problem."

Only when people are truly ousted, will he truly know the terrible world.

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